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Building Container Images

Building images using fedpkg

Following command submits a build to Koji:

fedpkg container-build --target=<target>

For detailed Fedora workflow please visit Fedora Layered Image Build System guide.

Building images using koji

Using a koji client CLI directly you have to specify git repo URL and branch:

koji container-build <target> <repourl>#<branch/ref> --git-branch <branch>

The koji-containerbuild plugin provides the container-build sub-command in the koji CLI. Please install the plugin in order to access this sub-command:

sudo yum install python3-koji-containerbuild-cli

You will now have the container-build sub-command available on your workstation. For a full list of options:

koji container-build --help

Streamed build logs

When atomic-reactor in the orchestrator build runs its orchestrate_build plugin and watches the builds, it will stream in the logs from those builds and emit them as logs itself, with the platform name as one of the fields. The extra fields for these worker logs will be: platform, level.

Note that there will be a single Koji task with a single log output, which will contain logs from multiple builds. When watching this using koji watch-logs <task id> the log output from each worker build will be interleaved. To watch logs from a particular worker build image owners can use koji watch-logs <task id> | grep -w x86_64.

Koji Build Results

Koji Web

This is the easiest way to access information about OSBS builds.

List Builds

Navigate to the "Builds" tab in koji and set the "Type" filter to image.

Get Build

If you have the build ID, go to <KOJI_WEB_URL>/buildinfo?buildID=<build-ID>

If you want to search build by its name or part of name, use the search box on top of the page. For example, redis-* and select "Builds".

In koji build you can find a lot information about build, some noticeable are:

  • pull specifications for the build in the 'Extra' section image.index.pull, for digest type in image.index.digests
  • list of image archives for each specific architecture for which build was executed (for more detailed information about specific archive click on 'info')

Also in the "Extra" section, docker.config shows (parts of) the docker image JSON description, as well it indicates container image API version.

See atomic-reactor documentation for a full description of the Koji container image metadata.

Get Task

All OSBS builds triggered via koji have a task linked to them. On the Build info page, look at the "Extra" field for the container_koji_task_id value. When you locate this task ID integer, go to <KOJI_WEB_URL>/taskinfo?taskID=<task-ID> to find the task responsible for the build.

Build Logs

The logs can be found in task's "Output" section (older builds will have that section empty as logs has been garbage collected), or in build's "Logs" section (persist after garbage collection).

Koji CLI

List Builds

List all image (OSBS) builds:

koji call listBuilds type=image

Apply filter for more specific search:

koji call listBuilds type=image createdAfter='2016-02-01 00:00:00' prefix=redis

Search for builds of specific users:

koji call listUsers prefix=<user>  # get user-ID
koji call listbuilds type=image userId=<user-ID>
Get Build

Retrieve build information from either the build ID or the build NVR:

koji buildinfo <build-ID or build-NVR>
Get Task

The "Extra" field in build result is useful to track the task that originated this build. Use the "container_koji_task_id", or "filesystem_koji_task_id", to get more info about task:

koji taskinfo <task-ID>
Cancel Task

You can cancel a buildContainer koji task as for other types of task, and this will cancel the OSBS build:

koji cancel <task-ID>

Build Notifications

Package owners and build submitter will be notified via email about build.

Building images using osbs-client

_osbs-client provides osbs CLI command for interaction with OSBS builds and allows creation of new builds directly without koji-client.

Please note that mainly koji and fedpkg commands should be used for building container images instead of direct osbs-client calls.

To execute build via osbs-client CLI use:

osbs build -g <git_repo_url> -b <branch> -u <username> --git-commit <commit> [--platforms=x86_64] [-i <instance>]

To see full list of options execute:

osbs build --help

To see all osbs-client subcommands execute:

osbs --help

Please note that osbs-client must be configured properly using config file /etc/osbs.conf. Please refer to osbs-client configuration section <configuring-osbs-client> for configuration examples.

Accessing built images

Information about registry and image name is included in koji build. Use one of names listed in extra.image.index.pull to pull built image from a registry.

Writing a Dockerfile

A Dockerfile is required for building container images in OSBS. It must be placed at the root of git repository. There can only be a single Dockerfile per git repository branch.

Some labels are required to be defined:

  • com.redhat.component: the value of this label is used when importing a build into Koji via content generator API. We recommend that all images use a component string ending in -container here, so that you can easily distinguish these container builds from other non-container builds in Koji. The value can't be empty.
  • name: value is used to define the repository name in container registry to push built image. Limit this to lowercase alphanumerical values with the possibility to use dash as a word separator. A single / is also allowed. . is not allowed in the first section. For instance, fed/rsys.log and rsyslog are allowed, but fe.d/rsyslog and rsys.log aren't. The value can't be empty.
  • version: used as the version portion of Koji build NVR, as well as, for the version tag in container repository. The value can't be empty, and may be defined via ENV variable from parent.

For example:

LABEL com.redhat.component=rsyslog-container \
      name=fedora/rsyslog \

When OSBS builds a container image that defines the above labels, a Koji build will be created in the format rsyslog-container-32-X. Where X is the release value. The container image will be available in container registry at:

The release label can also be used to specify the release value use for Koji build. The value can't be empty, and may be defined via ENV variable from parent. When omitted, the release value will be automatically determined by querying Koji's getNextRelease API method.

Other labels are set automatically when not set in the Dockerfile:

  • build-date: Date/Time image was built as RFC 3339 date-time.
  • architecture: Architecture for the image.
  • OpenShift node where image was built.
  • vcs-ref: A reference within the version control repository; e.g. a git commit.
  • vcs-type: The type of version control used by the container source. Currently, only git is supported.

Although it is also possible to automatically include the vcs-url label, the default set of automatically included labels does not include the label.

Sites wanting to include the vcs-url label to the set should do so by using custom orchestrator_inner:n.json and worker_inner:n.json specifying the full set of implicit labels for the add_labels_in_dockerfile plugin:

  "args": {
    "auto_labels": ["build-date", "architecture", "vcs-type", "vcs-url", "vcs-ref", ""]
  "name": "add_labels_in_dockerfile"

Finally, it is also possible to set additional labels through the reactor configuration, by setting the label key values in image_labels.

