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Contains scripts for setting up end to end device farm testing


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CBL Server Orchestration for Device Farm

This repo contains a python implementation of a program that can use EC2 to set up an arbitrary number of Couchbase Servers and Sync Gateways for use with testing against a device farm containing a Couchbase Lite based application.


This implementation uses the Couchbase Python SDK, and so the requirements for that SDK must be satisfied first. After that, the required python modules must be installed by using pip install -r requirements.txt. Lastly, you must be configured to use AWS services from the command line. The easiest way to do that is to install the AWS Command Line Tools and run aws configure

Also, you must run git submodule update --init after cloning to pick up the couchbase-cli.

In addition to the technical prerequisites, there are some knowledge prerequisites. You must be familiar with how to log into the AWS console and create key pairs. The examples below all make copious use of the name of an AWS key pair that you need to create in advance. You must also have this private key available on the system that runs these scripts, as this will be the main method of authentication for many operations. Once you have a key pair created, you will use the name of the key pair anywhere you see "keyname" below, and the corresponding private key where you see an option to provide an SSH key file.


Set Configuration Options

usage: configure [-h] {verify,set,clear,get} ...

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  Valid actions (omit for interactive)

                        Actions that this program is able to perform

Configure the default settings to use for some of the options that the various scripts use. Including, but not limited to:

  • Version of Couchbase Server to install
  • Version of Sync Gateway to install
  • Region of AWS to use

Managing sensitive credentials

To maximize flexibility, there are a number of ways that these scripts can acquire passwords. The easiest way is to pass them as a command line option. However, each password also has a corresponding variable name (run ./ to see a list). For example, if the variable name is CM_MY_PASSWORD then the following logic is used to resolve the credential if one is not passed on the command line:

  1. Check for the environment variable CM_MY_PASSWORD
  2. If the python keyring module is installed, check the default system keystore for an entry with the service name CM_MY_PASSWORD, and a username matching the keyname required argument found on most commands.
  3. Interactive password prompt

Create an EC2 Stack

usage: create_cluster [-h] [--num-servers NUM_SERVERS]
                      [--server-type SERVER_TYPE]
                      [--num-sync-gateways NUM_SYNC_GATEWAYS]
                      [--sync-gateway-type SYNC_GATEWAY_TYPE]
                      [--region REGION]
                      stackname keyname

positional arguments:
  stackname             name for your cluster
  keyname               The EC2 keyname to install on all the instances

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --num-servers NUM_SERVERS
                        number of couchbase server instances
  --server-type SERVER_TYPE
                        EC2 instance type for couchbase server (default:
  --num-sync-gateways NUM_SYNC_GATEWAYS
                        number of sync_gateway instances
  --sync-gateway-type SYNC_GATEWAY_TYPE
                        EC2 instance type for sync_gateway type (default:
  --region REGION       The AWS region to use (default: us-east-1)

Create an EC2 stack named "device-farm" using the keyname "jborden" for SSH access with 3 m3.large instances configured for Couchbase Server, and 1 m3.medium (default) instance configured for Sync Gateway

./ device-farm jborden --num-servers=3 --server-type=m3.large --num-sync-gateways=1

Install Couchbase Server

usage: install_couchbase_server [-h] [--region REGION]
                                [--server-name-prefix SERVERNAME]
                                [--ssh-key SSHKEY] [--setup-only]
                                [--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD]

positional arguments:
  keyname               The name of the SSH key that the EC2 instances are

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --region REGION       The EC2 region to query (default us-east-1)
  --server-name-prefix SERVERNAME
                        The name of the server to use to reset the Couchbase
                        cluster (default couchbaseserver)
  --ssh-key SSHKEY      The key to connect to EC2 instances
  --setup-only          Skip the program installation, and configure only
  --username USERNAME   The administrator username for Couchbase Server
                        (default Administrator)
  --password PASSWORD   The administrator password for Couchbase Server (If
                        not provided, run for information on how
                        it is resolved)

Install Couchbase Server to all the instances in EC2 that are setup with the "jborden" key and whose name starts with couchbaseserver (default), using the provided private key to connect. If --setup-only is passed then installation is skipped and the cluster is checked to make sure that all nodes are reported correctly (i.e. The number of nodes reported by Couchbase Server is the same as the number of found instances) and fixed if needed.

./ jborden --ssh-key ~/.ssh/aws_jborden.pem

Install Sync Gateway

usage: install_sync_gateway [-h] [--region REGION]
                            [--server-name-prefix SERVERNAME]
                            [--sg-name-prefix SGNAME] [--ssh-key SSHKEY]

positional arguments:
  keyname               The name of the SSH key that the EC2 instances are

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --region REGION       The EC2 region to query (default us-east-1)
  --server-name-prefix SERVERNAME
                        The prefix of the server(s) to use for Couchbase
                        Server (default couchbaseserver)
  --sg-name-prefix SGNAME
                        The prefix of the server(s) to use for Sync Gateway
                        (default syncgateway)
  --ssh-key SSHKEY      The key to connect to EC2 instances
  --setup-only          Skip the program installation, and configure only

Install Sync Gateway to all instances in EC2 that have the keyname "jborden" and whose name starts with "syncgateway" (default), using the provided private key to connect. A config will be deployed so that Sync Gateway uses the first instance found with the prefix "couchbaseserver" (default). If --setup-only is passed then only the second step is performed.

