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Chris Hafey edited this page May 4, 2016 · 5 revisions

Cornerstone supports most but not all transfer syntaxes. The list of supported transfer syntaxes can be found here. If you attempt to load an image with an unsupported transfer syntax, you should see a message in your web browser debugger console like this:

Image cannot be decoded due to Unsupported transfer syntax

If you get such an error for JPEG2000, you probably forgot to load the JPEG2000 javascript decoder since this is not included and must be loaded separately.

Note that JPEG 2000 support is not complete and some images will not decode properly and may even generate an error. You can determine that this is the issue by converting the image to an uncompressed transfer syntax and see if it loads. There are various tools you can use to convert transfer syntaxes - specifically:

  • DCMTK's dcmconv
  • Horos - add image, right click it and choose "Decompress DICOM Files"
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