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Couchbase Operator deployment for Open Source Kubernetes with minikube


Setup couchbase operator 1.2 on open source kubernetes using minikube
The deployment would be using command line tools to deploy

Overview of the hand on labs

Env details
Deploy admission controller
Deploy Couchbase Autonomous Operator
Deploying Couchbase Cluster with following details
	* PV
	* TLS certificates
Delete a pod
Check that cluster self-heals
Cluster is healthy
Scaling up and down
Backup and Restore Couchbase server
Run sample Python application using CB Python SDK


Environment details

  • minikue on macos : v1.2.0

  • Set the vCPUs and Memory to 4 and 4GiB so that Couchbase operator would work on laptop

sudo minikube config set memory 4096
sudo minikube config set cpus 4

$ sudo minikube config view

- cpus: 4
- memory: 4096

minikube cluster details

$ sudo kubectl get nodes

minikube   Ready    master   3d11h   v1.15.0

Deploy admission controller

  • cd into the files dir to access the required yaml files First we will create a namespace to localize our deployment

$ sudo kubectl create namespace cbdb

  • Deployment adminission controller

$ sudo kubectl create -f admission.yaml --namespace cbdb

  • Query the deployment

    $ sudo kubectl get deployments --namespace cbdb
    NAME                           READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    couchbase-operator-admission   1/1     1            1           11m

Deploy Couchbase Autonomous Operator

  • Deploy the Custom Resource Definition

    Scope of the CRD can be k8s cluster wide or localized to the namespace. Choice is upto devops/k8s administrator. In the example below its localized to the a particular namespace

    sudo kubectl create -f crd.yaml --namespace cbdb

  • Deploy Operator Role

    sudo kubectl create -f operator-role.yaml --namespace cbdb

  • Create service account

    sudo kubectl create serviceaccount couchbase-operator --namespace cbdb

  • Bind the service account 'couchbase-operator' with operator-role

    sudo kubectl create rolebinding couchbase-operator --role couchbase-operator --serviceaccount cbdb:couchbase-operator --namespace cbdb

  • Deploy Custom Resource Definition

    sudo kubectl create -f operator-deployment.yaml --namespace cbdb

  • Query deployment

     $ sudo kubectl get deployment --namespace cbdb
     NAME                           READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
     couchbase-operator             1/1     1            1           20m
     couchbase-operator-admission   1/1     1            1           20m

Deploying Couchbase Cluster

Deploy TLS certs in namespace cbdb

Using help file below, make sure use appropriate namespace, here I have used 'cbdb' Link is here

Query the TLS secrets

$ sudo kubectl get secrets --namespace cbdb
NAME                                       TYPE                                  DATA   AGE
couchbase-operator-tls                     Opaque                                1      14h
couchbase-server-tls                       Opaque                                2      14h

Deploy secret to access Couchbase UI

sudo kubectl create -f secret.yaml --namespace cbdb

Get storageClass details for minikube k8s cluster

$ sudo kubectl get storageclass
NAME                 PROVISIONER                AGE
standard (default)   3d14h

Deploy the Couchbase cluster

sudo kubectl create -f couchbase-persistent-cluster-tls-k8s-minikube.yaml --namespace cbdb

If everything goes well then we should see the Couchbase cluster deployed with PVs, TLS certs

$ sudo kubectl get pods --namespace cbdb
NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
cb-opensource-k8s-0000                          1/1     Running   0          5h58m
cb-opensource-k8s-0001                          1/1     Running   0          5h58m
cb-opensource-k8s-0002                          1/1     Running   0          5h57m
couchbase-operator-864685d8b9-j72jd             1/1     Running   0          20h
couchbase-operator-admission-7d7d594748-btnm9   1/1     Running   0          20h

Access the Couchbase UI

  • Get the service details for Couchbase cluster
$ sudo kubectl get svc --namespace cbdb
NAME              		TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                                                 AGE                                             6h11m
cb-opensource-k8s-ui   NodePort    <none>        8091:30477/TCP,18091:30184/TCP
$ sudo kubectl port-forward service/cb-opensource-k8s-ui 8091:8091 --namespace cbdb
Forwarding from -> 8091
Forwarding from [::1]:8091 -> 8091

