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* use cert-machine instead of old cert-generator

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voskvv committed Feb 5, 2019
1 parent c5adac3 commit 5fbf697
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Showing 8 changed files with 142 additions and 179 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion content/about/
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Containerum documentation walks you through all aspects of Containerum installat

**[About](/about)** contains Documentation overview.

**[Installation](/installation/prerequirements)** contains describes how to bootstrap Kubernetes Distribution by Containerum (KDC) from binaries or using Containerum Element installer.
**[Installation](/installation/prerequirements)** describes how to bootstrap Kubernetes Distribution by Containerum (KDC) from binaries or using Containerum Element installer.

**[Plugins](/plugins/)** section describes how to install and configure plugins that work best with KDC.

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187 changes: 92 additions & 95 deletions content/installation/packages/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
title: Kubernetes Certificates
title: Kubernetes Certificates and Kubeconfigs
linktitle: Generate certificates
description: Generation of certificates for etcd, kube-apiserver, kubelet, etc.
description: Generation of certificates and kubeconfigs for etcd, kube-apiserver, kubelet, etc.

categories: []
keywords: []
Expand All @@ -16,124 +16,121 @@ draft: false

# Certs preparation and generation

This section describes how to generate Kubernetes certificates with Containerum kube-cert-generator.
This section describes how to generate Kubernetes certificates with cert-machine.

> **Note**: All steps in this article can be performed on your host machine or on any other machine with the ssh access to all of your nodes.
## Generate certificates with Containerum kube-cert-generator
## Generate certificates with cert-machine

Download and build the script that helps generate and maintain certificate infrastructure sufficient to run a Kubernetes cluster:
Download and build cert-machine that helps generate and maintain certificate infrastructure sufficient to run a Kubernetes cluster:
{{< highlight bash >}}

mkdir -p cert
cd cert
curl -OL
tar xvf kube-cert-generator_linux_amd64_*.tar.gz
mv ca generator
chmod +x generator
rm -rfv kube-cert-generator_linux_amd64_*.tar.gz
git clone
cargo install
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.cargo/bin

{{< / highlight >}}

Config file `config.toml`:
overwrite_files = false # If "true" overwrite exsisting files.
validity_period = "24h" # default cert validity priod for all certificates.
key_size = 2048 # RSA key size for all certs.
[common_fields] # default parameters for all certs
common_name = "Sample Cert"
country = ["RU"]
organization = ["org"]
organization_unit = ["ou"]
locality = []
province = []
street_address = []
postal_code = []
[master_node] # certificate for kubernetes control plane
alias = "master"
addresses = ["", "", "", "", ""] # SAN for apiserver. Must contain all apiserver private addresses, public address (or public load balancer addr.) and cluster ip ( here).
[[worker_node]] # certificates for worker node
alias = "node-01" # must be same as hostname of node.
addresses = ["node-01", ""] # internal ip addr and hostname of node
alias = "node-02"
addresses = ["node-02", ""]
[[etcd_node]] # certificates for etcd
alias = "etcd1" # filename of etcd cert
addresses = ["ectd1", ""] # SAN for etcd
alias = "etcd2"
addresses = ["ectd2", ""]
[[extra_cert]] # you can generate some custom cert
name = "custom_cert"
common_name = ""
country = ["RU"]
organization = ["org"]
organization_unit = ["ou"]
locality = []
province = []
street_address = []
postal_code = []
validity_period = "24h"
key_size = 2048
[] # SANs for custom cert
alias = "etcd2"
addresses = ["", "", ""]
[ca] # certificate authority configuration
root_dir = "cert"
common_name = "Sample Cert"
country = ["RU"]
organization = ["org"]
organization_unit = ["ou"]
locality = []
province = []
street_address = []
postal_code = []
validity_period = "24h"
key_size = 2048

cluster_name = "Test kubernetes cluster" # Common name for certificate authority
validity_days = 365 # Validity in days for non CA certificates
master_san = ["", "", "", "", "", "m1-test", "m2-test", "m3-test"] # SAN for kube-apiserver certificate
apiserver_internal_address = "" # Apiserver address which will be writen in all kubeconfig files exclude admin.kubeconfig
apiserver_external_address = "" # Apiserver address which will be writen in admin and user kubeconfigs

[[worker]] # Worker node section
hostname = "node-01" # Hostname of worker node
san = ["", "node-01"] # SAN for kubelet server certificate

hostname = "node-02"
san = ["", "node-02"]

[[etcd_server]] # Etcd node section
hostname = "etcd1" # Hostname of etcd node
san = ["", "etcd1"] # SAN for etcd server and peer certificate

hostname = "etcd2"
san = ["", "etcd2"]

hostname = "etcd3"
san = ["", "etcd3"]

