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go test

A golang application to import Harmony ONE blockchain data into GCP (Google Cloud Platform) BigQuery. The overall objective of this program is to request the most recent block number submitted to the Harmony One blockchain. Then retrieve the most recent blockchain data inserted into GCP BigQuery. Then begin backfilling the blockchain data into BigQuery by making RPC requests for each block missing from BigQuery.


Most recent block header specifies block number: 0xd92e14 -> 14233108

Most recent block number found in BigQuery: 0xd92e0c -> 14233100

So BigQuery is missing 8 of the most recent blocks and their transactions. So it will attempt to retrieve the first of those 8 missing blocks by starting at 14233100 and working its way to 14233108.


In order to use the backfill binary in production you will need to have access to a GCP project that has access to BigQuery. Since this program also uses "streaming inserts" to insert data into BigQuery your GCP project will need to have billing enabled. Once you have a project that is up and running, has access to BigQuery and has billing enabled you should generate your Google Application Credentials for the program to use. A complete guide on how to get that can be found here.

In order to use everything that was utilized in this program it is recommended that you both understand and use Docker. Additionally, it is also recommended to have a basic understanding of Kubernetes.

These were key to getting this program running in a production environment that allowed for consistent runtimes. This also avoided several issues of trying to load ~16M blocks and their associated transactions into GCP BigQuery from a local machine.



You can build a local version of the binary that is specific to your Operating System by just using the go build command.

$ go build -o ./bin/hmy-bq-import ./cmd/hmy-bq-import

The resulting binary will appear in the ./bin folder and will allow you to run the program locally and begin backfilling Harmony One blockchain data into your GCP BigQuery project.

Docker (Recommended)

You can also build a dockerized version of the application by first building a linux specific binary and placing that in the docker/artifacts folder.

$ GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o ./docker/artifacts/hmy-bq-import ./cmd/hmy-bq-import

You will then need to copy your credetials file into the artifacts folder.

When you dowloaded your Google Application Credentials file it will have more than likely ended up in your Downloads folder. When copied over to the docker/artifacts folder it will mounted to the docker image on build. Replace the source part of the cp command with the file path of your credentials file.


$ cp $HOME/path/to/Downloads/google-application-credentials.json ./docker/artifacts/harmonyone-gcp-bigquery.json

Now you should be ready to perform a docker build command to build the hmy-bq-import docker image.

When you created your GCP project you should have been given a project-id to reference, we will use this as it will be useful when pushing the image to GCR (Google Cloud Registry). Export an environment variable called PROJECT_ID with the project-id value provided from GCP.

$ export PROJECT_ID=your-project-id

Next lets build the docker image from the project root

$ docker build -f ./docker/Dockerfile -t${PROJECT_ID}/hmy-bq-import:v1 .

Verify that the image was built:

$ docker images
REPOSITORY                                     TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE${PROJECT_ID}/hmy-bq-import             v1        acafe4ca74a5   10 hours ago   23MB



You can simply run the binary using the backfill command:

./bin/hmy-bq-import backfill --gcp-project-id $PROJECT_ID --help


You can check that the docker image build worked by running the following docker run command.

$ docker run -it --rm \
  -e GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/etc/hmy/harmonyone-gcp-bigquery.json \
  -e GCP_PROJECT_ID=${PROJECT_ID} \${PROJECT_ID}/hmy-bq-import:v1

Using Kubernetes

Since this application is dockerized it can be run in Kubernetes. This was deployed to GCP Kubernetes Engine to allow for the backfill to continuously run and keep the public dataset as close to realtime as possible.

If you wish to run this application on Kubernetes in GCP a quickstart guide will be able to help you do so.

Environment Variables

Env Var Name Description Default Value Required
NODE_URL the url of the node used to pull historical data from N
GCP_PROJECT_ID the project id used in GCP to store blockchain data in BigQuery Y
GCP_DATASET_ID the dataset id used in GCP to store blockchain data in BigQuery crypto_harmony N
GCP_BLOCKS_TABLE_ID the blocks table id used in GCP to store blockchain data in BigQuery blocks N
GCP_TXNS_TABLE_ID the transactions table id used in GCP to store blockchain data in BigQuery transactions N
CONCURRENCY the number concurrent go routines pulling Harmony One blockchain data 1 N


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