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aykroyd: An opinionated micro-ORM for PostgreSQL.

All database queries are represented by a plain Rust struct that implements either Statement or Query (and maybe QueryOne). These trait implementations logically binds the SQL text to the types of the inputs, and the Query or QueryOne implementation does the same for the output rows. This lets the struct act as an event-sourcing layer between your application and the database.

The binding is not magic; there is no compile-time verification against a live database. It is instead an assertion by the developer, one that you would be wise to verify. To do so, you'll need to connect to a live database. It is recommended to do so in a suite of automated tests which can be run against any database environment to verify that particular tier.

Once you have a Statement or Query in hand, you'll need a database connection to run it. Aykroyd supports the following database client crates:

DB Backend Crate Feature Sync/Async Client
PostgreSQL postgres postgres Sync aykroyd::postgres::Client
PostgreSQL tokio-postgres tokio-postgres Async aykroyd::tokio_postgres::Client
MySQL/MariaDB mysql mysql Sync aykroyd::mysql::Client
SQLite rusqlite rusqlite Sync aykroyd::rusqlite::Client

See the documentation for more details.



An example of the synchronous PostgreSQL client.

use postgres::{NoTls, Error};
use aykroyd::postgres::Client;

struct Customer {
    id: i32,
    first_name: String,
    last_name: String,

#[aykroyd(text = "INSERT INTO customers (first_name, last_name) VALUES ($1, $2)")]
struct InsertCustomer<'a> {
    first_name: &'a str,
    last_name: &'a str,

#[aykroyd(row(Customer), text = "SELECT id, first_name, last_name FROM customers")]
struct GetAllCustomers;

fn try_main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    // Connect to the database
    let mut client =
        Client::connect("host=localhost user=postgres", NoTls)?;

    // Execute a statement, returning the number of rows modified.
    let insert_count = client.execute(&InsertCustomer {
        first_name: "Dan",
        last_name: "Aykroyd",
    assert_eq!(insert_count, 1);

    // Run a query and map the result objects.
    let rows = client.query(&GetAllCustomers)?;
    assert_eq!(rows.len(), 1);
    assert_eq!(rows[0].first_name, "Dan");



An example of the asynchronous PostgreSQL client.

use tokio_postgres::{NoTls, Error};
use aykroyd::tokio_postgres::connect;

struct Customer {
    id: i32,
    first_name: String,
    last_name: String,

#[aykroyd(text = "INSERT INTO customers (first_name, last_name) VALUES ($1, $2)")]
struct InsertCustomer<'a> {
    first_name: &'a str,
    last_name: &'a str,

#[aykroyd(row(Customer), text = "SELECT id, first_name, last_name FROM customers")]
struct GetAllCustomers;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    // Connect to the database
    let (mut client, conn) =
        connect("host=localhost user=postgres", NoTls).await?;

    // As with tokio_postgres, you need to spawn a task for the connection.
    tokio::spawn(async move {
        if let Err(e) = conn.await {
            eprintln!("connection error: {e}");

    // Execute a statement, returning the number of rows modified.
    let insert_count = client.execute(&InsertCustomer {
        first_name: "Dan",
        last_name: "Aykroyd",
    assert_eq!(insert_count, 1);

    // Run a query and map the result objects.
    let rows = client.query(&GetAllCustomers).await?;
    assert_eq!(rows.len(), 1);
    assert_eq!(rows[0].first_name, "Dan");