Image configuration

Some aspects of the container image build process are controlled by a file in the git repository named container.yaml. This file need not be present, but if it is it must adhere to the container.yaml schema.

An example:

  # all these keys are optional

  - x86_64   # can be a list (as here) or a string (as below)
  - ppc64le
  - armhfp
  not: armhfp

    - module:
    - module:
      archive: anotherpackage.tar.gz
      path: anotherpackage-v0.54.1

  # used for requesting ODCS compose of type "tag"
  - nss_wrapper  # package name, not an NVR.
  - httpd
  - httpd-devel
  # used for requesting ODCS compose of type "pulp"
  pulp_repos: true
  # used for requesting ODCS compose of type "module"
  - "module_name1:stream1"
  - "module_name2:stream1"
  # Possible values, and default, are configured in OSBS environment.
  signing_intent: release
  # used for inheritance of yum repos and ODCS composes from baseimage build
  inherit: true

image_build_method: docker_api

  from_latest: false
  add_timestamp_to_release: false


Keys in this map relate to multi-platform builds. The full set of platforms for which builds may be required will come initially from the Koji build tag associated with the build target, or from the platforms parameter provided to the create_orchestrator_build API method when Koji is not used.


list of platform names (or a single platform name as a string); this restricts the platforms to build for using set intersection


list of platform names (or a single platform name as a string); this restricts the platforms to build for using set difference


Keys in this map relate to source code in the Go language which the user intends to be built into the container image. They are responsible for building the source code into an executable themselves. Keys here are only for identifying source code which was used to create the files in the container image.


sequence of mappings containing information for the Go modules (packages) built and shipped in the container image. The accepted mappings are listed bellow.


top-level go module (package) name to be built in the image. If modules is specified, this entry is required.


possibly-compressed archive containing full source code including vendored dependencies.


path to directory containing source code (or its parent), possibly within archive.


This section is used for requesting yum repositories at build time. When this section is defined, a compose will be requested by using ODCS.


list of package names to be included in ODCS compose. Package in this case refers to the "name" portion of the NVR (name-version-release) of an RPM, not the Koji package name. Packages will be selected based on the Koji build tag of the Koji build target used. The following command is useful in determining which packages are available in a given Koji build tag: koji list-tagged --inherit --latest TAG

If "packages" key is declared but is empty (packages: [] in YAML), the compose will include all packages from the Koji build tag of the Koji build target.

ODCS will work more quickly if you only specify the minimum set of packages you need here, but if you want to avoid hard-coding a complete package list in container.yaml, you can use the empty list to just make everything available.


boolean to control whether or not an ODCS compose of type "pulp" should be requested. If set to true, content_sets.yml must also be provided. A compose will be requested for each architecture in content_sets.yml. See content_sets.yml. Additionally also build_only_content_sets will be used if provided.


list of modules for requesting ODCS compose of type "module". ODCS will cherry-pick each module into the compose.

Use this modules option to make module builds available that are not yet available from the other options like Pulp. This is useful if you want to test a newly-built module before it is available in Pulp, or if you want to pin to a specific module that MBS has built.

This list can be of the format name:stream, name:stream:version, or name:stream:version:context.

If you specify a name:stream without specifying a version:context, ODCS will query MBS to find the very latest version:context build. For example, if you specify go-toolset:rhel8, ODCS will query MBS for the latest go-toolset module build for the rhel8 stream, whereas if you specify go-toolset:rhel8:8020020200128163444:0ab52eed, ODCS will compose that exact module instead.

Note that if you simply specify a name:stream for a module, ODCS will compose the very latest module that a module developer has built for that stream, and this module might not be tested by QE or GPG signed. Alternatively, if your desired module is already QE'd, signed, and available in Pulp, the pulp_repos: true option will ensure that your container build environment only uses tested and signed modules.


used for verifying packages in yum repositories are signed with expected signing keys. The possible values for signing intent are defined in OSBS environment. See config.yaml-odcs section for environment configuration details, and full explanation of signing-intent.


boolean to control whether or not to inherit yum repositories and odcs composes from baseimage build, default false. Scratch and isolated builds do not support inheritance and false is always assumed.


If you set include_unpublished_pulp_repos: true under the compose section in container.yaml, the ODCS composes can pull from unpublished pulp repositories. The default is false. Use this setting to make pre-release RPMs available to your container images. Use caution with this setting, because you could end up publicly shipping container images with RPMs that you have not exposed publicly otherwise.


If you set ignore_absent_pulp_repos: true under the compose section in container.yaml, ODCS will ignore missing content sets. Use this setting if you want to pre-configure your container's content_sets.yml in dist-git before a Pulp administrator creates all the repositories you expect to use in the future. Alternatively, do not enable this setting if you want to enforce strict error-checking on all the the content set names in content_sets.yml.


List of methods used to determine if a package should be considered multilib. Available methods are iso, runtime, devel, and all.


Platform list for which the multilib should be enabled. For each entry in the list, ODCS will also include packages from other compatible architectures in the compose. For example when "x86_64" is included, ODCS will also include "i686" packages in the compose.


List of Koji tags in which the modular Koji Content Generator builds are tagged. Such builds will be included in the compose. When true is specified instead of list, koji build tag of the koji build target will be used instead.


Content sets used only for building content, not for distributing. Will be used only if pulp_repos is set to true. These content sets won't be included in ICM image_content_manifest. A compose will be requested for each architecture additionally with content_sets.yml. Definition is the same as for content_sets.yml See content_sets.yml.

If there is a "modules" key, it must have a non-empty list of modules. The "packages" key, and only the "packages" key, can have an empty list.

The "packages", "modules", "modular_koji_tags" and "pulp_repos" keys can be used mutually.


This section holds the information needed to build a Flatpak. For more information on Flatpak builds, see flatpak-docs. This is a map with the following keys:


The ID of the application or runtime. Required.


name label in generated Dockerfile. Used for the repository when pushing to a registry. Defaults to the module name.


com.redhat.component label in generated Dockerfile. Used to name the build when uploading to Koji. Defaults to the module name.


The image that is used when installing packages to create the filesystem. It is also recorded as the parent image of the output image. This defaults to the flatpak: base_image setting in the reactor-config-map.


The branch of the application or runtime. In many cases, this will match the stream name of the module. Required.


A shell script that is run after installing all packages. Only applicable to runtimes.


The name of the executable to run to start the application. If not specified, defaults to the first executable found in /usr/bin. Only applicable to applications.


Tags to add to the Flatpak metadata for searching. Only applicable to applications.


Arguments to flatpak build-finish (see the flatpak-build-finish man page). This is a string split on white space with shell style quoting. Only applicable to applications.


List of tags to be applied to the built image. When this option is specified, the tags described will be applied to the image. If present, the {version}, latest, and the tags listed in the additional-tags file will no longer be automatically applied. See the image-tags section below for further reference.


This key is no longer used by OSBS and is only kept in the schema for backwards compatibility.


Optional string. If set, osbs-client will modify each stage of the image's Dockerfile, adding an ENV statement immediately following the FROM statement. The ENV statement will assign an environment variable with the same name as the value of set_release_env and the value of the current build's release number. Users can use this environment variable to get the release value when running tools inside the container.


This map accepts keys, as described below. This values are only used for autorebuilds, if autorebuilds are enabled.


Boolean to control whether to rebuild from the latest commit in the build branch. Defaults to false. When true, each autorebuild will use the latest commit in build branch, when false, each autorebuild will use the original commit from build branch of original build.


Boolean to control whether to append timestamp to explicitly specified release for autorebuilds. Defaults to false. When true it will append timestamp to release with . separator. For example if name is fedora/rsyslog, version is 32, and release is 5, the container image will be available in container registry at:


Boolean to control whether to rebuild when parent image triggering build was isolated build. Defaults to false. When true and base image specified for autorebuild is isolated build, it won't trigger the autorebuild. When false and base image specified for autorebuild is isolated build, it will trigger the autorebuild as usual.

Automatic Rebuilds

This section specifies whether and how a build should be rebuilt based on changes to the base parent image.

By default autorebuild is disabled. The feature can be enabled by making some changes in your dist-git repo and submitting a container build.

You can modify behavior of autorebuilds in container.yaml within container.yaml-autorebuild.

Enabling Automatic Rebuilds

Enable autorebuild in config:

fedpkg container-build-setup --set-autorebuild true

This will create/update the .osbs-repo-config file. The file will be automatically added for commit.

Finally, add all modified files, commit, and push modifications. For these changes to take place, request a container build as usual:

fedpkg container-build

This must be a regular non-scratch/non-isolated build. The steps above apply to a single branch in your dist-git repo. It must be repeated for each branch you wish to enable the feature.

The next time the parent image used by your container image is updated, your image will be automatically rebuilt.

Disabling Automatic Rebuilds

First, use fedpkg to disable autorebuild:

fedpkg container-build-setup --set-autorebuild false

This will create/update the .osbs-repo-config file. The file will be automatically added for commit.

Finally, commit and push modifications. For these changes to take place, request a container build as usual:

fedpkg container-build

This must be a regular non-scratch/non-isolated build. The steps above apply to a single branch in your dist-git repo. It must be repeated for each branch you wish to disable the feature.


This string indicates which build-step plugin to use in order to perform the layered image build, on a per-image basis. The docker_api plugin uses the docker-py module to run the build via the Docker API, while the imagebuilder plugin uses the imagebuilder utility to do the same. Both have similar capabilities, but the imagebuilder plugin brings two advantages:

  1. It performs all changes made in the build in a single layer, which is a little more efficient and removes the need to squash layers afterward.
  2. It can perform multistage builds without requiring Docker 17+ (which Red Hat and Fedora do not support).

In order to use the imagebuilder plugin, the imagebuilder binary must be available and in the PATH for the builder image, or an error will result.

Fetching source code from external source using cachito

As described in cachito-integration, it is possible to use cachito to download a tarball with an upstream project and its dependencies and make it available for usage during an OSBS build.


This map contains configuration of what sources OSBS will request from cachito and how they will be requested. The keys accepted here are described below. If OSBS cachito integration is not configured in the OSBS instance, the entries here will be ignored.


String with an URL to the upstream project SCM repository, such as Required.


String with a 40-character reference to the SCM reference of re project described in repo to be fetched. This should be a complete git commit hash. Required.


A list of package managers to be used for resolving the upstream project dependencies. If not provided, Cachito will assume gomod due to backward compatibility reasons, however, this default could be configured differently on different Cachito deployments (make sure to check with your Cachito instance admins). Finally, if this is set to an empty array ([]), Cachito will provide the sources with no package manager magic. In other words, no environment variables, dependencies, or extra configuration will be provided with the sources.


List of flags to pass to the cachito request. See the cachito documentation for further reference.


A map of package managers where each value is an array of maps describing custom behavior for the packages of that package manager. For example, if you have two npm packages in the same source repository, you can specify the subdirectories with the path key. For example {"npm": [{"path": "client"}, {"path": "proxy"}]}.

Once the remote_source map described above is set in container.yaml, you can now copy the upstream sources (with bundled dependencies) provided by cachito in your build image by adding:


to your Dockerfile. From this point on, you will find the root of the upstream project at $REMOTE_SOURCE_DIR/app, and the project dependencies at $REMOTE_SOURCE_DIR/deps.

Note that $REMOTE_SOURCES_DIR is a build arg, available only in build time, with the absolute path to the directory where the sources are expected to be (OSBS sets other build args such as GOPATH for Golang sources relying on the existence of the dependencies in this directory). Hence, for cleaning up the image after using the sources, add the following line to the Dockerfile after the build is complete:


$REMOTE_SOURCE is another build arg, which points to the extracted tar archive provided by cachito in the buildroot workdir.


