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see coreycothrum/nginx_certbot_docker_compose for an usage example

this project is deployed to docker hub

what this image is

an extention of the official certbot docker image to make things a bit easier. Namely:

  • helper script to generate temporary self-signed certificate(s) to "seed" the webserver.
  • helper script to obtain the legit certificates automatically (based the env variables).
  • certbot will check for renewal automatically (every 12 hours)

The goal of this image is to:

  1. be easy to use
  2. not require any further intervention after initial configuration

environment variables

Defaults are defined in .env. These defaults are fine for a localhost/development environment, but should all be changed for anything resembling production (or running on a valid/public domain).

variable name default value description
DOMAIN_NAME localhost.localhost domain name of server. Default is OK for local development.
DOMAIN_EMAIL email for important CERTBOT notifications. Can be left blank/empty.

Intial Setup

The following helper scripts are provided to aid in initial setup. These should only need to run (successfully) once. After certificates are obtained, they'll be renewed automatically.

The README for coreycothrum/nginx_certbot_docker_compose may be an easier example to follow

seeding with self-signed certificates

Project initialization often presents a chicken-and-the-egg problem:

  • certbot requires a webserver running to issue certs
  • the webserver requires the certs to run

To generate self-signed certificates to seed the webserver, override the entrypoint with

docker run --rm                                       \
           --env-file .env                            \
           --volume SSL_CERTS:/etc/letsencrypt:rw     \
           --entrypoint \

requesting certificates via certbot

After the webserver is running (probably w/ self-signed certificates), the real certificates can be requested from with this command:

docker run --rm                                   \
           --env-file .env                        \
           --volume SSL_CERTS:/etc/letsencrypt:rw \
           --entrypoint          \