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refactoring: separate breakpoints and blocking calls
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Alexander Bernauer committed Aug 9, 2012
1 parent 20416d9 commit b0cd20a
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Showing 11 changed files with 184 additions and 132 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ocram/ghci
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@

exec ghci -isrc -idist/build/autogen/ -no-user-package-conf -package-conf cabal-dev/packages-7.4.1.conf Ocram.Main
exec ghci -Wall -isrc -idist/build/autogen/ -no-user-package-conf -package-conf cabal-dev/packages-7.4.1.conf Ocram.Main
23 changes: 5 additions & 18 deletions ocram/src/Ocram/Debug.hs
Expand Up @@ -4,10 +4,8 @@ module Ocram.Debug where
-- import {{{1
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Digest.OpenSSL.MD5 (md5sum)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Language.C.Data.Node (lengthOfNode, posOfNode, CNode(nodeInfo), NodeInfo, undefNode)
import Language.C.Data.Position (posRow, posColumn, posFile)
import Language.C.Data.Node (CNode(nodeInfo), NodeInfo, undefNode)
import Ocram.Analysis (CallGraph, start_functions, blocking_functions, call_order)
import Ocram.Options (Options(optInput, optOutput))
import Ocram.Debug.Internal
Expand All @@ -20,7 +18,7 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
data ENodeInfo = ENodeInfo { -- {{{1
enTnodeInfo :: NodeInfo
, enThreadId :: Maybe Int
, enTraceLocation :: Bool
, enBreakpoint :: Bool
, enBlockingCall :: Bool
} deriving (Data, Typeable)

Expand All @@ -36,26 +34,15 @@ un = enrich_node_info undefNode
enrich_node_info :: NodeInfo -> ENodeInfo -- {{{1
enrich_node_info ni = ENodeInfo ni Nothing False False

setThread :: Int -> ENodeInfo -> ENodeInfo -- {{{1
setThread tid eni = eni {enThreadId = Just tid}

tlocation :: ENodeInfo -> TLocation -- {{{1
tlocation eni =
ni = enTnodeInfo eni
pos = posOfNode ni
TLocation (posRow pos + 1) (posColumn pos) (fromMaybe (-1) (lengthOfNode ni)) (posFile pos)

create_debug_info :: Options -> CallGraph -> BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> VarMap -> LocMap -> DebugInfo -- {{{1
create_debug_info opt cg tcode pcode ecode vm lm =
create_debug_info :: Options -> CallGraph -> BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> VarMap -> Breakpoints -> BlockingCalls -> DebugInfo -- {{{1
create_debug_info opt cg tcode pcode ecode vm lm bkl =
tfile = File (optInput opt) (md5sum tcode)
efile = File (optOutput opt) (md5sum ecode)
ts = zipWith createThreadInfo [0..] (start_functions cg)
ppm = preproc_map tcode pcode
oa = blocking_functions cg
DebugInfo tfile pcode efile ppm lm vm ts oa
DebugInfo tfile pcode efile ppm lm bkl vm ts oa
createThreadInfo tid sf = Thread tid sf (threadExecutionFunction tid) ($fromJust_s $ call_order cg sf)
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions ocram/src/Ocram/Main.hs
Expand Up @@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ runCompiler argv = do
(tcode, pcode, ast) <- exitOnError "parser" =<< parse opt
(cg, fpr) <- exitOnError "analysis" $ analysis ast
let (ast', pal, vm) = transformation cg ast
let (ecode, lm) = print_with_log ast'
let di = encode_debug_info $ create_debug_info opt cg tcode pcode ecode vm lm
let (ecode, lm, bl) = print_with_log ast'
let di = encode_debug_info $ create_debug_info opt cg tcode pcode ecode vm lm bl
exitOnError "output" =<< generate_pal opt fpr pal
exitOnError "output" =<< dump_ecode opt ecode
exitOnError "output" =<< dump_debug_info opt di
Expand Down
62 changes: 43 additions & 19 deletions ocram/src/Ocram/Print.hs
Expand Up @@ -41,60 +41,84 @@ module Ocram.Print
) where

-- import {{{1
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Language.C.Data.Position (posRow, posColumn, posFile)
import Language.C.Syntax
import Language.C.Data.Ident (Ident, identToString)
import Language.C.Data.Node (posOfNode, lengthOfNode)
import Text.PrettyPrint
import Ocram.Debug (ENodeInfo(..), tlocation)
import Ocram.Ruab (ELocation(ELocation), Location(Location), LocMap)
import Ocram.Util (abort)
import Ocram.Debug (ENodeInfo(..))
import Ocram.Ruab (TLocation(..), ELocation(..), Breakpoint(..), Breakpoints, BlockingCall(..), BlockingCalls)
import Ocram.Util (abort, fromJust_s)
import Prelude hiding (log)