To better use the cachito provided dependencies, a full gomod supporting Golang version is required. In other words, you should use Golang >= 1.13

Replacing project dependencies with cachito

Cachito also provides a feature to allow users to replace a project's dependencies with another version of that same dependency or with a completely different dependency (this is useful when you want to use a patched fork for a dependency).

OSBS allows users to use this feature for test purposes. In other words, you can use cachito dependency replacements for scratch builds, and only for scratch builds.

You can use this feature using the --replace-dependency option, which is available for the fedpkg, koji, and osbs commands.

This option expects a string with the following information, separated by the : character: pkg_manager:name:version[:new_name], where pkg_manager is the package manager used by cachito to handle the dependency; name is the name of the dependency to be replaced; version is the new version of the dependency to be injected by cachito; and new_name is an optional entry, to inform cachito that the dependency known as name by the package manager should be replaced with a new dependency, known as new_name by the package manager.:

fedpkg container-build --scratch --replace-dependency


koji container-build [...] --scratch --replace-dependency --replace-dependency

In the examples above, two dependencies would be replaced. cool-go-project would be used in version v1.2, no matter what version is specified by the project requesting it. Whereas will be replaced by version 2.

Note that while in fedpkg the replace dependency option receives multiple parameters, the same option should be specified multiple times in koji or the osbs CLI. This was done to keep the consistency with the similar option to specify yum repository URLs in each particular CLI.

Content Sets

The file content_sets.yml is used to define the content sets relevant to the container image. This is relevant if RPM packages in container image are in pulp repositories. See pulp_repos in container.yaml-compose for how this file is used during build time. If this file is present, it must adhere to the content_sets.yml schema.

An example:

- server-rpms
- server-extras-rpms

- server-for-power-le-rpms
- server-extras-for-power-le-rpms

Using Artifacts from Koji

During a container build, it might be desirable to fetch some artifacts from an existing Koji build. For instance, when building a Java-based container, JAR archives from a Koji build are required to be added to the resulting container image.

The atomic-reactor pre-build plugin, fetch_maven_artifacts, can be used for including non-RPM content in a container image during build time. This plugin will look for the existence of two files in the git repository in the same directory as the Dockerfile: fetch-artifacts-koji.yaml and fetch-artifacts-url.yaml. (See fetch-artifacts-url.json and fetch-artifacts-nvr.json for their YAML schema.)

The first is meant to fetch artifacts from an existing Koji build. The second allows specific URLs to be used for fetching artifacts. Note that all combinations of the yaml files here described are valid, i.e., you can have either one of the two files in your repository or you could have both files in the repository. fetch-artifacts-koji.yaml will be processed first.


- nvr: foobar # All archives will be downloaded

- nvr: com.sun.xml.bind.mvn-jaxb-parent-2.2.11.redhat_4-1
  # pull a specific archive
  - filename: jaxb-core-2.2.11.redhat-4.jar
    group_id: org.glassfish.jaxb

  # group_id omitted - multiple archives may be downloaded
  - filename: jaxb-jxc-2.2.11.redhat-4.jar

  # glob support
  - filename: txw2-2.2.11.redhat-4-*.jar

  # pull all archives for a specific group
  - group_id: org.glassfish.jaxb

  # glob support with group_id restriction
  - filename: txw2-2.2.11.redhat-4-*.jar
    group_id: org.glassfish.jaxb

  # causes build failure due to unmatched archive
  - filename: archive-filename-with-a-typo.jar

Each archive will be downloaded to artifacts/<mavenfile_path> at the root of git repository. It can be used from Dockerfile via ADD/COPY instruction:

  artifacts/org/glassfish/jaxb/jaxb-core/2.2.11.redhat-4/jaxb-core-2.2.11.redhat-4.jar /jars

The directory structure under artifacts directory is determined by koji.PathInfo.mavenfile method. It’s essentially the end of the URL after /maven/ when downloading archive from Koji Web UI.

Upon downloading each file, the plugin will verify the file checksum by leveraging the checksum value in the archive info stored in Koji. If checksum fails, container build fails immediately. The checksum algorithm used is dictated by Koji via the checksum_type value in the archive info.

If build specified in nvr attribute does not exist, the container build will fail.

If any of the archives does not produce a match, the container build will fail. In other words, every item in the archives list is expected to match at least one archive from specified Koji build. However, the build will not fail if it matches multiple archives.

Note that only archives of maven type are supported. If in the nvr supplied an archive item references a non maven artifact, the container build will fail due to no archives matching request.


- url:
  md5: e85807e42460b3bc22276e6808839013
- url:
  # Use different hashing algorithm
  sha256: 3ba8a145a3b1381d668203cd73ed62d53ba8a145a3b1381d668203cd73ed62d5
  # Optionally, overwrite target name
  target: custom-dir/custom-name.jar

Each archive will be downloaded to artifacts/<target_path> at the root of git repository. It can be used from Dockerfile via ADD/COPY instruction:

COPY artifacts/jboss-dv-6.3.0-teiid-jdbc.jar /jars/
COPY artifacts/custom-dir/custom-name.jar /jars/

By default, target_path is set to the filename from provided url. It can be customized by providing a target. The target value can be either a filename, archive.jar, or also include a path, my/path/archive.jar, for easier archive management.

The md5, sha1, sha256 attributes specify the corresponding hash to be used when verifying artifact was downloaded properly. At least one of them is required. If more than one is defined, multiple hashes will be computed and verified.

Koji Build Metadata Integration

In the future, a reference of each artifact fetched by OSBS will be added to the koji build metadata once imported via content generator API. The list of components for the container image in output list will include the fetched artifacts in addition to the installed RPMs.

Image tags

OSBS's atomic-reactor pushes the new container image to the container registry (or Pulp, if Pulp integration is enabled) and updates various tag references in the registry. In addition, when multi-platform builds are enabled, atomic-reactor groups each set of images into a manifest list and tags that manifest list.

