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covertimpala edited this page Jan 18, 2022 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the RPi_servo-control_pca9685 wiki!

This project allows you to control a robotic arm with the use of 2 myoware emg sensors, an Arduino UNO, a pca9685, six servos and a Raspberry pi 3.

Electromyography (EMG) is the muscles response to electricall signals. EMG is often used to help diagnose muscular disorders and diseases affecting the connection between the nerve and the muscle, however it is also being increasingly used in prosthetics as it provides a more natural way of controlling a prosthetic arm and the technology is becoming more available. In this project I used two myoware EMG sensors to measure muscle activity. These sensors provide good enough results for a robotic arm to work and they are affordable.

Information on how to create this project can be found in the file

Before activating EMG please run the calibration.

Please make sure you have the correct amount of power being supplied to the servos. (if there isnt enough power, servos may behave strangely)

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