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS

print_with_log :: CTranslationUnit ENodeInfo -> (BS.ByteString, LocMap) -- {{{1
print_with_log tu = first BS.pack $ renderWithLog (pretty tu)
import Debug.Trace (trace)

marker :: ENodeInfo -> DocL LocMap -> DocL LocMap
print_with_log :: CTranslationUnit ENodeInfo -> (BS.ByteString, Breakpoints, BlockingCalls) -- {{{1
print_with_log tu =
(code, log) = renderWithLog (pretty tu)
(bps, bcs) = foldr split ([], []) log
split (Left x) (bps', bcs') = (x:bps', bcs')
split (Right x) (bps', bcs') = (bps', x:bcs')
(BS.pack code, bps, bcs)

type Log = [Either Breakpoint BlockingCall]

marker :: ENodeInfo -> DocL Log -> DocL Log
marker eni doc
| enTraceLocation eni = here logger doc
| enBreakpoint eni = here bpLogger doc
| enBlockingCall eni = trace "YES" (here bcLogger doc)
| otherwise = doc
logger (Position r c) = [Location (tlocation eni) (ELocation r c ) (enBlockingCall eni) (enThreadId eni)]
bpLogger (Position r c) = [Left $ Breakpoint tlocation (ELocation r c ) (enThreadId eni)]

bcLogger (Position r c) = [Right $ BlockingCall (ELocation r c) (($fromJust_s . enThreadId) eni)]

tlocation =
ni = enTnodeInfo eni
pos = posOfNode ni
TLocation (posRow pos + 1) (posColumn pos) (fromMaybe (-1) (lengthOfNode ni)) (posFile pos)

class PrettyLog a where
pretty :: a -> DocL LocMap
prettyPrec :: Int -> a -> DocL LocMap
pretty :: a -> DocL Log
prettyPrec :: Int -> a -> DocL Log

pretty = prettyPrec 0
prettyPrec _ = pretty

-- pretty print optional chunk
maybeP :: (p -> DocL LocMap) -> Maybe p -> DocL LocMap
maybeP :: (p -> DocL Log) -> Maybe p -> DocL Log
maybeP = maybe empty

-- pretty print when flag is true
ifP :: Bool -> DocL LocMap -> DocL LocMap
ifP :: Bool -> DocL Log -> DocL Log
ifP flag doc = if flag then doc else empty

-- pretty print _optional_ list, i.e. [] ~ Nothing and (x:xs) ~ Just (x:xs)
mlistP :: ([p] -> DocL LocMap) -> [p] -> DocL LocMap
mlistP :: ([p] -> DocL Log) -> [p] -> DocL Log
mlistP pp xs = maybeP pp (if null xs then Nothing else Just xs)

-- pretty print identifier
identP :: Ident -> DocL LocMap
identP :: Ident -> DocL Log
identP = text . identToString

-- pretty print attribute annotations
attrlistP :: [CAttribute ENodeInfo] -> DocL LocMap
attrlistP :: [CAttribute ENodeInfo] -> DocL Log
attrlistP [] = empty
attrlistP attrs = text "__attribute__" <> parens (parens (hcat . punctuate comma . map pretty $ attrs))

-- analogous to showParen
parenPrec :: Int -> Int -> DocL LocMap -> DocL LocMap
parenPrec :: Int -> Int -> DocL Log -> DocL Log
parenPrec prec prec2 t = if prec <= prec2 then t else parens t

-- indent a chunk of code
ii :: DocL LocMap -> DocL LocMap
ii :: DocL Log -> DocL Log
ii = nest 4

-- PrettyLog instances
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -319,7 +343,7 @@ instance PrettyLog (CEnumeration ENodeInfo) where
instance PrettyLog (CDeclarator ENodeInfo) where
prettyPrec prec declr = prettyDeclr True prec declr

prettyDeclr :: Bool -> Int -> CDeclarator ENodeInfo -> DocL LocMap
prettyDeclr :: Bool -> Int -> CDeclarator ENodeInfo -> DocL Log
prettyDeclr show_attrs prec (CDeclr name derived_declrs asmname cattrs _) =
ppDeclr prec (reverse derived_declrs) <+> prettyAsmName asmname <+> ifP show_attrs (attrlistP cattrs)
Expand Down
59 changes: 40 additions & 19 deletions ocram/src/Ocram/Print/Test.hs
Expand Up @@ -6,20 +6,18 @@ module Ocram.Print.Test
) where

-- import {{{1
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Data.Generics (everything, mkQ, extQ)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Ocram.Debug (ENodeInfo(..), tlocation)
import Language.C.Data.Node (nodeInfo)
import Language.C.Syntax.AST (CTranslUnit, CTranslationUnit(..), annotation)
import Ocram.Debug (ENodeInfo(..))
import Language.C.Syntax.AST (annotation)
import Ocram.Analysis (analysis)
import Ocram.Print (print_with_log)
import Ocram.Test.Lib (enumTestGroup, paste, lpaste, enrich, reduce, TLocMap)
import Ocram.Test.Lib (enumTestGroup, lpaste, enrich, reduce, TBreakpoints, TBlockingCalls)
import Ocram.Text (show_errors)
import Ocram.Transformation (transformation)
import Ocram.Transformation.Types (CExpr', CStat')
import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
import Test.HUnit ((@=?), Assertion, assertFailure, assertEqual)
import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assertFailure, assertEqual)

