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Relationships for your data.

dataship provides a way to relate things to other things.

Relationships between data typically show up in systems like relational databases as foreign keys.

In relational databases, the way these relationships are written down is usually in the context of the type system of the database.

create table products (
    id serial primary key,
    name text,
    color text,

create table orders (
    id serial primary key,
    product_id bigint foreign key references products (id),
    quantity bigint

However, one can also write down the relationship between orders.product_id and separately from declaration of the types of each column:

create table products (
    id serial primary key,
    name text,
    color text,

create table orders (
    id serial primary key,
    product_id bigint,
    quantity bigint,
    foreign key product_id references products (id)

dataship is an attempt to allow Python users to write down these kinds of relationships without regard to the type of the things being related so that other systems can take advantage of relationships in a generic way.

The way you write down relationships is using Python dictionaries of the form

    <relation>: {
        'foreign': {
            <relation.column>: '<relation.column>'
        'primary': [<list of relation.column>]

For example,

    'orders': {
        'foreign': {
            'product_id': {
                'products': 'id'
    'products': {
        'primary': ['id'],
        'foreign': {}

The most common usage of this will likely be in the context of relational databases in concert with SQLAlchemy. However, one could imagine using dataship to treat a dictionary of pandas DataFrames as a simple in memory database.


Relationships for your data






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