[ca] # Certificate authority section
country = "LV" # Country code can be presented in main CA cert. Optional
organization = "Exon LV" # Organization name can be presented in main CA cert. Optional
organization_unit = "Kubernetes Ops" # Organization unit can be presented in main CA cert. Optional
locality = "Riga" # Locality can be presented in main CA cert. Optional
validity_days = 1000 # Validity in days for all CA certs

### Usage:

`init-ca` - Initialize a CA.
`gen-csr` - Prepare configuration for generating a CSRs.
`sign file.crt` - Use CA to sign a CSR in file.csr. Result in file.crt.
`new` - Create new CA.
`gen-cert` - Create single certificate.

The script does not remove or overwrite any files with non-zero length - it completes the file structure to its full state by generating missing files from the files they are dependent on.
Cert-machine does not remove or overwrite any files. Instead it creates symlinks to files in the CA directory.

For example, if you put files `admin.key` and `etcd1.key` into an empty directory, and call this script from there, it will use `.key` files provided by you for generation of the CA certificate and `admin.csr` (and consecutively `admin.crt`). If you want to re-issue a certificate, just remove its `.cey`, `.csr` and `.crt` files and rerun the script.

The `init-ca` subcommand creates a new certificate authority from the `[ca]` template in `config.toml` file.
The `gen-csr` subcommand generates a certificate signing requests for all services, using IP addresses and DNS names from the `config.toml` file.
The `sign` subcommand signs CSR with CA key.

### Usage examples
The `new` subcommand generates a new certificate authority and signed certificates, using information about cluster from the `config.toml` file.
The `gen-cert` subcommand generates TLS certificates and kubeconig for node.

### Example

To generate a valid certificates range create a valid config like the one described below and run following commands:

{{< highlight bash >}}
./generator init-ca
./generator gen-csr
./generator sign cert/*.csr
cp certs/root/certs/root.crt cert/ca.crt
cp certs/root/keys/root.key cert/ca.key
cert-machine new
Creating CA with name: Test kubernetes cluster
Create CA: etcd
Create CA: front proxy
Creating cert for Kubernetes admin
Creating cert for Kubernetes API server
Creating cert for Kubernetes API server kubelet client
Creating cert for Kubernetes ETCD client
Creating cert for Kubernetes controller-manager
Creating cert for Kubernetes scheduler
Creating cert for front-proxy-client
Creating cert for Kubernetes proxy
Creating cert for node: node-01
Creating server cert for node: node-01
Creating cert for node: node-02
Creating server cert for node: node-02
Creating cert for etcd node: etcd1
Creating cert for etcd node: etcd2
Creating cert for etcd node: etcd3
{{< / highlight >}}

## Distribute configuration files

Distribute certificates and kubeconifgs across the nodes:
for instance in node-01 node-02 node-03; do
scp -r ${instance} ${instance}:~/

Copy the master files to each controller:

{{< highlight bash >}}

for instance in master-1 master-2 master-3; do
scp -r master/ ${instance}:~/

{{< / highlight >}}

Done! You have generated a full certificate bundle for Kubernetes infrastructure.

Now you can proceed to creating [kubeconfig files](/installation/packages/3kubernetes-configuration-files).
Now you can proceed to [etcd installation](/installation/packages/4etcd).
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ menu:
parent: "packages"
weight: 4

draft: false
draft: true

# Create authentication kubeconfig files
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ Distribute certificates across the nodes:
for instance in node-01 node-02 node-03; do
scp ca.crt ${instance}.crt ${instance}.key ${instance}:~/

Copy the appropriate kubeconfig files for `kubelet` and `kube-proxy` to each worker node:
Expand Down
11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions content/installation/packages/
Expand Up @@ -43,8 +43,9 @@ Run:
{{< highlight bash >}}

sudo cp ca.crt etcd.crt etcd.key /etc/ssl/etcd/
sudo chown etcd:etcd /etc/ssl/etcd/*.key /etc/ssl/etcd/*.crt
sudo cp * /etc/ssl/etcd/
sudo chown etcd:etcd /etc/ssl/etcd/*
sudo chmod 640 /etc/ssl/etcd/*.key

{{< / highlight >}}
Expand All @@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ In the case of etcd installation to master nodes `ETCD_NODE_1_IP` is equal to `M
Each etcd node must have a unique name within the cluster. Set the etcd node name to match the current node host name.

ETCD_NAME=$(hostname -s)

Edit the etcd config file in `/etc/etcd/etcd.conf`:
Expand All @@ -73,12 +74,12 @@ ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER_TOKEN="etcd-cluster-1"

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