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,6 +59,8 @@ test_print_with_log = enumTestGroup "print_with_log" $ map runTest [
|], [
(3, 19, Just 0)
], [
(19, 0)
-- function static variable {{{2
, ([lpaste|
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,6 +98,8 @@ test_print_with_log = enumTestGroup "print_with_log" $ map runTest [
|], [
(3, 17, Just 0)
, (4, 20, Just 0)
], [
(20, 0)
-- global variable {{{2
, ([lpaste|
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,6 +139,8 @@ test_print_with_log = enumTestGroup "print_with_log" $ map runTest [
|], [
(4, 18, Just 0)
, (5, 21, Just 0)
], [
(21, 0)
-- non-critical function call {{{2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -184,6 +188,8 @@ test_print_with_log = enumTestGroup "print_with_log" $ map runTest [
(3, 4, Nothing)
, (7, 22, Just 0)
, (8, 25, Just 0)
], [
(25, 0)
-- critical function call {{{2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,6 +243,8 @@ test_print_with_log = enumTestGroup "print_with_log" $ map runTest [
|], [
(6, 26, Just 0)
, (3, 34, Just 0)
], [
(34, 0)
-- re-entrance {{{2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -323,6 +331,9 @@ test_print_with_log = enumTestGroup "print_with_log" $ map runTest [
, (3, 40, Just 0)
, (9, 54, Just 1)
, (3, 62, Just 1)
], [
(40, 0)
, (62, 1)
-- multiple statements in a row {{{2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -364,6 +375,9 @@ test_print_with_log = enumTestGroup "print_with_log" $ map runTest [
|], [
(3, 19, Just 0)
, (3, 25, Just 0)
], [
(19, 0)
, (25, 0)
-- return {{{2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -417,7 +431,7 @@ test_print_with_log = enumTestGroup "print_with_log" $ map runTest [
ec_stack_start.ec_frames.c.ec_frames.block.i = 23;
ec_stack_start.ec_frames.c.ec_frames.block.ec_cont = &&ec_label_c_1;
39: block(&ec_stack_start.ec_frames.c.ec_frames.block);
Expand All @@ -431,7 +445,7 @@ test_print_with_log = enumTestGroup "print_with_log" $ map runTest [
ec_stack_start.ec_frames.c.ec_frames.block.i = 42;
ec_stack_start.ec_frames.c.ec_frames.block.ec_cont = &&ec_label_c_2;
53: block(&ec_stack_start.ec_frames.c.ec_frames.block);
Expand All @@ -447,32 +461,39 @@ test_print_with_log = enumTestGroup "print_with_log" $ map runTest [
, ( 3, 35, Just 0)
, ( 4, 46, Just 0)
, ( 6, 60, Just 0)
], [
(39, 0)
, (53, 0)

runTest :: (String, String, TLocMap) -> Assertion -- {{{1
runTest (inputCode, expectedCode, expectedLocMap) =
runTest :: (String, String, TBreakpoints, TBlockingCalls) -> Assertion -- {{{1
runTest (inputCode, expectedCode, expectedLocMap, expectedBlockList) =
let ast = enrich inputCode in
case analysis ast of
Left es -> assertFailure $ show_errors "analysis" es
Right (cg, _) ->
ast' = (\(a, _, _)->a) $ transformation cg ast
(resultCode, resultLocMap) = print_with_log ast'
resultCode' = BS.unpack resultCode
resultLocMap' = reduce resultLocMap
(ast', _, _) = transformation cg ast
(resultCode, resultLocMap, resultBlockList) = print_with_log ast'
resultCode' = BS.unpack resultCode
resultLocMap' = reduce resultLocMap
resultBlockList' = reduce resultBlockList
in do
expectedCode @=? resultCode'
let locs = intercalate "\n" $ map show $ everything (++) (mkQ [] traceLocationExpr `extQ` traceLocationStat) ast'
assertEqual (locs ++ "\n" ++ show resultLocMap) expectedLocMap resultLocMap'
let dbg = debug ast'
assertEqual "code" expectedCode resultCode'
assertEqual "locmap" expectedLocMap resultLocMap'
assertEqual ("blocklist: " ++ dbg) expectedBlockList resultBlockList'

debug ast = intercalate "\n" $ map show $ everything (++) (mkQ [] traceLocationExpr `extQ` traceLocationStat) ast

traceLocationExpr :: CExpr' -> [String]
traceLocationExpr expr
| (enTraceLocation . annotation) expr = [show expr]
| (enBlockingCall . annotation) expr = [show expr]
| otherwise = []

traceLocationStat :: CStat' -> [String]
traceLocationStat stmt
| (enTraceLocation . annotation) stmt = [show stmt]
| (enBlockingCall . annotation) stmt = [show stmt]
| otherwise = []

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