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Project containing Confluent Docker containers, Python Docker container, a python application to test schema compatibility according to Schema Registry compatibility modes.

Setup Docker containers

1 - Clone the project.

git clone

2 - Start Confluent Docker containers. It will start, among other services, the Kafka, Schema Registry, Zookeeper, and a Confluent control center UI available at http://localhost:9021/ where you can manage the Kafka cluster. Reference:

cd kafka-schema-registry/docker-confluent
docker-compose up -d

3 - Wait a few minutes until all the services are running. You can check if your services are running with the command docker ps.

The output should resemble the following image.

If some service is not started, you can run the command docker-compose up -d and check again.

Run avro schema compatibility test application

1 - Build the Python image which will be used to run the application.

cd kafka-schema-registry
docker build -t python:3.6 -f ./docker-python/Dockerfile .

2 - Run the application to test the schemas.

docker run -it --net=docker-confluent_default  python:3.6 python /python-app/ --topic_name test_compatibility --compatibility_type_list BACKWARD FORWARD


--net: network of the Confluent docker containers. The application needs to run in the same network as Confluent docker containers in order to access their services.

--topic_name: name of the topic to be created to run the tests.

--compatibility_type_list: list of compatibility modes that will be used to validate the schemas. Possible values: BACKWARD, BACKWARD_TRANSITIVE, FORWARD, FORWARD_TRANSITIVE, FULL, FULL_TRANSITIVE, NONE

The application has the following schemas predefined, but you can change it if you want to test other schemas.

Output example:

Topic 'test_compatibility' created.

Running 'BACKWARD' schema check.
        "schema_base": "avro_schema1",
        "schema_to_check": "avro_schema2",
        "compatibility_level": "BACKWARD",
        "is_compatible": true
        "schema_base": "avro_schema1",
        "schema_to_check": "avro_schema3",
        "compatibility_level": "BACKWARD",
        "is_compatible": false
        "schema_base": "avro_schema1",
        "schema_to_check": "avro_schema4",
        "compatibility_level": "BACKWARD",
        "is_compatible": false
        "schema_base": "avro_schema1",
        "schema_to_check": "avro_schema5",
        "compatibility_level": "BACKWARD",
        "is_compatible": false
        "schema_base": "avro_schema1",
        "schema_to_check": "avro_schema6",
        "compatibility_level": "BACKWARD",
        "is_compatible": true

Running 'FORWARD' schema check.
        "schema_base": "avro_schema1",
        "schema_to_check": "avro_schema2",
        "compatibility_level": "FORWARD",
        "is_compatible": true
        "schema_base": "avro_schema1",
        "schema_to_check": "avro_schema3",
        "compatibility_level": "FORWARD",
        "is_compatible": true
        "schema_base": "avro_schema1",
        "schema_to_check": "avro_schema4",
        "compatibility_level": "FORWARD",
        "is_compatible": false
        "schema_base": "avro_schema1",
        "schema_to_check": "avro_schema5",
        "compatibility_level": "FORWARD",
        "is_compatible": false
        "schema_base": "avro_schema1",
        "schema_to_check": "avro_schema6",
        "compatibility_level": "FORWARD",
        "is_compatible": false

Run producer application

In this project you can find an application to generate messages using one of the schemas predefined. To run the application, follow these steps:

docker run -it --net=docker-confluent_default  python:3.6 python /python-app/ --topic_name test_events --schema_name avro_schema1 avro_schema2 --compatibility_type FORWARD --qty_messages 5


--topic_name: name of the topic where the messages will be created. If this topic exists it will be deleted and recreated to ensure it is clean.

--schema_name: a list of schema names based on the functions under dataGenerator module with the predefined schemas.

--compatibility_type: the compatibility mode that will be used to register the schemas. Possible values: BACKWARD, BACKWARD_TRANSITIVE, FORWARD, FORWARD_TRANSITIVE, FULL, FULL_TRANSITIVE, NONE

--qty_messages: number of messages to be generated for each schema.

Output example:

Topic 'test_events' deleted.
Topic 'test_events' created.
Generating messages for schema 'avro_schema1'.
Message delivered to test_events [0]
Message delivered to test_events [0]
Message delivered to test_events [0]
Message delivered to test_events [0]
Message delivered to test_events [0]
Generating messages for schema 'avro_schema2'.
Message delivered to test_events [0]
Message delivered to test_events [0]
Message delivered to test_events [0]
Message delivered to test_events [0]
Message delivered to test_events [0]

Stop Docker containers

1 - To stop Confluent docker containers:

cd kafka-schema-registry/docker-confluent
docker-compose down


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