OSBS determines the name of the repository from the name label in the Dockerfile. There are three categories of tags that OSBS creates when tagging the resulting image in the registry:

  • A "unique" tag: This tag includes the timestamp of when the image was built. For scratch builds, this is the only tag that OSBS applies. Example: rsync-containers-candidate-93619-20191017205627
  • A "primary" tag: This tag is the {version}-{release} for the image (a combination of the version and release labels in the Dockerfile). Example: 4-2. This tag is unique for each Koji build.
  • "floating" tag(s): These tags transition to newer image references over time. In other words, every time you build a new container image, OSBS updates these floating tags. Examples: latest, or {version}

    Floating tags are configurable. If you set tags in container.yaml, OSBS applies those tags to your newly-built image as floating tags.

    If you do not set tags in container.yaml, OSBS applies the following floating tags automatically:

    • {version} (the version label)
    • latest
    • any additional tags named in the additional-tags file (DEPRECATED and will no longer be supported in a future version. Please consider using tags in container.yaml instead)

These tags are applied to the manifest list or, if multi-platform image builds are not enabled (see group_manifests <group-manifests>), to the sole image manifest resulting from the build.

Override Parent Image

OSBS uses the FROM instruction in the Dockerfile to find a parent image for a layered image build. Users can override this behavior by specifying a koji parent build via the koji_parent_build API parameter. When a user specifies a koji_parent_build parameter, OSBS will look up the image reference for that koji build and override the FROM instruction with that image instead. The same source registry restrictions apply. For multi-stage builds, the koji_parent_build parameter will only override the final FROM instruction.

Additionally, the koji parent build must use the same container image repository as the value of the FROM instruction in Dockerfile. For instance, if the Dockerfile states FROM fedora:27, the koji parent build has to be of a container image that pushed to the fedora repository. The koji parent build may refer to a fedora:26 image, but using a koji parent build for an image that was pushed to rsyslog will cause a build failure.

This behavior requires koji integration to be enabled in the OSBS environment.

Koji NVR

When koji integration is enabled, every container image build requires a unique Name-Version-Release, NVR. The Name and Version are extracted from the name and version labels in Dockerfile. Users can also use the release label to hard code the release value, although this requires a git commit for every build to change the value. A better alternative is to leave off the release label which causes OSBS to query koji for what the next release value should be. This is done via koji's getNextRelease API method. In either case, the release value can also be overridden by using the release API parameter.

During the build process, OSBS will query koji for the builds of all parent images using their NVRs. If any of the parent image builds is not found in koji, or if NVR information cannot be extracted from the parent image, OSBS assumes that the parent image was not built by OSBS and halts the current build. In other words, an image cannot be built using a parent image which has not been built by OSBS. It is possible to disable this feature through reactor configuration, with skip_koji_check_for_base_image option in config.json, when there are no NVR labels set on the base image, if the NVR labels are set on the base image, the check is performed regardless.

Digests verification

Once OSBS has the koji build information for a parent image, it compares the digest of the parent image manifest available in koji metadata (stored when that parent build had completed) with the actual parent image manifest digest (calculated by OSBS during the build). In case manifests do not match, the build will fail and the parent image must be rebuilt in OSBS before it is used in another build.

If the manifest in question is a manifest list and the digests comparison fail, the V2 manifest digests in the manifest list will be compared with the koji build archive metadata digests. In this case, OSBS will only halt the build with an error, advising rebuilding the parent image, if the V2 manifest digests in the manifest list do not match the analogous koji information. This behavior can be deactivated through the deep_manifest_list_inspection option. See config.json for further reference.

Manifest lists can be manually pushed to the registry to make sure a specific tag (e.g., latest) is available for all platforms. In such cases, these manifest lists may include images from different koji builds. OSBS will only perform digest checks for the images requested in the current build. Moreover, build requests for platforms that were not built in the same koji build as the one found for the given image reference (manifest list) will fail.

It is also possible to have OSBS only warn about any digest mismatches (instead of halting the build with an error). This is done by setting the fail_on_digest_mismatch option to false in the config.json file.

Isolated Builds

In some cases, you may not want to update the floating tags for certain builds.

Consider the case of a container image that includes packages that have new security vulnerabilities. To address this issue, you must build a new container image. You only want to apply changes related to the security fixes, and you want to ignore any new unrelated development work. It is not correct to update the latest floating tag reference for this build. You can use OSBS's isolated builds feature to achieve this.

As an example, let's use the image rsyslog again. At some point the container image 7.4-2 is released (version 7.4, release 2). Soon after, minor bug fixes are addressed in 7.4-3, a new feature is added to 7.4-4, and so on. A security vulnerability is then discovered in the released image 7.4-2. To minimize disruption to users, you may want to build a patched version of 7.4-2, say 7.4-2.1. The packages installed in this new container image will differ from the former only when needed to address the security vulnerability. It will not include the minor bug fixes from 7.4-3, nor the new features added in 7.4-4. For this reason, updating the latest tag is considered incorrect.

7.4 version
|   |1 release
|   |2 release    |2.1 release
|   |3 release
|   |4 release

To start an isolated build, use the isolated boolean parameter. Due to the nature of isolated builds, you must explicitly specify your build's release parameter, which must match the format ^\d+\.\d+(\..+)?$.

Here is an example of an isolated build using fedpkg:

fedpkg container-build --isolated --build-release=2.1

Isolated builds will only create the {version}-{release} primary tag and the unique tag in the container registry. OSBS does not update any floating tags for an isolated build.

Yum repositories

In most cases, part of the process of building container images is to install RPM packages. These packages must come from yum repositories. There are various methods for making a yum repository available for your container build.

ODCS compose

The preferred method for injecting yum repositories in container builds is by enabling ODCS integration via the "compose" key in container.yaml. See image-configuration and signing-intent for details.

