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Object‐Oriented Programming

cosmos-lang edited this page Sep 6, 2023 · 8 revisions

Our approach to objects highly mirrors that found in prototypal languages where an object is literally a table and can in some ways be used similarly.

In particular,

  • Objects are opt-in.
  • Existence of objects does not conflict with usage of tables as a dictionary.

It was our intent that the programmer does not have to use the paradigm and that tables can still be used separately.

require('object', Object)

	rel move(this,x,y,this2)
		update(this,{'x'=x and 'y'=y},this2) //this2=this+{'x'=x and 'y'=y}

print(ship.y) //1
print(shipAfterMoving.y) //2

The method Object.create essentially marks a table as an 'object'. Typically, a parameter this or self refers to the object itself and is hidden in further calls.

Creating an Object

Much like logic programming, object-oriented programming is often accompanied by an intuition. There's something the code tries to represent and a mechanical approach by which it does so.


A common intuition in object-oriented programming is to say a class represents the ideal concept of a ship while objects make up individual ships.

While the concept of a Ship is unchangeable, individual ships can change and hold distinct properties.

Untitled Diagram

A given ship may deviate from the ideal ship as well as other ships. An object ship1 may be in a different position than ship2.

In modeling our class, we decided on its related properties--namely, x and y coordinates indicating its position, and associated methods--a move relation that changes its coordinates. A ship is able to move through the oceans.


A ship is then created using the create relation. Ship may be called its class or prototype.

Procedural Interpretation

It's common in prototype-based programming to simply use a table or similar data-structure for the object and/or classes[1]. What happens then is,

  1. create makes a new table ship.
  2. The table ship is marked as an "object".
  3. Ship is established as the prototype of ship.
  4. If the programmer tries to access a property of an object, it first looks in the object itself, and if it's not found, it looks into its prototype.
  5. The first parameter of an object call is hidden, hence ship2=ship.move(ship,1,2) is shortened to ship2=ship.move(1,2).

In our example, shipAfterMoving.y is immediately found to be 2. However, ship.move requires lookup as move only exists in the prototype.

[1] Thus, classes don't technically exist. What we have is objects that may be described as "class-like". See Self: The Power of Simplicity.