./ jborden --ssh-key ~/.ssh/aws_jborden.pem

Reset Cluster State

usage: reset_cluster [-h] [--region REGION] [--server-name-prefix SERVERNAME]
                   [--bucket-name BUCKETNAME] [--sg-name-prefix SGNAME]
                   [--ssh-key SSHKEY] [--username USERNAME]
                   [--password PASSWORD]

positional arguments:
keyname               The name of the SSH key that the EC2 instances are

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--region REGION       The EC2 region to query (default us-east-1)
--server-name-prefix SERVERNAME
                      The prefix of the Couchbase Server nodes in EC2
                      (default couchbaseserver)
--bucket-name BUCKETNAME
                      The name of the bucket to reset (default device-farm-
--sg-name-prefix SGNAME
                      The prefix of the Sync Gateway instance names in EC2
                      (default syncgateway)
--ssh-key SSHKEY      The key to connect to EC2 instances
--username USERNAME   The administrator username for Couchbase Server
                      (default Administrator)
--password PASSWORD   The administrator password for Couchbase Server (If
                      not provided, run for information on how
                      it is resolved)

The following command will perform these steps:

  1. Connect to all EC2 instances whose name starts with "syncgateway" (default) and that use the "jborden" EC2 key pair using the provided private key and stop the Sync Gateway service
  2. Connect to the first EC2 instance whose name starts with "couchbaseserver" (default) and that uses the "jborden" EC2 key pair using the provided private key and reset all the external hostnames for the nodes in the cluster (they may have changed due to starting and stopping EC2 instances).
  3. Flush the device-farm-data bucket (default) using the provided Couchbase Server RBAC username and password (bucket_manager / bucket)
  4. Connect to the previous sync gateway nodes again and copy a new config file pointing to the reset Couchbase cluster, and start the Sync Gateway service using the new config

./ jborden --ssh-key=$HOME/.ssh/aws_jborden.pem

Start Up / Shut Down EC2 Cluster

usage: [-h] [--region REGION]
                               keyname {STOPPED,RUNNING}

positional arguments:
  keyname            The name of the SSH key that the EC2 instances are using
  {STOPPED,RUNNING}  The state to set the cluster into

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --region REGION    The EC2 region (default us-east-1)

The following command will shut down all instances in the cluster using the EC2 key pair "jborden" (to start up, use RUNNING instead of STOPPED)

./ jborden STOPPED

Find Instance

usage: query_cluster [-h] [--region REGION] keyname {STOPPED,RUNNING}

positional arguments:
keyname            The name of the SSH key that the EC2 instances are using
{STOPPED,RUNNING}  The state of the instances to be found

optional arguments:
-h, --help         show this help message and exit
--region REGION    The EC2 region to query (default us-east-1)

The following command will return information about instances in the RUNNING state that use the "jborden" EC2 key pair.

./ jborden RUNNING

Start a Device Farm Run

usage: run_device_farm_test [-h] [--region REGION] [--sg-name-prefix SGNAME]
                          [--skip-s3-upload] [--ios-pool IOSPOOL]
                          [--android-pool ANDROIDPOOL] [--dry-run]
                          keyname project_name {ios,android}

positional arguments:
keyname               The name of the SSH key that the EC2 instances are
project_name          The name of the device farm project to run
{ios,android}         The platform to run the test on

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--region REGION       The EC2 region to query (default us-east-1)
--sg-name-prefix SGNAME
                      The prefix of the Sync Gateway instance names in EC2
                      (default syncgateway)
--skip-s3-upload      If set, don't upload the SG address to S3
--ios-pool IOSPOOL    The name of the iOS device pool to use with the
                      project (default iOS Pool)
--android-pool ANDROIDPOOL
                      The name of the iOS device pool to use with the
                      project (default Android Pool)
--dry-run             Only fetch the properties needed to schedule a run,
                      without scheduling it

The requirement here is that you have gone through all the proper steps to bring up the EC2 instances by using the previous commands. This command will run the provided test against the first sync gateway found in the EC2 instances that use the provided keyname on the provided platform (ios or android). It does so with the following steps:

  1. Find the URL of the Sync Gateway instance (skipped with --skip-s3-upload)
  2. Upload the URL to a text file in a publicly accessible S3 location (skipped with --skip-s3-upload)
  3. Send a schedule run request to AWS using the provided project name, the latest uploaded app artifact, the latest uploaded test artifact, and the provided device pool name.

NOTE: The --region argument only applies to looking for Sync Gateway. The device farm region is hardcoded to us-west-2 (the only region in which it seems possible for me to create a device farm test anyway)

The following command will start a project called "CBL Mass Replication" for iOS using a Sync Gateway with the "jborden" key:

./ jborden "CBL Mass Replication" ios


Contains scripts for setting up end to end device farm testing







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