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Day 1 QUIZ

How does JSX differ from HTML? Is JSX required? What tool compiles JSX? What is destructuring? Why do we do it? Contrast object destructuring with array destructuring. Why prefer const/let over var? What tool did we use to create our React app? What Hooks did we use? What were they for? How do we declare data that changes over time? What’s the term for passing config settings into a component? How do we declare what values our component accepts? When do you declare a key? Why declare a key? What’s a good key? What’s a bad key? How do you run an npm script? How do you make a function public? When does React re-render? How do you declare state in a class? A function? What tool are we using to automatically format our code? What does JSX compile down to? What array method did we use to iterate over the list of users? What does it return? What is a predicate? What is a higher order function? List some higher order functions on the array prototype. What are the benefits and downsides of using a default export? Var is dead. Why? What should you use instead? Does const make an object immutable? Name 2 ways to declare a React component. Which should you prefer? What’s the name for arguments passed to React components? How do we specify the types for each argument? How did we debug? When does React re-render? Is the code we see in the browser what’s actually running?


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