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Releases: costasiella/costasiella

Costasiella v2024.02.01

04 Apr 17:36
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What's new

  • Finance Invoices - search by invoice number & filter by date sent & date due


  • Show order delivery error messages in order details
  • Show order delivery error badge in orders list for orders that could not be delivered
  • Show order delivery error badge in customer portal orders list for orders that could not be delivered
  • Don't create an invoice when an order can't be delivered
  • Show trialpass labels in backend attendance list
  • Create invoice when customer creates a subscription when the shop payment method is set to direct debit


  • Add "overdue" status to finance invoice edit options
  • Class prices component now showing when drop-in card not set
  • Include overdue invoices in invoices payment batch items
  • Correct count of available reconciliation classes
  • Allow clearing finance invoice payment method
  • Allow clearing account subscription payment method

Costasiella v2023.05.03

30 Dec 20:28
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What's new

  • Insight: List of open invoices on a given date
  • Relations: Add class attendance from account profile


  • Improved loading time for archived schedule events list


  • Fix possible permission issues when archiving class types or locations
  • Fix "my classes" permission issue in shop, preventing from loading the list
  • Fix permission issues on payment methods related to invoices and invoice payments
  • Fix permission issues related to business names when viewing invoices within the shop
  • Refund credits on attendance cancellation when ending or removing an enrollment
  • Fix finance invoices not exporting when a status is set
  • Fix select values when adding or editing an event


Update the docker-compose file to run the backend, celery worker and celery beat containers as the nginx user (www-data).
In the mounts directory update the permissions accordingly :

chown -R www-data:www-data logs
chown -R www-data:www-data media
chown -R www-data:www-data media_protected
chown -R www-data:www-data sockets
chown -R www-data:www-data static

Costasiella v2023.04.02

27 Jul 18:05
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  • Cancel class bookings & refund credits on class cancellation
  • Improve reliability of keeping the authentication status


  • Add direct debit mandate when a customer purchased a subscription in the shop & the payment method for subscriptions in the shop is set to direct debit
  • Display the correct execution date for batches under finance

Costasiella v2023.04.0

23 Jul 17:06
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What's new

  • Insight subscribers without key number in profile (Keep track of customers with a subscription who don't have a door access card)


  • Add date filter to finance expense list
  • Improve OpenStudio import reliability
  • Add email to insight subscription & classpass exports
  • Add displayPublic as filterable field to schedule_event_ticket schema
  • Add keyNumber_isempty filter to account_subscription schema
  • Export payment batch date fields using given date format instead of yyyy-mm-dd
  • Add "trial" label to self-checkin attendance list

Technical changes

  • Dockerfiles updates to python 3.11
  • Drop arm builds for Docker images
  • Update i18next-scanner configuration to current format


  • Allow customers to view tax rates for their invoice items
  • Allow users with permission to view subscriptions, to view the related payment method (if any)
  • Fix count for number of possible advance credits
  • Fix unable to to clear drop in or trial pass set for a class
  • Add missing logo to password reset done view
  • Add command to fix missing classcard & subscription groups for classes (might be missing after migration from OpenStudio)
  • Add command to fix missing bank accounts for self registered customers
  • Do account setup for self registered customers to create linked bank account & instructor profile where applicable
  • Set correct payment method when generating invoices for subscriptions for a given month
  • Export event attendance when no invoice is set (would crash)
  • Fix incorrect page title in insight instructor classes component
  • Fix non-public tickets displaying in shop
  • Fix self checkin search reliability

Costasiella v2023.03.01

28 May 10:27
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What's new

  • Supplier filter for finance expenses
  • Export Event activity attendance as Excel sheet


  • Add urlShop to organizationClasspass & organizationSubscription GraphQL schema
  • Add Mollie customer ID to GraphQL account schema
  • Add Mollie customer ID to relations > accounts > tools

Technical changes

  • CSRF default settings have been moved to settings/
  • Arm builds of Docker containers are no longer provided. From this release onward, only x86_64 builds will be created.
  • The frontend development server is using port 3001 instead of 3000


