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Filtering Content

Bridgette Rue edited this page Aug 13, 2022 · 2 revisions

Like your dashboard, you can now filter posts from your findtag searches.

How to use

Use the input field in the upper left side of the page:


Submitting your input will get it added to your filtered words list


By default, your filtered posts will look like this:


To hide 'view original post' click on the checkbox here:


When you no longer need a filtered word, you can click delete to remove it from your list.


General Tips

To get the most out of this feature, make sure you cover as many variations as you can. If you want to filter out blorbo spoilers, this will cover more content than just looking for the word spoiler:


Don't worry about having too many filtered tags! There will be a scrollbar once you have more than about 5 tags (depending on the length of them)


To keep your filtered list accurate and uncluttered, if you try to enter a duplicate word it will alert you:


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