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Updating Tootbot on Heroku

Corbin Davenport edited this page Jul 7, 2018 · 2 revisions

Heroku does not allow users to update applications created from GitHub, unless you install Heroku CLI on your own computer and pull from the Tootbot repo.

As such, it's far easier to just delete your Heroku app and create another identical one, which takes about five minutes:

  1. Go to the Heroku dashboard and click on the app for your bot
  2. Click on the Settings tab, and click the Reveal Config Vars button
  3. Copy and paste the whole section into a text file
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page, click Delete app, and follow the instructions
  5. Follow the Heroku setup instructions, but instead of setting up API keys for Twitter/Mastodon/Reddit/Imgur again, just paste the values from the text file you just created

Note: Deleting the Heroku app will also delete the Redis cache, so your bot may repost a few links after the update.