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taekkim's 42 stats


Duration Name Keywords Describe
20.02.24 ~ 20.04.14 Libft algorithm Recode a few C standard libraries to use during whole cursus.
20.04.14 ~ 20.04.17 get_next_line static variable fd Create a function to read file, stdin, network connection line by line for future projects.
20.04.17 ~ 20.04.20 netwhat network OSI 7 layer TCP/IP Test an introduction to network problematics
20.04.20 ~ 20.07.24 ft_printf va_arg Recode printf.
20.07.24 ~ 20.08.06 ft_server Docker SSL WordPress phpMyAdmin MySQL Basics of system and network administration, install a complete web server, using a Docker
20.08.06 ~ 20.10.22 cub3d ray-casting graphics Inspired by the wolfenstein, make a dynamic view inside a maze
20.10.22 ~ 20.10.27 libasm assembly kernel Get familiar with assembly language.
20.10.27 ~ 20.11.18 ft_services system administration clustering Kubernetes Load Balancer WordPress MySQL phpMyAdmin nginx FTPS Grafana InfluxDB Consist to clusturing an docker-compose application and deploy it with Kubernetes.
20.11.18 ~ 20.12.12 minishell(team) bash processes fd dup execve pipe environment variables signal redirections Create a simple shell
20.12.12 ~ 21.03.23 Philosophers thread mutex semaphore process Threading a process: Dining Philosopher
21.03.23 ~ 21.04.08 CPP_Modules C++ OOP polymorphism canonical classes inheritance Abstraction Exception type casting templates containers Dive into C+++
21.04.08 ~ 21.06.21 ft_containers STD STL data structure algorithm Recode most C++98 STL containers: ref
21.04.08 ~ 21.06.24 webserv(team) HTTP request response socket Asynchronous multiplex RFC nginx cgi bind listen recv send Write my own HTTP server.
21.06.24 ~ 21.08.12 ft_transcendence(team) NestJS React PostgreSQL docker-compose OAuth 2-factor auth Build a website for the real-tim multiplayer onile games including security, user-login, chat, game


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