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Coog Admin is a toolkit that makes it easy to manage Coog (Insurance ERP from Coopengo). It is aimed to provide all useful commands to:

  • Deploy Coog (in all recommended configurations)
  • Administrate Coog (monitor in runtime, upgrade, maintenance procedure, etc)
  • Help on Coog troubleshooting (shared knowledge base between all Coog installations)

Coog Admin should be installed (cloned) on Coog host server. All other resources are provides via Docker images.

Docker is the recommended platform to deploy Coog:

  • Makes it easy to communicate with system administrators
  • Designed to support all kind of Operating Systems
  • Helpful to get integrated with third party softwares (right now we use postgresql, redis, nginx, sentry, etc)

Coog Admin is a passive tool. It does not launch any agent on your server. All provided deployment scripts are just docker calls wrappings.

What is this tool

  • Set of shell scripts to ensure operations

  • All Coog data are stored in one folder named $COOG_DATA_DIR

    • This ensures that the host server is kept clean (no files at different locations).
  • Coog data includes postgresql databases, redis persistency, coog documents. All those are stored in sub-fodlers of $COOG_DATA_DIR.

  • All operations scripts source a special script (config) that sets the configuration

  • config last line is:

    [ -f $COOG_DATA_DIR/config ] && source $COOG_DATA_DIR/config

    Basically, all the configuration is done through environment variables, which are defined in config. To modify the configuration, just set your updated environment variables in $COOG_DATA_DIR/config.

  • To clean your environment, you can just remove $COOG_DATA_DIR folder

It is very recommended to read the scripts to have a deep understanding of how it works:
