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Fix O split exemption due to H-bonds
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Liozou committed Apr 19, 2024
1 parent 0632963 commit 13cafb3
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Showing 3 changed files with 52 additions and 27 deletions.
76 changes: 50 additions & 26 deletions src/clustering.jl
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Expand Up @@ -1228,22 +1228,26 @@ function find_sbus!(crystal::Crystal, kinds::ClusterKinds=default_sbus)
return sbus

function _is_O_sbu_exempt_from_split(sbu, subgraph, types)
for (v, _) in sbu
# skip splitting if O has too many H-bonds (like in clathrate hydrates)
numhbonds = 0
neighsO = neighbors(subgraph, v)
for (x, _) in neighsO
numhbonds += types[x] === :H
length(neighsO) - numhbonds 2 || return false
return true

function _split_this_sbu!(toremove, graph, k, types, stopiftype, sbus)
if sbus !== nothing
for x in neighbors(graph, k)
othersbu = sbus[x.v]
length(othersbu) == 1 && types[othersbu[1].v] === stopiftype && return nothing
if stopiftype === :O
# skip splitting if O has too many H-bonds (like in clathrate hydrates)
numhbonds = 0
neighsO = neighbors(graph, k)
for (x, _) in neighsO
numhbonds += types[x] === :H
length(neighsO) - numhbonds 2 && return nothing
push!(toremove, k)
neighs = reverse(neighbors(graph, k))
n = length(neighs)
Expand All @@ -1270,15 +1274,17 @@ function split_special_sbu!(graph, sbus, subgraph, types, splitO)
uniquetypes === Symbol("") && continue
if uniquetypes === :O && splitO
_split_this_sbu!(toremove, graph, k, types, uniquetypes, sbus)
if uniquetypes === :O && splitO && !_is_O_sbu_exempt_from_split(sbu, subgraph, types)
_split_this_sbu!(toremove, graph, k, types, :O, sbus)
elseif uniquetypes == :C && length(sbu) == 1
push!(uniqueCs, k)
for k in uniqueCs
v = only(sbus[k]).v

# eliminate the case of points of extension:
any(x -> types[x.v] === :C || types[x.v] === :N, neighbors(subgraph, sbus[k][1].v)) && continue
any(x -> types[x.v] === :C || types[x.v] === :N, neighbors(subgraph, v)) && continue

neighs = neighbors(graph, k)
otherwiseconnected = falses(length(neighs))
Expand All @@ -1297,17 +1303,26 @@ function split_special_sbu!(graph, sbus, subgraph, types, splitO)
if all(otherwiseconnected)
push!(toremove, k)
_split_this_sbu!(toremove, graph, k, types, types[only(sbus[k]).v], sbus)
_split_this_sbu!(toremove, graph, k, types, types[v], sbus)
return rem_vertices!(graph, toremove)

Split O vertices that have 3 or more neighbours, so that these neighbours become connected
and the O node disappears.
H neighbours are not considered.
function split_O_vertices(c)
toremove = Int[]
graph = deepcopy(c.pge.g)
for (k, t) in enumerate(c.types)
(t === :O && degree(graph, k) > 2) || continue
_is_O_sbu_exempt_from_split([PeriodicVertex3D(k)], graph, c.types) && continue
_split_this_sbu!(toremove, graph, k, c.types, :O, nothing)
vmap = rem_vertices!(graph, toremove)
Expand All @@ -1321,27 +1336,37 @@ struct InvalidSBU <: ClusteringError

identify_clustering(c::Crystal{T}, structure::_StructureType, clustering::_Clustering) where T
Return a tuple `(newclustering, maybeclusters)` such that:
- `newclustering` is the first `_Clustering` used. When the input `clustering` is
`SingleNodes` for instance, `newclustering` will be `AllNodes` since `SingleNodes` is
derived from an initial `AllNodes` clustering.
- `maybeclusters` is either the `Clusters` to use, or a boolean indicating whether to
separate metals.
function identify_clustering(c::Crystal{T}, structure::_StructureType, clustering::_Clustering) where T
if clustering == Clustering.Auto
if structure == StructureType.Auto
if T === Clusters
return structure, clustering, c.clusters
return clustering, c.clusters
return identify_clustering(c, structure, Clustering.EachVertex)
elseif structure == StructureType.Zeolite
return identify_clustering(c, structure, Clustering.EachVertex)
elseif structure == StructureType.Guess
separate_metals = c.options.separate_metals isa Bool ? c.options.separate_metals::Bool : false
return structure, clustering, separate_metals
return clustering, separate_metals
@toggleassert structure == StructureType.MOF || structure == StructureType.Cluster
return identify_clustering(c, structure, Clustering.AllNodes)
elseif clustering == Clustering.EachVertex
return structure, clustering, Clusters(length(c.types))
return clustering, Clusters(length(c.types))
elseif clustering == Clustering.Input
if T === Clusters
return structure, clustering, c.clusters
return clustering, c.clusters
throw(ArgumentError("Cannot use input residues as clusters: the input does not have residues."))
Expand All @@ -1352,7 +1377,7 @@ function identify_clustering(c::Crystal{T}, structure::_StructureType, clusterin
clustering = Clustering.PEM
separate_metals2 = c.options.separate_metals isa Bool ? c.options.separate_metals::Bool : clustering == Clustering.PEM
return structure, clustering, separate_metals2
return clustering, separate_metals2

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1487,24 +1512,23 @@ end

function find_clusters(_c::Crystal{T}) where T
c = trim_monovalent(_c)
_structure = c.options.structure
structure = c.options.structure
clusterings = c.options.clusterings
ret = Vector{Tuple{Crystal{Nothing},Union{Int,Clusters}}}(undef, length(clusterings))
encountered = Dict{Tuple{_StructureType,_Clustering,Bool},Int}()
encountered = Dict{Tuple{_Clustering,Bool},Int}()
for (i, _clustering) in enumerate(clusterings)
identified = identify_clustering(c, _structure, _clustering)
structure = identified[1]
maybeclusters = identified[3]
idx = maybeclusters isa Bool ? identified::Tuple{_StructureType,_Clustering,Bool} :
(structure, identified[2], true)
identified = identify_clustering(c, structure, _clustering)
maybeclusters = identified[2]
idx = maybeclusters isa Bool ? identified::Tuple{_Clustering,Bool} :
(identified[1], true)
clusters::Union{Int,Clusters} = get!(encountered, idx, i)
newc = Crystal(copy(c.pge), copy(c.types), c.clusters, c.options)
if clusters == i
if maybeclusters isa Clusters
clusters = maybeclusters
separate_metals = maybeclusters
guess = structure == StructureType.Guess && identified[2] == Clustering.Auto
guess = structure == StructureType.Guess && identified[1] == Clustering.Auto
_guess, clusters = _find_clusters(newc, guess, separate_metals)
if guess && !_guess
structure = StructureType.Cluster
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/utils.jl
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Expand Up @@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ function representative_atom(t::Symbol, default::Int=0)
at == 0 || return t, at
t === :* && return t, default
styp = string(t)
@toggleassert length(styp) 2
# @toggleassert length(styp) ≥ 2 not true for fake atoms like G
t = islowercase(styp[2]) ? Symbol(styp[1:2]) : Symbol(styp[1])
return t, get(atomic_numbers, t, default)
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ end
@testset "Other kinds of structures" begin
cifs, crystalnetsdir = _finddirs()
@test string(determine_topology(joinpath(cifs, "Clathrate_hydrate.cif"); Hbonds=true)) == "ict"
@test string(determine_topology(joinpath(cifs, "Clathrate_hydrate.cif"); Hbonds=true, structure=StructureType.Guess)) == "ict"
@test string(determine_topology(joinpath(cifs, "Lithosite.cif"); structure=StructureType.Zeolite, ignore_atoms=(:K,))) == "-LIT"

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