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Releases: conzty01/RA_Scheduler

Release v21.10.20.2

01 Feb 18:46
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New Features

The following are new features that were added in this Release:

  • The helperFunctions.getCurSchoolYear() method has been updated so that it uses the Res Hall configured start and end months instead of a default value. This method now also returns two objects instead of strings.
  • All RADSA calendars have been updated to only allow users to navigate and interact with the current school year.
  • Python has been upgraded from 3.6 to 3.9.
  • Staff Members listed in the 'Manage Staff' page are now sorted by Role and then by First Name by default. Extraneous columns have also been hidden from view.

Bug Fixes

The following are a list of the Issues that were resolved in this Release:

  • On the Enter Conflicts page, the "Today" navigation button previous would not update the calendar's year. This would cause issues if the user navigated to a month beyond the current year and then clicked the "today" button to go back to the current month.
  • Corrected bug where balancing the number of flagged duties each RA is assigned did not occur during the scheduling process.
  • Addressed a bug where the Manage Staff page would freeze after adding or removing a staff member. #121
  • Fixed bug with the Import Staff Tool where RAs that are already in the system are not added to the user's staff. #123
  • Eliminated bug that caused flagged duties to not get saved to the database.
  • Resolved bug where Request Date would not properly populate the field in the Edit Schedule page.
  • Fixed issue where attempting to create duplicate duties or break duties would cause the server to error out.


The following are a list of Issues that have been patched into this Release:

  • Addressed an issue where creating duty schedules could get stuck indefinitely. #129
  • Addressed a scenario where entering conflicts for a month that has fewer days in it than the current month resulted in an inaccurate UI state on the Enter Conflicts page. #139

Release v21.8.23

23 Aug 20:55
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New Features

The following are new features that were added in this Release:

  • New Scheduling Architecture - A separate process has been created for creating duty schedules which will free up the Web Server from performing this potentially costly operation. The Web Server and the scheduler process communicate through a RabbitMQ queue.

  • Scheduler Requests - The Edit Schedule page now displays the 10 most recent scheduler queue requests for the user's Res Hall. Users can click on the scheduler request to see additional details about the request.

  • New Multi-Date Selector - Updated Edit Schedule page to use a multi-date selector when queuing a scheduler request.

  • School Support - RADSA is now able to group Res Halls into schools and can grant and disable access to the web application at the Res Hall level.

  • Scheduler v4.2 - The scheduler algorithm is now able to recognize when too many staff members have entered duty conflicts for the same day. When this occurs, the algorithm will stop scheduling and inform the user that there are too few staff members available to generate a schedule.

Bug Fixes

The following are a list of the Issues that were resolved in this Release:

  • Fixed a bug where the getBreakStats() method would add up all break duties for a given staff member regardless of what Res Hall the break duty was for. Issue #97
  • Addressed an issue where the 'Export' button would appear on the Edit Schedule page even though the hall had not set up Google Calendar Integration.
  • Addressed code scanning alert in conflicts module.
  • Corrected miscellaneous visual bugs within the Edit Schedule page.
  • Fixed a bug where, when adding a staff member that already exists in the system, the staff member would be removed from their previous hall and placed in the new one.

Release v21.2.21

21 Feb 20:44
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New Features

The following are new features that were added in this Release:

  • User Bug Report Portal - RADSA now uses GitReports to allow users to be able to submit Bug Reports to the GitHub repo! Links to the RADSA GitReports page have been added in multiple places within the application, including in the dropdown menu located on the right side of the navbar.

  • User Friendly Error Pages - The error pages that users see when an issue occurs in the web portion of the application have been updated to be more user friendly. In addition, these pages now link to the GitReports page so that users can more easily report these issues.

  • Created Custom Exceptions for the gCalIntegratinator - The gCalIntegratinator (Google Calendar Interface) now uses custom Exception Objects where appropriate. This allows for better communication back to the calling methods when something goes awry.

Bug Fixes

The following are a list of the Issues that were resolved in this Release:

  • Addressed a bug in which the Conflicts Module Tests were not being discovered by the test scripts
  • Fixed an issue where RAs were being scheduled for days that they had entered conflicts for. Issue #84
  • Addressed a bug in which point modifiers were following RAs to different Res Halls.
  • Corrected an issue that occurs when attempting to add a duty to a month where a schedule record has not already been created. Issue #80
  • Fixed bug where running the scheduler on a month with a duty schedule would incorrectly calculate the RA's points.
  • Addressed potential security concern. PR #89
  • Fixed a bug where hitting the enter key would attempt to submit the form on the Manage Hall page. Issue #88
  • Fixed a bug where error messages were not aligned properly in modals.
  • Changed logic for removing a staff member in order to prevent unauthorized access to email addresses. Issue #95
  • Updated PSQL query to pull back not only RAs that have a break duty assigned. Issue #94


09 Feb 15:09
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Release v21.2.9

New Features

The following are new features that were added in this release:

  • Support for Area Coordinators (Multi-Hall Association) - RADSA has now been updated to support Area Coordinators who need to view/manage multiple Residence Halls. Users who are associated with multiple Residence Halls may now click on the name of their currently selected Res Hall in the top left of the navbar. Doing so will display a dropdown that contains the names of the other halls to which the user belongs. Selecting one of these other halls will change their view and permissions to the selected hall. Users who are only associated with a single Residence Hall will not see the dropdown appear.

