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Template Flags

Craig edited this page Nov 11, 2017 · 5 revisions

You can add flags to your template to change the way the Nettle rendering engine behaves. The syntax for a using a flag is {{#FlagName}}. Flags must be declared once for each template. The following flags are currently supported:

Name Description
IgnoreErrors Ignores all errors generated by the rendering engine. Only errors generated by the compiler will be raised. If this flag is enabled, code blocks that generate an error won't be rendered and an empty string will be inserted in its place instead.
DebugMode Appends debug information to the end of the generated output. This includes the render time, all properties and variables from the template context.
AllowImplicitBindings Allows variables or model properties to be used without declaring them. This could be useful the model is dynamic or unknown until runtime.
EnforceStrictReassign Ensures that a new value assigned to a variable is also assignable to the type that was initially set when the variable was defined. Assignable means either the type is the same or a more derived type.
DisableModelInheritance Disables the inheritance of variables and properties when creating nested models. Nested models are created when a nested code block is run (such as an each, if or render partial statement) and be default, the variable and property values in the parent model are passed to the new child.
AutoFormat Automatically formats the templates output by removing extra line breaks and tabs which exist because of the Nettle code. This could be useful when the template output is intended to be used as plain text.
Minify Minifies the template output by removing all tabs and line breaks. This overrides the AutoFormat flag.
UseUtc Ensures date and time is expressed as the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

AutoFormat Example

The following example demonstrates the use of the AutoFormat flag:


{{each $.Names}}

Given an array Names = ["Craig", "John", "Simon"], the code above would produce the following output:


Without AutoFormat, the output would look like this:




DebugMode Example

The following example demonstrates the use of the DebugMode flag:


{{var test = "Test"}}
{{var expression = (1 == 1 & 1 > 0)}}
{{var func = @Truncate("Hello", 3)}}

The code above would produce something similar to the following:

Debug Information

Render Time: 1 milliseconds


Message: Hello World
Names: System.String[]
Success: True


test: Test
expression: 1 == 1 & 1 > 0
func: Hel
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