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Few information about meshes

copyme edited this page Apr 26, 2014 · 13 revisions

Before you will try to run FlowER with all fancy meshes which you can find over the Internet you should know something about several limitations and troubles with some meshes.


  1. Mesh has to be 2-manifold. This means that if you want to e.g. run FlowER with "Stanford dragon" you will get error because this mesh contains some edges which are shared between more then 2 faces. But you can use e.g. MeshLab to repair given mesh.
  2. Mesh has to be consistent. This means that faces share edges and all faces have same model - a number of vertices. You should know that if e.g. you export a cube from blender to PLY you will obtain a mesh which all faces have unique edges and in fact unique vertices.
  3. Mesh should describe your shape in a good way. This means that do not be surprised if you will obtain strange result for some meshes. A good and simple example is a cube where each face was divided into 4 smaller faces by adding some new vertices and edges. In this case by using e.g. mean curvature flow you are not able to collapse onto point. We hope you understand way.
  4. Remember about floating point errors. There is a group of meshes for which you will obtain unexpected results for a big time thus you will multiply something small by something big.
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