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Incoming Social Media Platform for food Lovers , Restaurants , Our Mothers ,That Been Built with state of Art AI/ML


Build Status

Cookoverflow is Food Social Media Platform ,specialized in Food viewing ,recipe sharing , interacting between users and using its Data for a recipe recommender system built in the backend ,which we give the Recommender the Recipe we have, and it gives us what to cook using machine learning approach , more over we built the Platform infrastructure from Zero that matches our requirements for the Data collection and recipe Recommendation ,Users can share there recipes ,Posting them on our Platform , other users could like ,Comment on the Recipe Posts , and follow other users ,the Platform has Friendly ,Easy to use UI , reliable , and Scalable infrastructure make it very useful for Lovers of food in General , and Students who live away from there families to cook there own meals .and the Users (lovers of food ) could Communicate with each other using simple Mobile application Messenger that make it easier for them to share experiences and get the help from Professionals (chiefs ) guiding them to the best and easy ways to make there daily meals or Parties that they could invite there friends and share the best moments with the food they made ,with different Nationalities all over the world

  • Type some ingredients on the Text Field
  • See Recipes in the PAge Easy and Simple
  • ✨Magic ✨


-Founder , Data Scientist ,Infrastructure Backend Engineer Founder , Data Scientist ,Infrastructure Backend Engineer -cookOverflow · Full-timecookOverflow · Full-time Jan 2022 - Present · 5 mosJan 2022 - Present · 5 mos -Palestinian AuthorityPalestinian Authority -Your Ingredients, Our Recipes -Search Engine , You Give him ingredients and it will recommend you the Top Recipes -in the Platform that we Built from Zero ,And its infrastructure Data Pipelines Deployed in Microservices architecture which enables our Users to Post ,Comment -,Like ,Follow ,Notify ,And Enjoy the Recipe sharing ,,

**//The Platform is Ready to Release and Under R&D in our Free time its a Platform for fun for me and my colleague and Friend Ataa Shaqour

cookOverflow is a simple ,Easy to Use State of Art Socail Media Platform. As [Dr. Mona Demedia ] writes on the Facebook

the Idea is Super WoW ,But we need to Target Every Person with What suits him so try To use ML/AL To make that Possible throw building Search Engine From Zero that Serve That Prospective


CookOverflow uses a number of open source projects to work properly:

  • AngularJS - HTML enhanced for web apps!
  • Ace Editor - awesome web-based text editor
  • [Search Algo Qury ] - Markdown parser done right. Fast and easy to extend.
  • Twitter Bootstrap - great UI boilerplate for modern web apps
  • [Django ] - evented I/O for the backend
  • [DataBase] - PostgreSQL
  • For AI/ML: Dataset: scraped Three Json File from Three websites And from our website. Text Processing(Spacy) and NLP: Tokenizing Using Spacy, d TF-IDF Modeling. Unsupervised Learning, NLP, RNN’s(Recurrent Neural Network)
  • jQuery - duh


Cookoverflow requires Django v3+ to run.

Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.

python makemigrations
python migrate
python runserver

For production environments...

Aws /Docker/Palmeto (Supercomputer for Clemson Ini 


Dillinger is currently extended with the following plugins. Instructions on how to use them in your own application are linked below.

Dropbox plugins/dropbox/
GitHub plugins/github/
Google Drive plugins/googledrive/
OneDrive plugins/onedrive/
Medium plugins/medium/
Google Analytics plugins/googleanalytics/

##Activity Diagram alt text ##Class Daigram alt text ##Flow chart alt text

Sequence diagram

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Data Flow Of Search Engine Desgin

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Front End Of CookOverflow

Direct Mess

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Home PAge

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Logo OF Cookoverflow

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Verification Email

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Edit Profile

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Find Friends

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Forget Pass

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Post Preview

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**Free Software,FRom Droobi And Ataa ** CopyRight © Clemson university && © An NAjah NAtional Univerity ## © Droobi && © Shaqour