Couchbase UI


Verify the root ca to check custom x509 cert is being used

Click Security->Root Certificate


Delete a pod at random, lets delete pod 001

$ sudo kubectl delete pod cb-opensource-k8s-0001 --namespace cbdb
pod "cb-opensource-k8s-0001" deleted

Server would automatically failover, depending on the autoFailovertimeout


A lost couchbase is auto-recovered by Couchbase Operator as its constantly watching cluster definition


Scaling up

Change size to 4 from 3

--- a/opensrc-k8s/cmd-line/files/couchbase-persistent-cluster-tls-k8s-minikube.yaml
       enableIndexReplica: false
       compressionMode: passive
-    - size: 3
+    - size: 4
       name: data
         - data


sudo kubectl apply -f couchbase-persistent-cluster-tls-k8s-minikube.yaml --namespace cbdb

Scaling down

Its exact opposite of scaling up, reduce the cluster to any number. But not less than 3. Couchbase MVP is 3 nodes.

Backup and Restore Couchbase server

Backup and restore the Couchbase server


Run sample Python application

Create namespace for app tier

$ sudo kubectl create namespace apps
namespace/apps created

Deploy the app pod

$ sudo kubectl create -f app_pod.yaml --namespace apps
pod/app01 created
  • Run the sample python program to upsert a document into couchbase cluster

Login to the pods shell/exec into app pod

$ sudo kubectl exec -ti app01 bash --namespace apps

Prep the pod for installing python SDK

prep-app-pod for python SDK

Edit the program with FQDN of the pod

Run below command after exec'ing into the couchbase pod

$ sudo kubectl exec -ti cb-opensource-k8s-0000 bash --namespace cbdb

root@cb-opensource-k8s-0000:/# hostname -f

Edit the program with correct connection string

Connection string for me looks like below:

cluster = Cluster('couchbase://cb-opensource-k8s-0000.cb-opensource-k8s.cbdb.svc.cluster.local')

Since both the namespaces in minikube share same kube-dns

Run the program

root@app01:/# python
CB Server connection PASSED
Open the bucket...
Upserting a document...
Getting non-existent key. Should fail..
Got exception for missing doc
Inserting a doc...
Getting an existent key. Should pass...
Value for key 'babyliz_liz'

Value for key 'babyliz_liz'
{u'interests': [u'Holy Grail', u'Kingdoms and Dungeons'], u'type': u'Royales', u'name': u'Baby Liz', u'email': u''}
Delete a doc with key 'u:baby_arthur'...
Value for key [u:baby_arthur]
Got exception for missing doc for key [u:baby_arthur] with error <Key=u'u:baby_arthur', RC=0xD[The key does not exist on the server], Operational Error, Results=1, C Source=(src/multiresult.c,316), Tracing Output={"u:baby_arthur": {"c": "0000000036fb5729/523b08473029eae3", "b": "default", "i": 1754553113405298788, "l": "", "s": "kv:Unknown", "r": "cb-opensource-k8s-0001.cb-opensource-k8s.cbdb.svc:11210", "t": 2500000}}>
Closing connection to the bucket...

Upserted document should looks like this



We deployed Couchbase Autonomous Operator with version 1.2 on minikue version: v1.2.0. Couchbase cluster requires admission controller, RBACs with role limited to the namespace (more secure). CRD deployed has cluster wide scope, but that is by design. Couchbase cluster deployed had PV support and customer x509 certs. We saw how how Couchbase cluster self-heals, and brings cluster up and healthy back without any user intervention.

We also saw how to install Couchbase python sdk in a Applicaiton pod deployed in its namespace and we can have that application talk to Couchbase server and perform CRUD operations.


Perform these steps below to un-config all the k8s assets created.

sudo kubectl delete -f secret.yaml --namespace cbdb
sudo kubectl delete -f couchbase-persistent-cluster-tls-k8s-minikube.yaml --namespace cbdb
sudo kubectl delete rolebinding couchbase-operator --namespace cbdb
sudo kubectl delete serviceaccount couchbase-operator --namespace cbdb
sudo kubectl delete -f operator-deployment.yaml --namespace cbdb
sudo kubectl get deployments --namespace cbdb
sudo kubectl delete -f admission.yaml --namespace cbdb
sudo kubectl delete pod app01 --namespace apps