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Repository files navigation


What is CostAdmin?

CostAdmin is a Module for Manage ACL / NAVIGATION DATA based on Laminas Framework 2 -3

What exactly does CostAdmin?

CsnNavigation has been created with educational purposes to demonstrate how Navigation can be done. It is fully functional.


Installation via composer is supported, just make sure you've set "minimum-stability": "dev" in your composer.jsonfile and after that run php composer.phar require cost/cost-navigation:dev-master

Go to your application configuration in ./config/application.config.phpand add 'CostNavigation'. An example application configuration could look like the following:

open composer.json and add under auotload key

"autoload" : { "psr-4" : { "CostAdmin\" : "vendor/cost/cost-admin/src", }

"repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": ""

depends on:
1) CostBase
2) CostAuthentication
3) CostAuthorization

'modules' => array( 'Application', 'Zf2datatable', 'CostBase', 'CostAuthentication', 'CostAuthorization', 'CostAdmin' )```

Add migration file for Doctrine Migration : run public/index.php migrations:migrate note: for mssql use [user] instead of user table