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(*                   Canonicity of Binary Decision Dags                    *)
(*                                                                         *)
(*                              Coq V5.8                                   *)
(*                                                                         *)
(*       E. Ledinot                                                        *) 
(*       Dassault-Aviation                                                 *)
(*       March 1993  Coq V5.8                                              *)
(*                                                                         *)
(*       On grant MRE 92.S.0764                                            *)
(*                                                                         *)
(*       Ported by G. Huet in Coq V5.10 in May 1995                        *)

    The property of canonicity is first proved for Shannon Trees (file BDTs.v)
because they are inductively definable in Coq and thus easily manageable.
    However the proofs of the key lemmas (vars_sup_dim_non_dep,
OBDT_eq_Fun_eq and Fun_eq_OBDT_eq) are carried out without using structural 
induction on values of type BDT (Binary Decision Trees) since structural
induction will no longer be available for Dags. Proofs are systematically 
done by induction on the order of the greatest dependant variable because
this notion can be used both for Trees and Dags.

    The file BDTs is intended to be an introduction and a guide to the 
forthcoming file BDDs.v and a complete formalization of the proof of 
K.L Mc Millan in his PhD Thesis:
    "Symbolic Model Checking: An approach to the state explosion problem"
                      CMU-CS-92-131    May 1992.

    The file set0.v contains general lemmas mainly on finite sets. They are
not all strictly necessary. For instance not_All_Exist_not is used only
to prove the equivalence between the two definitions of Dependant Variables
(Dep_Var and Dep_Var' in Boolean_functions.v) the second one being superfluous
though in some cases more convenient than the first one. 
    This development contains a few digressions for sake of local completeness
or because some extra lemmas were found interesting to be proved.


Canonicity of Binary Decision Dags







Contributors 4