RHEL subscription

If the underlying host is Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), its subscriptions will be made available during container builds. Note that changes in the underlying host to enable/disable yum repositories is not reflected in container builds. Dockerfile must explicitly enable/disable yum repositories as needed. Although this is desirable in most cases, in an OSBS deployment it can cause unexpected behavior. It's recommended to disable subscription for RHEL hosts when they are being used by OSBS.

Yum repository URL

As part of a build request, you may provide the repo-url parameter with the URL to a yum repository file. This file is injected into the container build. Current OSBS versions support the combination of ODCS composes with repository files. This is a change to OSBS former behavior, where the ODCS compose would be disabled if a repository file URL was given.

Koji tag

When Koji integration is enabled, a Koji build target parameter is provided. The yum repository for the build tag of target is automatically injected in container build. This behavior is disabled if either "ODCS compose" or "Yum repository URL" are used.

Inherited yum repository and ODCS compose

If you want to inherit yum repositories and ODCS composes from baseimage build, you can enable it via the "inherit" key under "compose" in container.yaml. Does not support scratch or isolated builds. See image-configuration.

Signing intent

When the "compose" section in container.yaml is defined, ODCS composes will be requested at build time. ODCS is aware of RPM package signatures and can be used to ensure that only signed packages are added to the generated yum repositories. Ultimately, this can be used to ensure a container image only contains packages signed by known signing keys.

Signing intents are an abstraction for signing keys. It allows the OSBS environment administrator to define which signing keys are valid for different types of releases. See config.yaml-odcs section for details.

For instance, an environment may provide the following signing intents: release, beta, and unsigned. Each one of those intents is then mapped to a list of signing keys. These signing keys are then used during ODCS compose creation. The packages to be included must have been signed by any of the signing keys listed. In the example above, the intents could be mapped to the following keys:

# Only include packages that have been signed by "my-release-key"
release -> my-release-key
# Include packages that have been signed by either "my-beta-key" or
# "my-release-key"
beta -> my-beta-key, my-release-key
# Do not check signature of packages - may include unsigned packages
unsigned -> <empty>

The signing intents are also defined by their restrictive order, which will be enforced when building layered images. For instance, consider the case of two images, X and Y. Y uses X as its parent image (FROM X). If image X was built with "beta" intent, image Y's intent can only be "beta" or "unsigned". If the dist-git repo for image Y has it configured to use "release" intent, this value will be downgraded to "beta" at build time.

Automatically downgrading the signing intent, instead of failing the build, is important for allowing a hierarchy of layered images to be built automatically by ImageChangeTriggers. For instance, with Continuous Integration in mind, a user may want to perform daily builds without necessarily requiring signed packages, while periodically also producing builds with signed content. In this case, the signing_intent in container.yaml can be set to release for all the images in hierarchy. Whether or not the layered images in the hierarchy use signed packages can be controlled by simply overriding the signing intent of the top most ancestor image. The signing intent of the layered images would then be automatically adjusted as needed.

In the case where multiple composes are used, the least restrictive intent is used. Continuing with our previous signing intent example, let's say a container image build request uses two composes. Compose 1 was generated with no signing keys provided, and compose 2 was generated with "my-release-key". In this case, the intent is "unsigned".

Compose IDs can be passed in to OSBS in a build request. If one or more compose IDs are provided, OSBS will classify the intent of the existing compose. This is done by inspecting the signing keys used for generating the compose and performing a reverse mapping to determine the signing intent. If a match cannot be determined, the build will fail. Note that if given compose is expired or soon to be expired, OSBS will automatically renew it.

The signing_intent specified in container.yaml can be overridden with the build parameter of same name. This particular parameter will be ignored for autorebuilds. The value in container.yaml should always be used in that case. Note that the signing intent used by the compose of parent image is still taken into account which may lead to downgrading signing intent for the layered image.

The Koji build metadata will contain a new key, build.extra.image.odcs.signing_intent_overridden, to indicate whether or not the signing_intent was overridden (CLI parameter, automatically downgraded, etc). This value will only be true if build.extra.image.odcs.signing_intent does not match the signing_intent in container.yaml.

Base image builds

OSBS is able to create base images, and it does by creating Koji image-build task, importing its output as a new container image, then continuing to build using a Dockerfile that inherits from that imported image.

Each dist-git branch should have the following files:

  • Dockerfile
  • image-build.conf
  • kickstart.ks (or any .ks name, but must match what image-build.conf references)

The Dockerfile should start "FROM koji/image-build", and continue with LABEL and CMD etc instructions as needed.

The image-build.conf file should start "[image-build]" and set the target (for the image-build task), distro, and ksversion, for example:

target = f30
distro = Fedora-30
ksversion = Fedora

The image-build task will need to know where to find the kickstart configuration; it finds this from the 'ksurl' and 'kickstart' parameters in image-build.conf. If these are absent from the file in dist-git, atomic-reactor will provide defaults:

  • kickstart: 'kickstart.ks'
  • ksurl: the dist-git URL and commit hash used for the OSBS build

In this way, the kickstart configuration can be placed in the dist-git repository as 'kickstart.ks' alongside the Dockerfile and image-build.conf files, and the correct git URL and commit hash will be recorded in Koji when the image is built. This is the recommended way of providing a kickstart configuration for base images.

Alternatively it can be stored elsewhere (perhaps another git repository) in which case a URL is needed. However, when doing this please make sure to use a git commit hash in the 'ksurl' parameter instead of a symbolic name (e.g. branch name); failure to do this means there will be no reliable way to discover the kickstart configuration used for the built image.

To execute base image build, run:

fedpkg container-build --target=<target> --repo=url=<repo-url>

The --repo-url parameter specifies the URL to a repofile. The first section of this is inspected and the 'baseurl' is examined to discover the compose URL. You can also use --compose-id parameter to specify ODCS composes from which additional yum repos will be used.

Multistage builds

Often users may wish to build an image directly from project sources (rather than intermediate build artifacts), but not include the sources or toolchain necessary for compiling the project in the final image. Multistage builds are a simple solution.

