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Addons for Typesafe Config

This project contains addons to supplement Typesafe Config:


Implements ConfigLoadingStrategy that can be fully customized with a builder API, and then installed as the global ConfigLoadingStrategy.

ConfigPropertySource (for Spring Framework)

A Spring PropertySource implementation backed by a Config object. Allows bridging Config into Spring's property sources. The property source flattens config properties to be compatible with Spring property naming conventions.




This addon provides a custom ConfigLoadingStrategy that replaces the default ConfigFactory.load() and ConfigFactory.defaultApplication() behavior.


  • Create a CustomConfigLoadingStrategy and customize it using the builder.
  • Call install() to register this strategy as the global strategy, replacing the ConfigFactory.load() default behavior.
  • Future calls to ConfigFactory.load() or ConfigFactory.defaultApplication() will now use this strategy.


In this example, let's assume the setup is happening in a Spring App with some profiles enabled

// In this example, let's assume the setup is happening in a Spring App with some profiles enabled
Supplier<String[]> activeProfiles = environment::getActiveProfiles;

// This controls whether the earlier(true) or latter(false) profiles 'win' in the array.
boolean preferFirst = false;

        // Adds overrides based on Spring's Environment.getActiveProfiles()
        .forEachProfile(activeProfiles, preferFirst, (profile, builder) -> {
            builder.parseResourceAnySyntax("application-" + profile);
        // Perhaps some dependencies have embedded resources named "defaults-{profile}" that we want to load
        .forEachProfile(activeProfiles, preferFirst, (profile, builder) -> {
            builder.parseResourceAnySyntax("default-" + profile);
        // Install this ConfigLoadingStrategy to be the default used by ConfigFactory

// Setup complete
// Any future calls to load() will now delegate to this strategy:
Config config = ConfigFactory.load();

Notes on ordering

  • All layering is performed from top to bottom, where the top layers win over the bottom layers.
  • In the forEachProfile(...) blocks, the true/false boolean controls whether earlier/latter profiles win, respectively.

Additional Options

The builder also supports an alternative configuration style using the with() methods. This is flexible for any scenario, and is useful to know when needing to invoke a method that the builder does not expose.

        .with(ConfigFactory::parseResources, "required.conf", ConfigParseOptions.defaults().setAllowMissing(false))
        .with(ConfigFactory::parseResourceAnySyntax, "application")

ConfigPropertySource (for Spring)

This Spring addon can wrap a Config object as a PropertySource. The Config property paths are flattened and prepared in a way that is compatible with how Spring performs property loading.


protected void configureEnvironment(ConfigurableEnvironment env, String[] args) {
    // Load this property source
    ConfigPropertySource propertySource = ConfigPropertySource.load();
    // Add it to Spring


When working in a Spring application, it is useful to pair this with the CustomConfigLoadingStrategy to handle Spring profiles.

Full Example (Strategy + Spring)

This example shows how you can combine the custom strategy and Spring PropertySource to fully configure your Spring application using Typesafe Config, instead of Spring property files.

public class ExampleApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new SpringApplication(ExampleApplication.class) {

            protected void configureEnvironment(ConfigurableEnvironment env, String[] args) {
                super.configureEnvironment(environment, args);

                // (1) Example to configure Spring profiles as layers.
                    // Adds overrides based on Spring's Environment.getActiveProfiles()
                    // Let's load local resources and remote configurations from a config server
                    .forEach(env::getActiveProfiles, false, (profile, builder) -> {
                    // Then adds the application's base layer
                    // Allow for defaults too (maybe dependencies include these)
                    .forEach(env::getActiveProfiles, false, (profile, builder) -> {
                    // Install this ConfigLoadingStrategy to be the default used by ConfigFactory

                // Inject the ConfigPropertySource into Spring Environment:
                // We can simply use 'ConfigPropertySource.load()' because 'install()' has been performed.


The above code assembles an application environment that can load from various property sources:

# My application's static config would be detected:
# src/main/resources/
- application-prod.conf
- application-dev.conf
- application.conf
- reference.conf
# My dependencies with embedded config would be picked up
- defaults-prod.conf
- defaults-dev.conf
- reference.conf

# Overrides from a config server would apply immediately on-top-of their respective application- or default- files.
- //config-server/example-application/application-prod.conf
- //config-server/example-application/application-dev.conf
- //config-server/example-application/application.conf
- //config-server/example-application/defaults-prod.conf
- //config-server/example-application/defaults-dev.conf


Addons to supplement working with Typesafe Config








