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Releases: craftcms/commerce-stripe


28 Mar 08:28
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  • Fixed a bug where redirects could break when adding a new payment source. (#259, #289)
  • Fixed a bug where payment history was not being updated when a payment was made on a subscription. (#144)
  • Subscription plans queries now return more than 100 plans. (#104)


12 Jan 09:00
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  • Fixed a bug where legacy default payment methods were not being set as default. (#280)
  • Fixed a bug that could cause duplicate payment sources to be created. (#281)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to access the Stripe instance from JavaScript. (#275)
  • Fixed a bug where not all enabled payment methods types were being shown when creating a payment source. (#251, #160)
  • Fixed a bug where changing a partial payment amount wouldn’t update the payment intent. (#279)


19 Dec 13:57
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  • Stripe for Craft Commerce now requires Commerce 4.3.3 or later.
  • It is now possible to create SEPA and Bacs Direct Debit payment sources.
  • Payment method data is now stored in expanded form within transaction response data. (#276)
  • Billing address information is now passed to the payment intent. (#257, #258)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to pay using the SEPA Direct Debit payment method. (#265)
  • Fixed a bug where failed PayPal payments would cause infinite redirects. (#266)
  • Fixed a bug where JavaScript files were being served incorrectly. (#270)
  • Added craft\commerce\stripe\SubscriptionGateway::handlePaymentIntentSucceeded().

25 Oct 02:44
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  • Restored support for backend payments using the old payment form.
  • Fixed missing icon.


28 Sep 16:38
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  • Fixed a PHP error that occurred when switching a subscription’s plan.


13 Sep 19:47
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  • Added support for all of Stripe’s payment methods, including Apple Pay and Google Wallet. (#223, #222,#212)
  • Added support for Stripe Billing.
  • Added support for Stripe Checkout.
  • Added support for syncing customer payment methods.
  • Plans are now kept in sync with Stripe plans. (#240)
  • Customer information is now kept in sync with Stripe customers.
  • Improved logging.
  • Stripe now uses the 2022-11-15 version of the Stripe API.
  • Added the commerce-stripe/customers/billing-portal-redirect action.
  • Added the commerce-stripe/customers/create-setup-intent action.
  • Added the commerce-stripe/sync/payment-methods command.
  • Added craft\commerce\stripe\events\BuildSetupIntentRequestEvent.
  • Added craft\commerce\stripe\gateways\PaymentIntents::getBillingPortalUrl().
  • Removed craft\commerce\stripe\base\Gateway::normalizePaymentToken().
  • Removed craft\commerce\stripe\events\BuildGatewayRequestEvent::$metadata. BuildGatewayRequestEvent::$request should be used instead.
  • Deprecated the commerce-stripe/default/fetch-plans action.
  • Deprecated creating new payment sources via the commerce/subscriptions/subscribe action.
  • Fixed a bug where craft\commerce\stripe\base\SubscriptionGateway::getSubscriptionPlans() was returning incorrectly-formatted data.


11 May 03:14
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  • Stripe customers’ default payment methods are now kept in sync with Craft users’ primary payment sources. (#235)
  • Added craft\commerce\stripe\services\Customers::EVENT_BEFORE_CREATE_CUSTOMER. (#233)
  • Added craft\commerce\stripe\events\SubscriptionRequestEvent::$plan, which will be set to the plan being subscribed to. (#141)