  • Double-Duty Flags - Hall Directors are now able to enable and configure a setting in the Manage Hall page that will allow the scheduler to automatically denote a single duty slot on days with multiple duties with a configured label. A use case for this feature would be to specify that one RA on a multi-duty day should be considered "On-Call", "Primary" or any other such label that the Residence Hall might need. When enabled, the scheduler algorithm will also automatically attempt to balance out the number of flagged duties that each RA receives in a given month.

  • Additional Hall Settings - Additional Residence Hall settings have been exposed to Hall Directors through the Manage Hall Page. These settings allow for more granular control of the scheduler algorithm as well as the ability to enable and configure the Multi-Duty Day Flags mentioned above.

  • Edit Duty Point Values - The Web Application now allows for users with AHD permissions and above to alter the number of points awarded for both Break and Regular duties. Additionally, Regular duties can also be manually flagged through the Edit Schedule page.

Bug Fixes

The following are a list of the Issues that were resolved in this release:

  • Addressed possible security threat from httplib2 v0.18.0 dependency. PR #86
  • Addressed concern regarding HDs being able to move staff members to various Res Halls without permission. Issue #74


29 Jan 17:07
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Release v21.1.29

New Features

The following are new features that were added in this release:

  • New Blueprint Architecture - RADSA has now been converted to utilize the Flask Blueprint architecture. This breaks up portions of the application into modules called Blueprints which contain all of the unique functionality for that portion of the application. This was done to decrease the length of the file and increase productivity when making changes to multiple parts of the application by multiple teams.

  • Additional Documentation - With the architecture update came an increased focus on both inline and top-level documentation regarding the various functions of RADSA. This documentation is for development purposes only and does not seek to act as a User Guide.

  • Manual Duty Point Modification - Hall Directors are now able to make manual alterations to the number of duty points that an RA on their staff should have. By going to the Manage Staff page and attempting to edit an RA's information, HDs can now see a section where they may apply a modifier to the number of points an RA should have. These modifiers are only used by the scheduler when determining the order in which it should schedule RAs for duty-- these modifications are not visible outside of the Manage Staff page. A User Story for this addition can be found here.

  • New RA Selector - When attempting to run the scheduler, the Edit Schedule page now has a new dropdown for selecting which RAs should be considered for duty when scheduling. By default, all staff members are selected but each can be deselected either individually or en masse.

  • RA Highlighting - When filtering by RA on the Edit Conflicts page, the RA list now highlights the entry that is being filtered on. This improves usability when viewing an individual RA's conflicts for the given month.

Bug Fixes

The following are a list of the Issues that were resolved in this release:

  • Corrected an issue where the "Disconnect Google Calendar" button linked to the incorrect URL.
  • Corrected an issue where the EXPLAIN_TEMPLATE_LOADING environment variable was being interpreted as True despite being set to False.
  • Reduced number of redundant methods for retrieving RA conflicts. Issue #79


09 Dec 19:45
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Release v20.12.9

New Features

The following are new features that were added in this release:

  • Google Calendar Integration - 🎉Duty Schedules can now be exported to Google Calendar! When viewing the 'Edit Schedule' page, there is a new button labeled "Export Schedule" that will export the current schedule for the month that is being viewed. Please note that once a schedule is exported to Google Calendar, any updates made to the duties will need to also be updated separately in Google Calendar. RADSA is currently unable to modify those events.

  • Conflicts Page Update - An update has been made to the Enter Conflicts page to allow users to be able to toggle between the standard green/red colors and a colorblind friendly view which uses a teal/orange color scheme. This can be enabled by clicking the pill switch image in the upper left corner of the page.

  • HD Portal - For HDs only, a new dropdown exists in the navigation bar that will hold all of the tools that are available for Hall Directors. The Manage Hall page has also been added in this portal where an HD is able to change different settings regarding the res hall such as the hall name and Google Calendar settings.

  • Manage Staff Page - The Manage Staff page has been moved from the AHD Portal into the HD Portal. As a result, AHDs are no longer able to make changes to the staff and must go through an Hall Director instead.

  • Break Duty Portal - a page where AHDs and HDs can view, add, and delete Break Duties. This page can be reached by logging into the application and navigating to AHD Portal > Edit Breaks. Users can interact with this page in a similar way to the Edit Schedule page. Additionally, the Edit Schedule page will display which days of a given month are break duties making it easier to keep track of which days have been scheduled.

  • Scheduler 4.0 - With the addition of the Break Duty Portal comes an updated scheduling algorithm that now takes into account Break Duties. Now, when running the scheduler, the application will automatically identify which days of a month are break duties and will not alter that duty assignment. With this change, it is no longer necessary to enter break duties in the "No Duty Days" section of the Edit Schedule page.

Bug Fixes

The following are a list of the Issues that were resolved in this release:

  • If psycopg2 runs into an issue, the server needs to be restarted. #22
  • Update Database Calls on Server #23
  • Update the UI to be consistent and appealing. #37
  • Use Python Logger Module for Logging #49
  • Conflicts Page: Day in Different Month Appears Green/Selectable #50
  • EditSched Page: RA List on Right Does not Have Headers for Columns #51
  • Run Scheduler Modal Reappears After Closing #52