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Web Forum API Documentation


This documentation provides all the necessary information to get started with the Web Forum API. It includes instructions for setting up the environment, detailed descriptions of each endpoint, and how to use them effectively to build and manage a web forum.



Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Docker: Required to build and run the application container.
  • Git: Needed for version control and to clone the repository.


Follow these steps to get your application running:

  1. Clone the Repository

    Use Git to clone the source code to your local machine.

    git clone <REPOSITORY_SSH_URL>
  2. Build the Docker Image

    Navigate to the project directory and build the Docker image.

    docker build -t web-forum-api .
  3. Run the Container

    Start the application by running the Docker container.

    docker run -p <API_LISTENING_PORT>:<API_LISTENING_PORT> web-forum-api

API Endpoints

User Registration Endpoint

Endpoint: POST /user/register

Description: Allows new users to register to the web forum by providing a username, password, and email.

Request Body:

  "username": "newUser123",
  "password": "userPassword123",
  "email": ""

Response Codes:

  • 201 Created - Registration was successful.
  • 400 Bad Request - The provided data was invalid or incomplete.
  • 418 I'm a teapot - The email is already associated with an existing account.

Login Endpoint

Endpoint: POST /user/login

Description: Authenticates users by verifying their credentials and initiates a session.

Request Body:

  "username": "existingUser",
  "password": "userPassword123"

Successful Response:

  • Status Code: 200 OK

  • Response Body:

      "username": "existingUser",
      "email": ""
  • Response Headers: Includes a Set-Cookie header with a session cookie.

Error Handling:

  • 401 Unauthorized - The username or password is incorrect.

List and Create Categories Endpoint

Create Categories

Endpoint: POST /categories

Description: Allows for the creation of new categories within the forum. Requires an admin API key for authentication.

Headers: Token: <admin_api_key>

Request Body:

  "categories": ["Technology", "Health"]

Response Codes:

  • 201 Created - Successfully created new categories.

List Categories

Endpoint: GET /categories

Description: Retrieves a list of all forum categories, including the default "Default" category.

Successful Response:

  • Status Code: 200 OK
  • Response Body: ["Default", "Technology", "Health"]

Error Handling:

  • 401 Unauthorized - Invalid session cookie or admin API key.

Filter and Create Threads Endpoint

Create Thread

Endpoint: POST /thread

Description: Enables authenticated users to create a new thread within a specified category.

Request Body:

  "category": "Default",
  "title": "Exciting Discussion",
  "openingPost": {
    "text": "Let's talk about something exciting!"

Response Codes:

  • 201 Created - Thread creation was successful.

List Threads

Endpoint: GET /thread

Description: Allows users to retrieve a list of threads filtered by categories, authors, or sorting preferences.

Query Parameters: categories=Default&newest_first=true&page=0&page_size=10

Successful Response:

  • Status Code: 200 OK

  • Response Body:

      "threads": [
          "id": 1,
          "category": "Default",
          "title": "Exciting Discussion",
          "author": "user123",
          "createdAt": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z"

Error Handling:

  • 401 Unauthorized - Requires a valid session cookie.
  • 404 Not Found - Requested category does not exist.

Get and Create Thread Posts Endpoint

Add Posts

Endpoint: POST /thread/post

Description: Allows authenticated users to add one or more posts to an existing thread.

Request Body:

  "threadId": 1,
  "posts": [
    {"text": "I completely agree with this point!"},
    {"text": "Here's an interesting fact that might add to the discussion..."}

Response Codes:

  • 201 Created - Successfully added new posts to the thread.

Get Posts

Endpoint: GET /thread/post

Description: Retrieves all posts within a specified thread, facilitating continuous conversation flow.

Query Parameters: thread_id=1

Successful Response:

  • Status Code: 200 OK

  • Response Body:

      "posts": [
          "author": "user123",
          "text": "I completely agree with this point!",
          "createdAt": "2024-01-01T01:00:00Z"
          "author": "user456",
          "text": "Here's an interesting fact that might add to the discussion...",
          "createdAt": "2024-01-01T02:00:00Z"

Search Endpoint

Endpoint: GET /search

Description: Enables users to search for threads containing specific text, improving discoverability and user engagement.

Query Parameters: text=but smith was actually a banana

Successful Response:

  • Status Code: 200 OK

  • Response Body:

      "searchResults": {
        "31": [
          "...astonishing happened – but Smith was actually a banana. This surreal transformation..."
        "72": [
          " amazing day, Smith was actually a banana. What the hell?...."

Delete Thread Endpoint

Endpoint: DELETE /thread

Description: Allows administrators to remove threads, maintaining content quality and relevancy.

Query Parameters: id=2

Headers: Token: <admin_api_key>

Response Codes:

  • 204 No Content - Thread successfully deleted.

Delete Categories Endpoint

Endpoint: DELETE /categories

Description: Enables forum administration to dynamically manage forum categories.

Query Parameters: category=Tech

Headers: Token: <admin_api_key>

Response Codes:

  • 200 OK - Category successfully deleted.

Import Users via CSV Endpoint

Endpoint: POST /csv

Description: Facilitates bulk user registration through CSV file uploads, streamlining the onboarding process for administrators.

Headers: Token: <admin_api_key>, Content-Type: text/csv

Request Body: CSV content following the format username,password,email.

Successful Response:

  • Status Code: 201 Created - Indicates that the users have been successfully registered.

Error Handling:

  • 400 Bad Request - Invalid CSV format or user data.
  • 200 OK - Returned on an empty CSV import.

Environment Variables

The application requires the following environment variables for configuration:

  • ADMIN_API_KEY - Secret API key for admin endpoints.
  • API_LISTENING_PORT - Port for the API server.
  • DB_HOST - Hostname for the database server.
  • DB_PASSWORD - Database password.
  • DB_PORT - Database server port.
  • DB_SCHEMA_NAME - Database schema name.
  • DB_USERNAME - Username for database access.

Additional Notes

  • "Default" Category: This category cannot be deleted and is included by default in the list of categories.
  • Security Measures: The API is secured against common vulnerabilities, including SQL injection and oversized payloads.
  • Data Validation: Inputs are validated to prevent malformed requests and ensure data integrity.


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