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soraros edited this page Feb 21, 2019 · 5 revisions

An experiment: Turning eqType into a Class

(Slides from a Working Group)


  • Explore canonical structures and type classes for stdlib2

  • How to overload notations, operator names, lemmas?

Basic idea


  • Not yet successful; but we’ve learned a few things

Limitations of Canonical Structures

  • Hard to understand
  • Resolution only triggered during type unification: hence phantom types
  • No back-tracking (or ad-hoc and bounded, using tags)
  • Hard to introduce a new layer in an existing hierarchy

The hierarchy

Source: “A Small Scale Reflection Extension for the Coq system”, Gonthier, Mahboubi, Tassi, 2009

Which canonical structures: Superstructures as subobjects

Module Choice.

Record mixin_of T := Mixin {
  find : pred T -> nat -> option T;
  _ : …

Record class_of T := Class {base : Equality.class_of T; mixin : mixin_of T}.

Structure type := Pack {sort; _ : class_of sort}.

(* Inheritance *)
Canonical eqType (cT: type) : Equality.type := ….

End Choice.
  • Mixins collect operators and properties.
  • Classes pack mixins with superclasses.
  • Types pack carriers with classes.

Inference by unification

Goal forall (T: Choice.type) (x : Choice.sort T), x == x.

To infer the first (implicit) argument of “==” (at Equality.type), the types of x are unified:

  • as argument of “==”: Equality.sort ?U;
  • as given: Choice.sort T.

We are looking for an equality type, knowing a choice type; fortunately, Choice.eqType has been registered as canonical.

With type classes

Module Choice.

Record mixin_of T := Mixin {
  find : pred T -> nat -> option T;
  _ : …

Class class T := Class { base :> eqClass T; mixin : mixin_of T }.
Hint Mode class ! : typeclass_instances.

End Choice.
  • Other possible designs: take operators as one or more arguments
  • The base property is registered as an instance (∀ T, Choice.class T → Equality.class T)
  • Use of modes to prevent wild guesses

Inference by resolution (à la Prolog)

Goal forall (T: Type) (cT: Choice.class T) (x: T), x == x.

To infer the second (implicit) argument of “==” (at Equality.class T), rules (aka instances) are applied:

  • is there a solution in context?
  • is there some way to deduce a solution from something else?

On sait d’où l’on vient sans savoir où l’on va (ou bien l’inverse).

Minor issues

A few tactics are not ready

  • Issues with pose, have, rewrite… They resolve type-classes too early or generalize them too much.

Constants take many more arguments

  • Not too annoying yet.

  • Might be much worse with operators-as-arguments.

A few bugs

Bad interaction of scheduling with modes

Various cases of resolution fail, when it shouldn’t.


Hint Extern If not yet available

To implement cuts, a crucial instrument in prolog programming



The typeclass opacity mechanism should be per type and per class

A major performance concern

With canonical structures, both ends of the searched path are part of the problem, with classes only one:

  • Equality.sort ?U === Choice.sort T
  • Equality.Class T

It is very difficult to correctly guide the resolution, since the other end of the path is unknown.


  • It works in Haskell, since:

    • hierarchies are more shallow (e.g., a commutative ring is the same as a ring);
    • expressions are small (e.g., no big polynomial as a literal expression in usual programs).
  • The blow-up of the number of arguments will become an annoyance.

  • The performance issue will be very problematic.


  • Will the open issues be addressed?
  • Should we carry on this experiment?
  • Are unification hints the real solution? or ELPI? or theory combinators