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Minimal mesh-focused auth library

This is an attempt to have a small, low-resource/WASM friendly library with no external dependencies encapsulating the most common mesh auth and provisioning patterns.

The code is in large part based on/forked from Istio and few of my projects, to remove dependencies and keep a minimal package for native mesh integration.

Provisioning and config are sometimes separated from auth - but it is safer and simpler and treat both as part of the 'security' layer. This package will attempt to bootstrap config using environment-provided certificate and secrets and provides support for config updates using signed messages.


  • minimal code - only auth features commonly used in mesh with no external dependency
  • minimal user config - auto-detect as much as possible from environment.
  • clean and commented interactions with external systems
  • support Spiffee, DNS and Matter IOT certificates

Environment auto detection and configuration

A mesh application may be deployed in multiple environments and requires a number of user-specific configs - trust domain, namespace, cluster names, etc. Setting it manually adds complexity to the helm/install charts, and is easy to get wrong with major negative impact.

Istio automates this using injection - adding a number of volumes and environemnt variables. While some names are istio specific and not ideal, it is a good starting point and can be gradually improved.

Istio has evolved and has to maintain backward compat - a lot of the env variables are duplicated, redundant or not really needed in all cases.

The current 'best practice' is to rely on a platform or CSI provider for client
certificates. In the absence of it, the app can authenticate using JWTs - it is possible to get them from TokenRequest (giving each service account permission to get tokens for itself), mounted tokens or platform metadata service.

The certificate and JWTs encode namespace, trust domain, service account info - and may include cluster and project info.

Istio environment lists all settings, only a subset will be required depending on the platform.

Environment and Defaults

  • Root certificates for mesh communication: - /var/run/secrets/.... (platform provided roots), /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt (Istio injected pods default), XDS_ROOT_CA, CA_ROOT_CA, system certificates.

  • Workload identity: cert provisioned by CertManager, Istio, etc

  • Trust domain: extracted from cert or JWT, TRUST_DOMAIN. For GKE expected to be format.

  • Namespace: POD_NAMESPACE, extracted from cert/JWT

  • Pod name: POD_NAME, hostname

  • Service account: SERVICE_ACCOUNT, extracted from cert/JWT

Certificate provider

In the absence of a 'platform certificate', the app should initiate 'commisioning'. This is provided by separate libraries, since it depends on gRPC ( ligher versions also available for smaller binary size).

  • Default is istiod.istio-system.svc:15012, using the JWT in ...



  • discovery mechanisms for destination metadata (for example XDS).
  • certificate provisioning
  • transports


The code will lookup certificates in the locations used in Istio/GKE and generate certs for self-signed or testing. Includes the minimal CA code, similar to Citadel.


This library includes very minimal code to parse/verify JWT and extract info. It is not complete or intended as a general library - just as a minimal one, focused for the tokens used in K8S/Istio.

Provisioning and bootstraping

Mesh auth provisioning involves configuring a core set of options:

  • mesh and k8s root certificates
  • private key or JWT
  • a set of trusted servers for CA, XDS and further configuration.

The certs/JWT also include identity information that can be extracted - trust domain, namespace, etc.


This package also include the basic primitives for using Webpush - crypto and VAPID. While webpush is primarily used for push messages to browsers, it is a very interesting mechanism for mesh config and events.


This is one of the more complicated pieces, getting google access tokens based on a GKE token.

  1. STS authentication starts with a GKE JWT with '' scope. You can mount it, or get it in exchange for the default token.
  2. 'securetoken' API can exchange the token with a 'federated access token' This token can be used by some services, including in IAM policy bindings. In particular, it can be used with "workloadIdentiyUser" permission, to get tokens for another GSA.
  3. Get token for a GSA, using - either generateAccessToken or generateIdToken

It requires 3 round-trips, but can be cached and pre-fetched.

The most important is the federated exchange, which requires a token with audience issued by a GKE cluster. Other IDP providers can be used as well - with an associated federation config.

The federated token is a google access token associated with the 'foreign' K8S identity which can be used directly by some services, or exchanged with a regular GSA that allows delegation.

$ kubectl -n validation-temp-ns -c istio-proxy exec sleep-6758c4cb78-2gtpp -- \
  cat /var/run/secrets/tokens/istio-token >  istio-token

$ curl -v -HContent-Type:application/json -d @exch.json

"subjectToken":"$(cat ISTIO_TOKEN)",



Mesh authentication code.







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