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Status: Active For CoreMedia CMS

Custom Settings Forms (CSF)

With the custom settings form plugin, you can define custom forms in Studio for your settings content.


  • From the project's root folder, clone this repository as a submodule of the extensions folder. Make sure to use the branch name that matches your workspace version.
git submodule add modules/extensions/csf
  • Use the extension tool in the root folder of the project to link the modules to your workspace.
mvn extensions:sync -f workspace-configuration/extensions -Denable=csf

How to use

  1. Add a dependency to the CSF plugin in your Studio client plugins package.json.
  "dependencies": {
    "@coremedia-blueprint/studio-client.main.custom-settings-forms": "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT",
  1. Create your custom settings form definition extending the CustomSettingsForm component for your settings content and add all the fields and form components.

Example MySettingsForm.ts

import CustomSettingsForm from "@coremedia-blueprint/studio-client.main.custom-settings-forms/CustomSettingsForm";

interface MySettingsFormConfig extends Config<CustomSettingsForm> {

class MySettingsForm extends CustomSettingsForm {
  declare Config: MySettingsFormConfig;

  constructor(config: Config<MySettingsForm> = null) {
    // @ts-expect-error Ext JS semantics
    const this$ = this;
    super(ConfigUtils.apply(Config(MySettingsForm, {
      title: "My Settings",
      items: [
        Config(StringPropertyField, { propertyName: "settings.mySettings.settingOne" }),
        Config(IntegerPropertyField, {propertyName: "settings.mySettings.settingTwo"}),
    }), config));

export default MySettingsForm;
  1. Register the custom settings form with the name pattern for your settings content.

Example MyStudioPlugin.ts

import csfService from "@coremedia-blueprint/studio-client.main.custom-settings-forms/csfService";
import MySettingsForm from "./forms/MySettingsForm";


class MyStudioPlugin extends StudioPlugin {

  constructor(config: Config<MyStudioPlugin> = null) {

  override init(editorContext: IEditorContext) {
    // Register your custom settings form with the pattern that matches the name of your settings content.
    csfService._.registerCustomSettingsForm(Config(MySettingsForm, { pattern: "My Settings" }));

export default MyStudioPlugin;