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A web service built on top of reschedule.js, rrecur.js, and rrule.js for being notified when a one-time or repeat event is taking place.


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A web service built on top of reschedule.js, rrecur.js, and rrule.js for being notified when a one-time or repeat event is taking place.

Current beta at

POST /api/alarms

All events MUST specify webhooks

  • occurrence fires for every occurrence of an alarm
  • stop fires if and when the alarm has had its last occurrence

All events MUST specify dtstart

  • EITHER a utc OR zoneless
  • EITHER locale OR tzid (not currently supported)

All events MAY specify data

Only recurring events must specify rrule

  • freq is one of yearly, monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, minutely, secondly
  • interval is a number of how many to skip (every 3 days, every 6 months)
  • count how many occurrences from dtstart (every 2 months, 10 times in total)
  • until is the date of the last event (in UTC)
  • by<<unit>> an array of integers describing the months, dates, etc when the event should fire
    • bymonth 1-12 (i.e the school year [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12])
    • bymonthday 1-31
    • byyearday 1-366
    • byweekno 1-53
    • byday weekday abbrevs ['su', 'mo', 'tu', 'we', 'th', 'fr', 'sa', 'su'] (using RRULE byday instead of rrule.js' byweekday)
      • -1su the last sunday
      • 2we the second wednesday
    • byhour 0-23
    • byminute 0-59
    • bysecond 0-59
  • bysetpos is something I don't understand, but it's supported by rrule.js
  • wkst which day the week starts on (i.e. su or mo)

Provide any hex string to secret and it will be used to secure your webhooks against request forgery (see example). Try require('crypto').randomBytes(32).toString('hex').

See rrule.js and the RFC 2445 / RRULE spec for more detail.

Example Request to /api/alarms

  "dtstart": {
    "utc": "2014-06-16T12:40:00Z"
  , "zoneless": "2014-06-16T08:40:00"
  , "locale": "GMT-0400 (EDT)"
  , "tzid": "America/New_York"

, "webooks": {
    "occurrence": ""
  , "stop": ""

, "data": {
    "foo": "bar"
  , "desc": "Whatever you supply to the 'data' field is what your webhook gets back"

, rrule: {
    freq: 'yearly'

, secret: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"


  • tzid is not currently supported. You must use locale and either utc or zoneless.
  • You may supply data if you wish. It may contain whatever you like, but must be very few bytes.

Example Response from /api/alarms

{ "uuid": "aedda258-0392-4b36-9e0c-274db9f7e9de"
, "next": "2014-07-16T08:40:00-0400"


The alarm request that comes to you may look like this:

{ "uuid": "aedda258-0392-4b36-9e0c-274db9f7e9de"
, "next": "2014-06-16T08:40:00-0400"
, "data": { ... }

NOTE: next may be null

Example Response you send back


Or, if you want to postpone the alarm:

{ "snooze": 900 } // 15 minutes in seconds


The request that comes to you will look like this

{ "uuid": "aedda258-0392-4b36-9e0c-274db9f7e9de"
, "data": { ... }

Example Response you send back



npm install alarms-as-a-service
'use strict';

var port = 3000
  , app
  , server

app = require('alarms-as-a-service').create();

server = app.listen(port, function () {
  console.log('Listening on ', server.address());

Example Usage

var url
  , rules

url = '';

rules = {
  dtstart: {
    utc: new Date( + (15 * 1000))
  , locale: 'GMT-0600 (MDT)'
  , tzid: 'America/Denver'
, rrule: null
, webooks: {
    occurrence: ""
  , stop: ""
, data: {
    foo: "bar"
}{ url: url, json: rules }, function (err, resp, data) {


If you want to be custom, go check out reschedule.js


module.exports.create() // returns an app
module.exports.alarms.add // function (req, res) {}
module.exports.alarms.remove // function (req, res) {}


Should next show the snooze time or the original time?

PrivateKey + Timestamp + Signature on webhooks


A web service built on top of reschedule.js, rrecur.js, and rrule.js for being notified when a one-time or repeat event is taking place.





