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An example showcasing the real time neural translation of data stored in Couchbase using the Machine Learning Capabilities of Couchbase Analytics


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Neural Translation Using Couchbase

Running Couchbase

  • Couchbase can be run as a Docker container

    docker run -d -p 8091-8096:8091-8096 -p 11210:11210 --name ml_db couchbase

  • Setting Up

    Access Couchbase Web Console at http://localhost:8091/

    While setting up, enable Analytics, Data, Query and Indexing Service in Couchbase.

    More information on setting up can be found here.

  • Enabling Python UDFs on Couchbase

    We need to enable the developer preview mode to enable us to use the machine learning capabilities of Couchbase.

    docker exec -it ml_db bash /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli enable-developer-preview -c localhost:8091 -u <username> -p <password> --enable

Using the Pre-trained Model

  • Install the requirements

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  • The model used is a pre trained multi lingual model, Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-mul-en that translates from multiple common languages into English. The model is available on hugging face.

Packaging the Model

  • The machine learning model can be packaged including all the dependencies using shiv for any platform. We use Linux here for our container.

    shiv --site-packages pipeline/ -o trans-lib.pyz --platform manylinux1_x86_64 --python-version 39 --only-binary=:all: transformers torch

  • Copy the package into the Couchbase Container docker cp trans-lib.pyz ml_db:/tmp/

Deploying the Model

  • Log in to Docker Container running Couchbase

    docker exec -it ml_db bash

  • Deploy the model into Couchbase Analytics Service

    cd /tmp

    curl -v -X POST -F "data=@./trans-lib.pyz" -F "type=python" "localhost:8095/analytics/library/Default/translib" -u <username>:<password>;

Create the User Defined Function in Couchbase Analytics

  • Run the User Defined Function Definition in Couchbase Analytics Query Workbench


    CREATE ANALYTICS FUNCTION translate(text) AS "trans_lib", "Translate.translate_text" AT translib;

Run Machine Learning Inference

  • Call the User Defined Function in Analytics Workbench

    SELECT translate("hallo") as translation

  • The output from ML model can be seen on the output window

          "translation": [
              "translation_text": "Hello"

Running the Machine Learning Interface using Python App

There is a sample application written using Streamlit to access the inference using Python.

Running the Application

  • Create a bucket like messages in Couchbase to store the insurance quotes. Also create the primary index for the bucket so that we can access the data using SQL++ queries. CREATE PRIMARY INDEX on `messages`
  • The database settings are accessed from a .env file. Create a copy of .env.example & rename it to .env & add the values for the bucket, host name and credentials for your Couchbase cluster.
  • Run the application streamlit run
  • The application can be used to run inference against the model running on Couchbase.
  • There is an instant translation for all the messages being sent in the system. Screnshot of the application
  • Apart from this, the latest messages can be viewed in a table along with the corresponding translations. Screnshot of the application


An example showcasing the real time neural translation of data stored in Couchbase using the Machine Learning Capabilities of Couchbase Analytics








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