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Terskikh Maria edited this page Sep 29, 2017 · 15 revisions

The chkit expose command creates a Service, which sets a protocol and list of all exposed ports. It also automatically creates a JSON file, which contains parameters for Service. The created file expose.json is kept in the directory $HOME/.containerum/src/json_templates.

Command syntax

To execute chkit expose, you need to specify:

Flag Parameter Description
KIND type of object: Deployment
NAME object name. Note: object name can only contain lower-case letters.
--ports or -p PORTS Input format: To create an external service PORTNAME:TARGETPORT[:PROTOCOL] To create an internal service PORTNAME:TARGETPORT:PORT[:PROTOCOL]  PORTNAME – port name inside the service TARGETPORT – port number inside the Pod PORT – internal port number PROTOCOL - TCP or UDP protocol
Note: The default value for PROTOCOL = TCP

Необязательные параметры:

Flag Parameter Description
--help or -h print usage info
--namespace or -n NAMESPACE Namespace
Note: the default value for NAMESPACE = default
--debug or -d print system info on command execution
$ chkit [--debug -d ] expose KIND NAME (-p --ports PORTS)[--namespace -n NAMESPACE][--help | -h]


$ chkit expose deploy myapp -p portname:2321:TCP

expose... OK
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