  • Add the following to app/settings/
    ``CELERY_TASK_RESULT_EXPIRES = timedelta(days=90)`


07 Apr 20:15
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What's new

  • Duplicate finance expenses
  • Add percentage & calculated total to finance expenses


  • Faster handling of protected media files
  • Show expired badge in admin backend for expired subscription credits

Technical changes

  • Update scheduleEvent graphql schema; added full_event & deletable filter


  • Weekday is off by one day in schedule - classes - edit all classes
  • Automation - create subscription credits for a month stops further processing in some cases when a subscription is not valid.
  • No user feedback when class booking status is updated
  • Classes aren't cancelled reliably after stopping of deleting an enrolment
  • urlShop field in scheduleEvent schema doesn't use global ID
  • Auth token refreshed would occasionally fail while the refresh token is still valid


Some updates to Costasiella & webserver settings are required for production deployments being upgraded.

Nginx vhost

Add a new location for protected media.

# Django protected media
location /d/protected_media {
    alias /path/to/your/media_protected/;  # your Django project's protected media files - amend as required


Add settings:
MEDIA_PROTECTED_INTERNAL_URL = '/d/protected_media/' ## This one should be a known location to nginx

Add an import:
from import FileSystemStorage

Add the following settings:
MEDIA_PROTECTED_ROOT = "/opt/media_protected"

Docker compose file

Add a volume for the backend container

   - "/path/to/your/costasiella/bind_mounts/media_protected:/opt/media_protected"

Docker bind mounts folder:

mkdir /path/to/your/costasiella/bind_mounts/media_protected
mv /path/to/your/costasiella/bind_mounts/media/finance_expense /path/to/your/costasiella/bind_mounts/media_protected
mv /path/to/your/costasiella/bind_mounts/media/account_document /path/to/your/costasiella/bind_mounts/media_protected


25 Feb 19:14
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What's new

  • A new model for subscription credits. Credits are now handled individually, with expiration dates
  • Display credits overview for subscriptions in shop account profiles
  • Setting to disable user signup
  • A checkbox in class add & edit forms to allow disabling sending class info mails
  • Class bookings during a subscription pause are cancelled when adding a pause


  • Add enrollment counts to class enrollments list
  • Add enrollment spaces to class add & edit forms
  • Classes booked when adding an enrollment
  • Names on enrollment list sorted A - Z
  • Display weekday in class edit component subtitles
  • PDF button for each invoice in finance invoices list
  • Display number of subscription credits available on class date when booking a class (instead of the total available today)

Technical changes

  • Dockerfiles now use python slim containers


  • Text alignment on default invoice pdf template
  • Reliably show subscription end dates in profile subscription lists
  • Improve sign in reliability & fix possible token refresh loop
  • Fix weekday display in enrollments list
  • Refetch b2b invoices list after adding one
  • Refetch invoice data after adding a payment
  • Error sending class info mail when classtype is changed for a single class
  • Import OpenStudio class enrollments
  • Fix invoice status not set to paid after entering a payment >= invoice amount
  • Fix invoice exports failing when account isn't set


20 Dec 19:01
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  • Fix activities not loading in events component


18 Dec 19:22
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What's new

  • Finance - Expenses (Basic expense tracking)
  • Manage enrollments from account profiles
  • Show attendance counts in schedule - class -attendance
  • Create invoices from b2b profile
  • Add VIP & Supplier status to b2b profile
  • Insight - Stopped subscriptions


  • Fix subscription credit list infinite scroll loading


28 Oct 17:23
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What's new

  • Configure whether contact information is required before purchases in the shop can be completed.
  • Finance - Quotes
  • Branding colors for finance quotes & invoices
  • New order email notifications
  • Manage a simple product catalog from organization - products
  • Sell products from relations - accounts


  • Added categories to finance home
  • Added categories to organization home
  • Week chooser in class edit & class attendance components

Technical changes

  • docker-compose.yml now contains ENV variables for the Hashicorp vault settings. Settings files should be updated to reflect this.
  • docker-compose.yml now contains Hashicorp vault.


  • Improved sign-in reliability
  • Links in page footers pointed to a non-existing url