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🐲 Kalipuccin


This is meant to be installed on a fresh Kali install. You could do this on your battle-hardened Kali machine with all your previous configurations, but make sure you alter the script to preserve your previous configs or back them up first.

OS Kali Linux
Window Manager Bspwm
Terminal Alacritty
Shell Zsh + Oh My Zsh
Colourscheme Catppuccin Mocha
Font Iosevka Nerd Font
Launcher Rofi
Bar Polybar
Compositor Picom

📸 Screenshots

base rofi full

💾 Installation

Simply chmod +x the installation script if it isn't already marked as executable and then just run it with ./

crow@blackbird: ~/kalipuccin
ζ ›› chmod +x && ./

After successfully installing everything, make sure you reboot your system.

crow@blackbird: ~/kalipuccin
ζ ›› sudo reboot now

Once you reboot and you're in the login menu, you will have to select bswpm from the drop-down list and just log in to your brand new kalipuccin rice.


⌨️ Keyboard Shortcuts

Feel free to edit these in the ~/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc file as you please. This is what's been comfortable for me.

Restart bspwm Super + Alt + r
Open terminal Super + Enter
Open launcher Super + Space
Change workspace Super + 1, 2, 3, ..., 9
Send window to a workspace Super + Shift + 1, 2, 3, ..., 9
Close window Super + w
Select window Super + h, j, k, l
Move window Super + Shift + h, j, k, l
Increase window size Super + Alt + h, j, k, l
Decrease window size Super + Alt + Shift + h, j, k, l


Firstly, you might be asking why someone would even bother ricing an OS as bloated as Kali. Simple, I love to watch the world burn and if it means that you suffer alongside me, even better. Plus, ricing Debian/Ubuntu is (or at least when I was doing this, was) much harder than ricing an OS like Arch or something. So, as a challenge, I wanted to see if I could create a r/unixporn-ready rice for Kali, my beloathed.

💬 Notes

OVPN Support w/ Polybar

I've added the tun0 interface IP, which is common for CTF platforms like TryHackMe and Hack The Box in the bottom left of the polybar. After connecting to a VPN instance with openvpn yourvpn.ovpn &, you can run the Super + Alt + r key combination to restart bspwm, which will now show your interface address. Once respawned, it will include the IP of your VPN instance. I'm certain this can be streamlined, so if you want to, you can come up with a way to do that. Or, classically, just have the IP in your zsh/bash prompt itself. If you want to add support for other interfaces, like tap0 or something, you should copy the vpn.ini file in the polybar modules folder (~/.config/polybar/themes/crowspuccin/modules/vpn.ini), and change the interface variable to the name of the interface that you want. Or, you could just change the interface name in the default file, it's up to you.

type = internal/network
interface = tun0 # change this, homie
interval = 1.0


Now, the polybar that I have set up is a gross abomination of the amazing work of this repository: polybar-collection.


I've left out my Neovim "rice" because while moving files for this godforsaken build, I ended up completely borking the text editor. I might update this repository with a neovim rice that I make for my new machine, but I wouldn't hold my breath. You're urged to rice Neovim by yourself, it's fun :)

📝 Todo

  • Introduce various colour palettes like rose pine, nord, etc.
  • Introduce the cozette bitmap font.
  • Maybe add in some command-line arguments for modular installs or something.


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