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File metadata and controls

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Configuring grunt

If you're starting from scratch, check out the init task, which will set up a new grunt-based project for you. Even if you don't ultimately use the files that are generated, you can very quickly learn how grunt works.

The grunt.js file, aka "gruntfile"

Each time grunt is run, it looks in the current directory for a file named grunt.js. If this file is not found, grunt continues looking in parent directories until that file is found. This file is typically placed in the root of your project repository, and is a valid JavaScript file comprised of these parts:

  • Project configuration
  • Loading grunt plugins or tasks folders
  • Tasks and helpers

This is an example of a very basic sample grunt.js gruntfile that does all three of these things.

module.exports = function(grunt) {

  // Project configuration.
    lint: {
      all: ['grunt.js', 'lib/**/*.js''test/**/*.js']
    jshint: {
      options: {
        browser: true

  // Load tasks from "grunt-sample" grunt plugin installed via Npm.

  // Default task.
  grunt.registerTask('default', 'lint sample');


A Very Important Note

Your grunt.js gruntfile must contain this code, once and only once. If it doesn't, grunt won't work. For the sake of brevity, this "wrapper" code has been omitted from all future examples on this page, but it needs to be there. Like in the previous example.

module.exports = function(grunt) {
  // Your grunt code goes in here.

Project configuration

Each grunt task relies on configuration information defined in an object passed to the grunt.initConfig method.

For example, this basic config defines a list of files to be linted when the lint task is run on the command line via grunt lint.

// Project configuration.
  lint: {
    all: ['lib/*.js', 'test/*.js', 'grunt.js']

Note: the lint task is an example of a multi task. You can run all targets of any multi task by just specifying the name of the task. In this case, running grunt lint would automatically run the all target and any others that might exist under lint instead of you having to run grunt lint:all explicitly.

In another example, this very simple configuration saved in the root of a jQuery repository clone allows the jQuery QUnit unit tests to be run via grunt with grunt qunit. Note that even though jQuery's unit tests run in grunt doesn't mean they're going to actually pass. QUnit is running headless, after all!

// Project configuration.
  qunit: {
    index: ['test/index.html']

You can store any arbitrary information inside of the configuration object, and as long as it doesn't conflict with a property one of your tasks is using, it will be ignored. Also, because this is JavaScript and not JSON, you can use any valid JavaScript here. This allows you to programatically generate the configuration object, if necessary.

See the documentation table of contents for a list of tasks whose documentation will explain their specific configuration requirements.

Also note that you don't need to specify configuration settings for tasks that you don't use.

// Project configuration.
  // Project metadata, used by some directives, helpers and tasks.
  meta: {},
  // Lists of files to be concatenated, used by the "concat" task.
  concat: {},
  // Lists of files to be linted with JSHint, used by the "lint" task.
  lint: {},
  // Lists of files to be minififed with UglifyJS, used by the "min" task.
  min: {},
  // Lists of files or URLs to be unit tested with QUnit, used by the "qunit" task.
  qunit: {},
  // Configuration options for the "server" task.
  server: {},
  // Lists of files to be unit tested with Nodeunit, used by the "test" task.
  test: {},
  // Configuration options for the "watch" task.
  watch: {},
  // Global configuration options for JSHint.
  jshint: {},
  // Global configuration options for UglifyJS.
  uglify: {}

Loading grunt plugins or tasks folders

While you can define tasks and helpers in your project's gruntfile, you can also load tasks from external sources.

// Load tasks and helpers from the "tasks" directory, relative to grunt.js.

// Load tasks and helpers from the "grunt-sample" Npm-installed grunt plugin.

Note: loading externally defined tasks and helpers in this way is preferred to loading them via the analogous --tasks and --npm command-line options. This is because when tasks are created or loaded in the grunt.js gruntfile, the tasks effectively become part of the project and will always be used (provided they are available) whenever grunt is run.

Tasks and helpers

You aren't required to define tasks in your project gruntfile, because grunt provides a number of built-in tasks. That being said, until you define a default task, grunt won't know what to do when you run it just as grunt without specifying any tasks, because grunt doesn't provide a default default task.

The easiest way to define the default task is to create an alias task.

In the following example, a default task is defined that, when invoked by specifying grunt or grunt default on the command line, will execute the lint, qunit, concat and min tasks in-order. It behaves exactly as if grunt lint qunit concat min was run on the command line.

// Default task.
task.registerTask('default', 'lint qunit concat min');

Note: choose the default tasks that make the most sense for your project. If you find yourself commonly executing other groups of tasks, create as many named aliases as you need!

Take a look at the example gruntfiles or check out the init task for more configuration examples.