Multistage refers to container image builds with at least two stages in the Dockerfile; initial stage(s) provide a build environment and produce some kind of artifact(s) which in the final stage are copied into a clean base image. The most obvious signature of a multistage build is that the Dockerfile has more than one "FROM" statement. For example:

FROM toolchain:latest AS builder1
RUN make artifact

FROM base:release
COPY --from=builder1 artifact /dest/

In most respects, multistage builds operate very similarly to multiple single-stage builds; the results from initial stage(s) are simply not tagged or used except by later COPY --from statements. Refer to Docker multistage docs for complete details.

In OSBS, multistage builds require using the imagebuilder plugin, which can be configured as the system default or per-image in container.yaml.

In a multistage build, yum repositories are made available in all stages. The build may have multiple parent builds, as each stage may specify a different image. The parent images FROM initial stages are pulled and rewritten similarly as the parent in the final stage (known as the "base image"). Note that ENV and LABEL entries from earlier stages do not affect later stages.

Note that the COPY --from=<image> form (with a full image specification as opposed to a stage alias) should not be used in OSBS builds. It works, but the image used is not treated as other parents are (rewritten, etc). To achieve the same effect, specify such images with another stage, for example:

FROM AS source1
FROM base
COPY --from=source1 src/ dest/

Operator manifests

OSBS is able to extract operator manifests from an operator image. This image should contain a /manifests directory, whose content can be extracted to koji for later distribution.

To activate the operator manifests extraction from the image, you must set a specific label in your Dockerfile to identify your build as either an operator bundle build or an appregistry build:


Only one of these labels (the appropriate one for your build) may be present, otherwise build will fail.

When present (and set to true), this label triggers the atomic-reactor export_operator_manifests plugin. This plugin extracts the content from the /manifests directory in the built image and uploads it to koji. If the /manifests directory is either empty or not present in the image, the build will fail.

Since the operator manifests are not tied to any specific architecture, OSBS will decide from which worker build the manifests will be extract (and make sure only a single platform will upload the archive to koji). If, for some reason, you need to select which platform will extract and upload the manifests archive, you can set the operator_manifests_extract_platform build param to the desired platform.

[Backward compatibility] If the build succeeds, the build.extra.operator_manifests_archive koji metadata will be set to the name of the archive containing the operator manifests (currently,

The operator manifests archive is uploaded to koji as a separate type: operator-manifests (currently with filename

Operator manifest bundle builds

This type of build is for the newer style of operator manifests targeting Openshift 4.4 or higher. It is identified by the label.

To make OSBS cooperate on building your operator manifest bundle, you will need to set up the following:


# Base needs to be scratch
FROM scratch

# Make this an operator bundle build

# Does not matter where you keep your manifests in the repo, but in the
# final image, they need to be in /manifests
COPY my-manifests-dir/ /manifests

container.yaml (see operator_manifests in container.yaml schema)

  # Relative path to your manifests dir from root of repo
  manifests_dir: my-manifests-dir

In addition to extracting the /manifests dir to koji after build as described above, the pin_operator_digest plugin is able to pin related image pullspecs in your ClusterServiceVersion files.

Put simply, pin_operator_digest replaces floating tags in image pullspecs with manifest list digests, creates a .spec.relatedImages section in the file and puts all the pullspecs in it.


If your ClusterServiceVersion file has a non-empty .spec.relatedImages section, OSBS will assume that it already contains correctly pinned pullspecs and will not touch the file.

Additionally, the plugin provides repo and registry replacement to allow workflows where you use private or testing pullspecs in your manifest and OSBS replaces them with final (perhaps customer-facing) pullspecs.

Replacing pullspecs

Each step of pullspec replacement can be enabled/disabled using the corresponding option in container.yaml. By default, all steps are enabled.

  enable_digest_pinning: true
  enable_repo_replacements: true
  enable_registry_replacements: true
digest pinning

Query registry for manifest list digest, replace tag with it.

E.g. ->

repo replacements

Query registry for package name (determined by component label in image), replace namespace/repo based on said package name. Only applies to images from registries that have a package mapping configured, either in OSBS site configuration or in container.yaml:

    - registry:
        foobar-package: foo/bar

E.g. ->

It may happen that the registry of one of your images has a package mapping, but is missing the replacement / has multiple possible replacements for a package. In this case, the build will fail and you will need to define the replacement in container.yaml as shown above.

registry replacements

Based purely on OSBS site configuration, after digest is pinned and repo is replaced, registry may also be replaced if atomic-reactor is configured to do so.

E.g. ->

Pullspec locations

Before OSBS can pin your pullspecs, it first needs to find them. Because it is practically impossible to tell if a string is a pullspec, atomic-reactor has a predefined set of locations where it will look for pullspecs.

  1. metadata.annotations.containerImage anywhere in the file

    jq: .. | .metadata?.annotations.containerImage | select(. != null)

  2. All containers in each deployment

    jq: .spec.install.spec.deployments[].spec.template.spec.containers[]

  3. All initContainers in each deployment

    jq: .spec.install.spec.deployments[].spec.template.spec.initContainers[]

  4. All RELATED_IMAGE_* variables for all containers and initContainers

    jq: .env[] | select(.name | test("RELATED_IMAGE_")) for each of [2], [3]

  5. All pullspecs from all annotations. This is done heuristically (OSBS needs to guess what might be a pullspec). See heuristic annotations below.

