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qm_tiler Usage

ricardcd edited this page Nov 29, 2018 · 3 revisions


The main functionality of the project is provided by the qm_tiler app. This tool allows to create tiles in the form of Triangulated Irregular Networks (TIN), in Cesium's quantized-mesh format. It implements several simplification algorithm, each of them having different parameters and properties.

Running the tool using the default parameters is as simple as:

qm_tiler -i <input_raster> -o <output_tiles_dir>

However, qm_tiler allows to tune the creation of the multiresolution pyramid of tiles in many ways, and it implements several TIN creation algorithms, each with its own set of specific parameters to set. Consequently, if you run the help of the qm_tiler tool, you will see that there are a lot of parameters that the user may tune:

$ qm_tiler -h
Creates the tiles of a GDAL raster terrain in Cesium's Quantized Mesh format

(*) The parameters marked with this sign can be specified multiple times to reflect the desired value per zoom level.
When the required zoom is larger than the number of specified parameters, the last one is used.
On the other hand, when a single parameter is specified, it is assumed to represent the value for the root level of the pyramid (i.e., zoom=0),
and the values for the deeper levels will be computed as value/2^zoom, for those parameters whose scale needs to be lowered at deeper levels,
or value*2^zoom, for those whose scale needs to grow with depth.

qm_tiler options::
  -h [ --help ]                         Produce help message
  -i [ --input ] arg                    Input terrain file to parse (can be 
                                        specified like this or as a positional 
  -o [ --output-dir ] arg (=terrain_tiles_qm)
                                        The output directory for the tiles
  -s [ --start-zoom ] arg (=-1)         The zoom level to start at. This should
                                        be greater than the end zoom level 
                                        (i.e., the TMS pyramid is constructed 
                                        from bottom to top). If smaller than 
                                        zero, defaults to the maximum zoom 
                                        possible according to DEM resolution.
  -e [ --end-zoom ] arg (=0)            The zoom level to end at. This should 
                                        be less than the start zoom level 
                                        (i.e., the TMS pyramid is constructed 
                                        from bottom to top).
  -b [ --bathymetry ] arg (=0)          Switch to consider the input DEM as 
                                        containing depths instead of elevations
  --samples-per-tile arg (=256)         Samples to take in each dimension per 
                                        tile. While TMS tiles are supposed to 
                                        comprise 256x256 pixels/samples, using 
                                        this option we can sub-sample it to 
                                        lower resolutions. Note that a smaller 
                                        sampling provides a coarser base mesh 
                                        that will be easier to simplify.
  --clip-high arg (=inf)                Clip values in the DEM above this 
  --clip-low arg (=-inf)                Clip values in the DEM below this 
  --above-sea-level-scale-factor arg (=-1)
                                        Scale factor to apply to the readings 
                                        above sea level (ignored if < 0)
  --below-sea-level-scale-factor arg (=-1)
                                        Scale factor to apply to the readings 
                                        below sea level (ignored if < 0)
  --num-threads arg (=1)                Number of threads used (0=max_threads)
  --scheduler arg (=rowwise)            Scheduler type. Defines the preferred 
                                        tile processing order within a zoom. 
                                        Note that on multithreaded executions 
                                        this order may not be preserved. 
                                        OPTIONS: rowwise, columnwise, 
                                        chessboard, 4connected (see 
                                        documentation for the meaning of each)
  --tc-strategy arg (=greedy)           TIN creation strategy. OPTIONS: greedy,
                                        lt, delaunay, ps-hierarchy, ps-wlop, 
                                        ps-grid, ps-random (see documentation 
                                        for further information)
  --tc-greedy-error-tol arg (=150000 )  Error tolerance for a tile to fulfill 
                                        in the greedy insertion approach (*).
  --tc-greedy-init-grid-size arg (=-1)  An initial grid of this size will be 
                                        used as base mesh to start the 
                                        insertion process. Defaults to the 4 
                                        corners of the tile if < 0
  --tc-greedy-error-type arg (=height)  The error computation type. Available: 
                                        height, 3d.
  --tc-lt-stop-edges-count arg (=500 )  Simplification stops when the number of
                                        edges is below this value (*).
  --tc-lt-weight-volume arg (=0.5)      Simplification volume weight 
                                        (Lindstrom-Turk cost function, see 
                                        original reference).
  --tc-lt-weight-boundary arg (=0.5)    Simplification boundary weight 
                                        (Lindstrom-Turk cost function, see 
                                        original reference).
  --tc-lt-weight-shape arg (=1e-10)     Simplification shape weight 
                                        (Lindstrom-Turk cost function, see 
                                        original reference).
  --tc-ps-border-max-error arg (=10000 )
                                        Polyline simplification error at 
                                        borders (*).
  --tc-ps-border-max-length-xy-percent arg (=20 )
                                        Polyline simplification, maximum length
                                        of border edges when projected to the 
                                        XY plane. Expressed as a percentage 
                                        [0..100] (*).
  --tc-ps-features-min-size arg (=5)    Minimum number of points in a feature 
                                        polyline to be considered.
  --tc-ps-hierarchy-cluster-size arg (=1000 )
                                        Hierarchy point set simplification 
                                        maximum cluster size (*).
  --tc-ps-hierarchy-max-surface-variance arg (=1000 )
                                        Hierarchy point set simplification 
                                        maximum surface variation (*).
  --tc-ps-wlop-retain-percent arg (=1 ) Percentage of points to retain, 
                                        [0..100] (*).
  --tc-ps-wlop-radius arg (=10000 )     PS WLOP simplification: radius.
  --tc-ps-wlop-iter-number arg (=35)    PS WLOP simplification: number of 
  --tc-ps-grid-cell-size arg (=10000 )  PS Grid simplification: Cell size (*).
  --tc-ps-random-percent arg (=90 )     PS Random simplification: percentage to
  --debug-dir arg                       Debug directory where simplified meshes
                                        will be stored in OFF format for easing
  -c [ --config ] arg                   Configuration file with a set of the 
                                        options above specified in the form 
                                        <option>=<value>. Note that the options
                                        in the config file have preference over
                                        the ones specified on the command line.

Since this list is quite large and complex, we divided the explanation of the parameters into the following sections:

  • General Parameters: global parameters not related to the simplification method used.
  • Since we need to set various parameters for the different levels of the pyramid, we explain in this page the way we designed to set parameters for different zoom levels.
  • Then, we comment on the different TIN creation methods implemented, and their related parameters:
    • Greedy Insertion: Parameters related to the greedy insertion simplification method.
    • Edge Collapse Simplification: Parameters related to the edge collapse simplification method.
    • Point Set Simplification: Parameters related to the point set simplification methods. In this case, more than a single algorithm for point set simplification can be selected.