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Team Meeting 2019.1.27

Christopher L Bruce edited this page Jan 27, 2019 · 2 revisions

Topics discussed

  • Roll-call of active/in-active members.
  • Combat
  • Story
  • GitHub

What's being worked on:

  • CBruce
    • Map and Screen classes basically done
    • want to refactor to utilize Table & Pos data classes
  • Cowboy
    • Going to be working on prototype maps
  • Byteme8bit
    • Character class revamp
  • BJ
    • Screen for changelog from main_menu Screen
  • PinkChicken
    • collaborating on Combat mechanics


  • Byteme8bit is going to refactor base classes for Character, Player, and Mob to clear up inherited properties/methods
  • Everyone approves of Development plan outlined here in wiki page


  • High-fantasy world, might have main player character from real-world playing in virtual environment
  • Spells, so assumed medieval fantasy
  • Tone should be relatively serious, but with humorous elements. Light on slapstick: high-brow humor vs low-brow humor
  • PG-rated
  • Game inspired by "Eden's Gate" - Protagonist transported into a virtual, fantasy-world game and has to adopt to living by game rules.
  • "Name of the Wind" -
  • Want to have future brainstorming discussions to hash out more details.


  • Discussed some of the features on GitHub project site: issue/bug tracking, milestones, wiki pages
  • Potential project website through GitHub(


  • Talked about possibility of making game playable online, through HTML website.
  • "BeeWare" - port Python to any platform
  • Animating in terminal possible? Pokemon-style battle-screens
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