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Structure and share command line arguments among components and tools #39

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- Title: Structure and share command line arguments among components and tools

- Drivers: Enrico


# Summary

Coq ships many binaries: coqc, coqtop, coqdep, coqdoc, coqide.
As well a few technical binaries: stmproofworkertop, ...
Coq is made of components that are parametrized by sets of options.

We propose an approach (and a POC library) to:
- declare options together with their documentation
- groups options into sets, corresponding to component or tools
- these sets can be freely combined, eg reused
- components API can declare the set of options they understand
- subtyping automatically shrinks a set of options to fit an API, if wanted

# Motivation

Today we lack a proper infrastructure for:
- sharing parsing options and documentation across components/tools
- organize/structure options in coherent sets

As a result documentation is not at the same place where the option syntax is
declared and hence the usage messages get out of sync. Parsin is done by
hand in different ways depending on the tool, even if the option to be parsed
is literally the same.

# Detailed design

Get the [code](

(* engine ------------------------------------------------------------ *)

(* type of flags, to share parsing/printing among flags *)
type t =
| Flag of (unit -> unit)
| Bool of (bool -> unit)
| String of (string -> unit)
| Enum : (string * 'a) list * ('a -> unit) -> t

let coq_bool_of_string = function
| "yes" | "on" | "true" -> true
| "no" | "off" | "false" -> false
| _ -> failwith "not a boolean"

let mk_parser k t l =
match t, l with
| Bool f, x :: y :: rest when x = k -> f (coq_bool_of_string y); Some rest
| Flag f, x :: rest when x = k -> f (); Some rest
| String f, x :: y :: rest when x = k -> f y; Some rest
| Enum (vals,f), x :: y :: rest when x = k ->
f (List.assoc y vals); Some rest
| _ -> None

let mk_printer s d t fmt () =
Format.pp_print_string fmt s;
Format.pp_print_tab fmt ();
Format.pp_open_box fmt 0;
begin match t with
| Flag _ -> ()
| Enum (vals,_) ->
Format.pp_print_string fmt "(";
let vals = fst vals in
let x, xs = List.(hd vals, tl vals) in
Format.pp_print_string fmt x;
List.iter (Format.fprintf fmt "|%s") xs;
Format.pp_print_string fmt ") "
| String _ -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "<string> "
| Bool _ -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "<yes/no> " end;
Format.pp_print_text fmt d;
Format.pp_close_box fmt ();
Format.pp_print_tab fmt ()

(* collection of options to be parsed or printed *)
class registry = object(self)
val mutable parsers = []
val mutable printers = []
val mutable max_len = 10
val mutable keys = []
method register s d t =
if not (List.mem s keys) then begin
keys <- s :: keys;
parsers <- mk_parser s t :: parsers;
printers <- mk_printer s d t :: printers;
max_len <- max max_len (String.length s)

method parse l =
let rec aux = function
| [] -> l (* this is what is left, we could error *)
| p::ps ->
match p l with
| None -> aux ps
| Some l -> self#parse l
aux parsers

method usage (fmt : Format.formatter) () =
Format.pp_open_tbox fmt ();
Format.pp_set_tab fmt ();
Format.fprintf fmt "option";
for i = 1 to max_len - 3 do Format.fprintf fmt " "; done;
Format.pp_set_tab fmt ();
Format.fprintf fmt "description";
Format.pp_print_tab fmt ();
List.iter (fun p -> p fmt ()) printers;
Format.pp_close_tbox fmt ();
Format.pp_print_newline fmt ()


(* convenient way of inheriting the API of a set of option *)
class option_set (r : registry) = object
method parse = r#parse
method usage = r#usage

(* declaration of some options ------------------------------------------ *)

class print_version = fun r -> object
val mutable print_version = false
method print_version = print_version
initializer r#register
"-print-version" "prints the version of Coq"
(Flag (fun () -> print_version <- true))

class file_name = fun r -> object
val mutable file_name = None
method file_name = file_name
initializer r#register
"-file-name" "sets the file name of whatever"
(String (fun x -> (* one could File.exists x here *) file_name <- Some x))

class async_proofs = fun r -> object
val mutable async_proofs = None
method async_proofs = async_proofs
initializer r#register
"-async-proofs" "enables/disables super powers and this is a terribly long line that wraps around to test the documentation layout"
(Bool (fun x -> async_proofs <- Some x))

type diffs_t = On | Off | Removed
class diffs = fun r -> object
val mutable diffs = Off
method diffs = diffs
initializer r#register
"-diffs" "highlight differences between proof steps"
(Enum(["on",On;"off",Off;"removed",Removed], (fun x -> diffs <- x)))

(* usage example --------------------------------------------------------- *)

class coqdep_options r =
inherit option_set r

inherit file_name r
inherit print_version r

let coqdep_options = new coqdep_options (new registry);;

Format.printf "coqdep usage:@\n%a@\n" coqdep_options#usage ();;

let rest = coqdep_options#parse ["-print-version";"-file-name";"foo"];;

module Coqdep : sig

(* various ways to express the list of supported options *)
(* I use .. or # to let one pass a larger set of options, but
* we can also be strict. See the last example for a concrete use case *)

val main : < print_version : bool;
file_name : string option;
.. >
-> unit

(* or we can use the exact set of options if it has a name *)
val main2 : #coqdep_options -> unit

end = struct

let main options =
Format.printf "Coqdep receives options: %b %s@\n@\n"
(match options#file_name with Some x -> x | _ -> "unset");;

let main2 = main


Coqdep.main coqdep_options;;
Coqdep.main2 coqdep_options;;

(* usage example -------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* Stm as a component, I add print_version just to complicate the next
* example *)
class stm_options r = object
inherit option_set r

inherit print_version r
inherit async_proofs r

module Stm : sig

val init : #async_proofs -> unit

end = struct let init _ = () end

let stm_options = new stm_options (new registry);;
ignore(stm_options#parse ["-async-proofs";"yes"]);;
Stm.init stm_options;;

(* usage example -------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* here I mix and mach:
- single options
- options for a component
- options for a tool *)
class coqtop_options r = object
inherit option_set r

inherit stm_options r (* we take all options of the stm component *)
inherit diffs r (* plus this one *)
inherit! coqdep_options r (* plus the ones supported by coqdep *)
(* Last line gets a warning that print_version occurs twice, to silence
* it one can use inherit! (in both cases it works, since multiple
* inheritance works in OCaml) *)

let coqtop_options = new coqtop_options (new registry);;
Format.printf "coqtop usage:@\n%a@\n" coqtop_options#usage ();;

coqtop_options#parse ["-diffs";"removed"];;

module Coqtop : sig

val main : coqtop_options -> unit

end = struct

let main o =
(* the Stm.init type accepts any large enough set of options,
* so we can directy pass o *)
Stm.init o;
Format.printf "diffs are: %s@\n"
(match o#diffs with Removed -> "rm" | On -> "ok" | Off -> "off");;


Coqtop.main coqtop_options;;


# Drawbacks

Objects are not the most well known feature of OCaml, in spite of their beauty.

# Alternatives

One could use nested records. This approach has less flexibility, since
records cannot overlap and subtyping is not available.

I have a similar file that uses functional objects, but it is more involved
since the copying construct `{< .. >}` needs to be in a method, for good reasons,
and this in turn makes the boilreplate to declare an option significantly longer
and the type annotations a bit havier.