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Remote interface of CBP

hjarupBrewDK edited this page Dec 3, 2017 · 21 revisions

using web browser to control CraftBeerPi

(over WLAN or LAN)

Because CraftBeerpi works as a web-server at port 5000, if you know the local IP address you can log onto it from any browser.

The easy way to find local IP adress is to click on the network arrow-up-down symbol on top of the Rasbarian mainscreen.

The terminial way:

On the RaspBerryPI write the following command in a Terminal window

ifconfig -a From this find the local IP adress: (just an example)

In any browser type the following in the adress field: (example)

Some users use tablets in their setup to control CBP over WLAN, with a cool screen with touch capability with 5V uUSB connected to the tablet.

IOS: (control over WLAN via Ipad or Iphone)

use the CraftBeerPI APP from the APP store Link

Kiosk mode

When using remote interface via a browser, there is ways to make the browser less visible.

This is called kiosk mode. A tutorial video can be found