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cpb8010 edited this page Sep 21, 2013 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the mc-vosm wiki!

This will be the living documentation for the project. Anything that isn't well explained by the code or otherwise documented elsewhere will be here.

Consider this an addendum to the official VOSM website resources. These pages may overlap with the VOSM documentation, but will attempt to focus on changes made for this project.


  1. Setup/Install directions with troubleshooting tips

  2. Modifying the C++ to create new ASM techniques or add new database formats

  3. Using the python scripts to automatically generate graphs of results

For additional feature requests, questions or bug reports

File an issue here. These pages will be updated with common questions or new developments.

For more technical documentation

On how ASM's work or on how they can be used/ adapted, first consult the VOSM website. The white paper contains a summary of important implementation details. This project has been used in an ICIP2013 paper