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Testing navigation coordinator example. Requires iOS 16 and tested with Xcode 14.0 Beta 5

This is my first attempt of creating a complete SwiftUI app with complex navigation, reusable components and well separated modules for each of the layers simulating a real environment.

This structure works well assuming that you choose to use MVVM in your app.

How to run the project

The project uses Wiremock to mock the server response.

After installing Wiremock, go to the wiremock folder and run make mock. This will put up a local server.

How to test Push notifications in the simulator:

Go to the folder APNS simulator tests and drag and drop each of the .apns files into the simulator.

How to test deeplinks in simulator:

Execute one of the following lines in the terminal while the simulator is runing the app:

xcrun simctl openurl booted "tcn://matiascontreras.TestingCoordinatorNavigation/exampleModal"

xcrun simctl openurl booted "tcn://matiascontreras.TestingCoordinatorNavigation/notification?notificationId=4"

WIP and Known issues

  • There are many corrections to be made in the Networking module.
  • There are still some changes being made to the navigation stack.
  • There is no way of hiding the TabBar once you are logged in
  • I'm working on a way of passing Namespaces between views to enable smooth animations
  • You are welcome to open any PRs if you want to contribute


Testing navigation coordinator example. Requires iOS 16.






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