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A fully-featured Express blog (see README for full list of features) that uses a service worker for offline functionality.

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Fully-Featured Express Blog

  • Routing using express.Router()
  • Exporting Route Callback Functions as Controllers
  • Gzipping, Minifying (using compression, express-minify)
  • Aggressive Caching of App Shell (using Cache-Control, Expires headers)
  • New/Useful CSS Features (Custom Properties (Variables), Grid, 'font-display' property, new text decoration properties, :not())
  • Advanced JS Methods (namely .reduce())
  • ES6 / ES7 Features (Async / Await syntax, Object.entries() / Object.values())
  • Pug Templating / Mixins
  • BEM Naming Convention for CSS
  • Dynamic Environment Variable Swapping Based on Environment (to use as NODE_ENV= in package.json scripts)
  • rem / em units (rem largely for text sizing, em for most everything else, particularly media queries)
  • Service Worker (for offline functionality)
  • Mongoose ORM with MLab MongoDB database
  • Flash Messaging
  • Mobile-First Design
  • Getting / Setting Data from LocalStorage
  • Full CRUD Functionality
  • Posts Use Markdown Syntax with marked (try it yourself!)
  • Forms Sanitization with express-validator
  • Ajax Requests using axios
  • Custom-made SVG Icons
  • Streams using the file system (i.e. .createReadStream(), .createWriteStream(), .pipe())
  • Regular Expressions for Text Formatting
  • Turbolinks -- fetches new content using XHR requests and swaps out the document body instead of making a full pushback to the server (i.e. no page refreshes)
  • Performant CSS transitions

Will Likely Add:

  • Mongoose lifecycle hooks (i.e. pre .save())
  • Background Sync
  • manifest.json
  • Testing (probably with Jest and Enzyme)
  • JSON Web Tokens
  • express-validator (to provide feedback to user on auth)
  • Intersection Observer API (if there are images)
  • Push notifications
  • CDN (maybe a trial version from cloudinary or something, we'll see)
  • Sending emails with SendGrid
  • Provide options for sign-up (i.e. provide both email as well as phone)

To Do:

  • Maybe add page to cache if user has been on page for a certain amount of time (i.e. a minute or so)
  • Disable links to inaccessible parts of the site when offline
  • Revisit essentials of mobile UX Design to make sure site satisfies them


  • Establish your app shell, aggressively cache

Helpful Resources During Development

Using @fontface with Google Fonts Critical Render Article - CSS Tricks


A fully-featured Express blog (see README for full list of features) that uses a service worker for offline functionality.







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