Heuristic annotations

OSBS will attempt to extract all pullspecs from all attributes of each metadata.annotations object in a CSV. If an attribute contains more than one pullspec (as text, e.g. comma-separated), all of them should be found. Here is how OSBS implements this. One important thing to note is that only pullspecs conforming to a relatively strict format will be found this way:

registry/namespace*/repo:tag or registry/namespace*/repo@sha256:digest

Any number of namespaces, including 0, is valid. Registry must contain at least one dot: is valid but localhost is not. Digest, if present, must be exactly 64 base16 characters. Tag or digest must be specified, implicit latest tag is not supported.


kind: ClusterServiceVersion
    containerImage:  # [1]
    foobar:, # [5]
      - spec:
                containerImage:  # [1]
              - name: baz
                image:  # [2]
                - name: RELATED_IMAGE_SPAM
                  value:  # [4]
              - name: eggs
                image:  # [3]
Creating the relatedImages section

Each entry in the .spec.relatedImages section needs a name and an image - image being simply the pullspec itself. The name is constructed differently depending on where the pullspec was found.

annotations [1], [5] <example-csv>

Take repo name and tag/digest from pullspec, add "-annotation"


  • -> foo-v1.1-annotation
  • -> foo-123abc...-annotation
containers [2] <example-csv>

Reuse original name, e.g. {name: baz, image: ...} -> baz

initContainers [3] <example-csv>

Same as containers

RELATED_IMAGE env vars [4] <example-csv>

Take name of variable, remove RELATED_IMAGE_ prefix, convert to lowercase


The final relatedImages section of the example file would look like this:

  - name: foo-<digest>-annotation
  - name: bar-<digest>-annotation
  - name: baz
  - name: eggs
  - name: spam
  - name: jam-<digest>-annotation
  - name: foobar-<digest>-annotation

OSBS makes no guarantees about the order in which relatedImages will be added.

If 2 or more entries with the same name are found, then their images must also match, otherwise this is a conflict and build will fail. This is especially important for annotations, where the name is a combination of repo and tag. Using 2 images with the same repo and tag but different registry/namespace is not allowed.

Operator manifest appregistry builds

This type of build is for the older style of operator manifests targeting Openshift 4.3 or lower. It is identified by the label.

After a successful build, if OMPS integration <omps-integration> is enabled, operator manifests are uploaded into configured application registry and namespace.

Details on how operator manifest can be accessed from the application registry are stored in koji build, in section build.extra.operator_manifests.appregistry.

Manifests will not be pushed to the application registry for scratch builds, isolated builds, or re-builds to prevent unwanted changes

Inspecting built image components

It is possible to inspect OSBS built image contents from within the image container.

In addition to being able to do so with the package manager available in the image, if any, e.g., RPM through rpm -qa to list all the packages installed in the image, OSBS also makes sure the following artifacts are shipped within the image


The Dockerfiles used to build the current container image and its parents, which is located in the /root/buildinfo directory.

Note that this is not necessarily the same Dockerfile provided by the user in the dist-git repository. OSBS makes changes to the Dockerfile and some of these changes may appear in these files whenever relevant. For instance, the FROM instruction may show the parent image digest instead of the repository and tag information.

Image Content Manifests

Image Content Manifests are JSON files shipped in OSBS built images with additional information on the contents shipped in the image.

The Image Content Manifest file is layer specific, and is located under the /root/buildinfo/content_manifests directory. It is named after the image NVR, and it is validated against the JSON Schema that defines the Image Content Manifest.

Among the data available in the Image Content Manifest file (Check the JSON Schema for further information), most important are the image_layer_index, which point to the layer that introduced the components listed in that file, i.e., the most recent layer for that image, and:

Content Sets

The content_sets field lists the content sets listed in the git repository for the platform supported by the image. This attribute may differ for each different platform the image was built for.

See content_sets.yml for further reference.

Extra contents

The image_contents field lists the non-RPM contents fetched from Cachito (see cachito-usage) that were used during the image build and that were made available in the image.

For additional information on how to navigate through these contents, refer to the Image Content Manifest JSON Schema.

Building Source Container Images

OSBS is able to build source container image from a particular koji build previously created by OSBS. To create a source container build you have to specify either koji N-V-R or build ID for the image build you want to create a source container image for.

When koji build is using lookaside cache, that may include all sort of things about which we can't get any information, in that case source container build will fail.

Under the hood the BSI project is used to generate source images from sources identified and collected by OSBS. Please note that BSI script must be available in the OSBS buildroot as bsi executable in $PATH.

Current limitations:

  • only Source RPMs and sources fetched through cachito-integration are added into source container image
  • only koji internal RPMs are supported

Support for other types of sources and external builds will be added in future.

Signing intent resolution

Resolution of signing intent is done in following order:

  • signing intent specified from CLI params (koji, osbs-client),
  • otherwise signing intent is taken from the original image build,
  • if undefined then default signing intent from odcs configuration section in reactor-config-map is used.

If ODCS integration is disabled, unsigned packages are allowed by default.

Koji integration

Koji integration must be enabled for building source container images. Source container build requires metadata stored in koji builds and koji database of RPM builds which source container build uses to lookup for sources.

Source container builds uses different task type: buildSourceContainer.

Koji Build Metadata Integration

Source container build uses metadata from specified image build in the following manner:

  • name: suffix -source is appended to original name (ubi8-container will be transformed to ubi8-container-source)
  • version: value is the same as original image build
  • release: a suffix .X is appended to original release value, where X is a sequential integer starting from 1 increased by OSBS for each source image rebuild.

For example, from N-V-R ubi8-container-8.1-20 OSBS creates source container build ubi8-container-source-8.1-20.1.

The original image N-V-R is stored in extra.image.sources_for_nvr attribute in koji source container build metadata.

Building source container images using koji

Using a koji client CLI directly you have to specify git repo URL and branch:

koji source-container-build <target>  --koji-build-nvr=NVR --koji-build-id=ID

For a full list of options:

koji source-container-build --help

Building source container images using osbs-client

Please note that mainly koji and fedpkg commands should be used for building container images instead of direct osbs-client calls.

To execute build via osbs-client CLI use:

osbs build-source-container -c <component> -u <username> --sources-for-koji-build-nvr=N-V-R --sources-for-koji-build-id=ID

To see full list of options execute:

osbs build-source-container --help

To see all osbs-client subcommands execute:

osbs --help

Please note that osbs-client must be configured properly using config file /etc/osbs.conf. Please refer to osbs-client configuration section <configuring-osbs-client> for configuration examples.