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Couchbase Initializer PoC

Experimental, unsupported.


  • Java 1.8 or later.
  • Angular CLI (npm install -g @angular/cli)

Build and run

The server listens on port 8080. Make sure nothing else is using that port.

Build and run:

./gradlew bootRun

TIP: It might look like the Gradle command is hanging, but the server is ready when the Spring Boot banner appears and the last line of the output contains "Started CouchbaseInitializerApplicationKt"

For the fancy UI, visit http://localhost:8080

More info at http://localhost:8080/backend.html

Templates are defined here. Only server/java/basic/* and server/node/basic/* are "real" -- the others are placeholders.

Adding a new template to the PoC requires editing manifest.json. (The long-term plan is to dynamically generate the manifest.)