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error-chain - Consistent error handling for Rust

The error-chain crate (docs) is a new crate for dealing with Rust error boilerplate. It provides a few unique features:

  • No error is ever discarded. This library primarily makes it easy to "chain" errors with the chain_err method.
  • Introducing new errors is trivial. Simple errors can be introduced at the error site with just a string.
  • Errors create and propagate backtraces.

I think the lack of the above are widespread problems with Rust error handling, so I'm interested to hear what people think about this solution. It is inspired by quick-error (and in fact includes a hacked up version of it for internal use) as well as Cargo's internal error handling techniques. This library is used by rustup for error handling.

One note about usage that isn't included in the docs: the chain_error! macro recurses deeply, so you'll probably need to use the little-known #![recursion_limit = "1024"] macro on crates that import it.

For detailed usage information read the docs, which are reproduced in part below.

Quick start

Add this to Cargo.toml, under [dependencies]:

error-chain = "0.2"

Write this at the top of your crate:

#![recursion_limit = "1024"];

Again near the top of your crate, import the error_chain crate and its macros:

extern crate error_chain;

Add an errors module to your crate:

mod errors;

Add a file for that module called and put this inside:

error_chain! {
    links { }

    foreign_links { }

    errors { }

That's the setup. Now when writing modules for your crate, import everything from the errors module:

use errors::*;

Create functions that return Result, which is defined by the error_chain! macro, and start chaining errors!

fn do_error_prone_work() -> Result<()> {
    let file = try!(File::open("foo").chain_err(|| "couldn't open file"));
    try!(file.write_str("important").chain_err(|| "couldn't write file"));


Declaring error types

Generally, you define one family of error types per crate, though it's also perfectly fine to define error types on a finer-grained basis, such as per module.

Assuming you are using crate-level error types, typically you will define an errors module and inside it call error_chain!:

// Define the error types and conversions for this crate
error_chain! {
    // The type defined for this error. These are the conventional
    // and recommended names, but they can be arbitrarily chosen.
    // It is also possible to leave this block out entirely, or
    // leave it empty, and these names will be used automatically.
    types {
        Error, ErrorKind, ChainErr, Result;

    // Automatic conversions between this error chain and other
    // error chains. In this case, it will e.g. generate an
    // `ErrorKind` variant called `Dist` which in turn contains
    // the `rustup_dist::ErrorKind`, with conversions from
    // `rustup_dist::Error`.
    // This section can be empty.
    links {
        rustup_dist::Error, rustup_dist::ErrorKind, Dist;
        rustup_utils::Error, rustup_utils::ErrorKind, Utils;

    // Automatic conversions between this error chain and other
    // error types not defined by the `error_chain!`. These will be
    // boxed as the error cause and wrapped in a new error with,
    // in this case, the `ErrorKind::Temp` variant.
    // This section can be empty.
    foreign_links {
        temp::Error, Temp,
        "temporary file error";

    // Define additional `ErrorKind` variants. The syntax here is
    // the same as `quick_error!`, but the `from()` and `cause()`
    // syntax is not supported.
    errors {
        InvalidToolchainName(t: String) {
            description("invalid toolchain name")
            display("invalid toolchain name: '{}'", t)

This populates the the module with a number of definitions, the most important of which are the Error type and the ErrorKind type. They look something like the following:

use std::error::Error as StdError;
use std::sync::Arc;

pub struct Error(pub ErrorKind,
                 pub Option<Box<StdError + Send>>,
                 pub Arc<error_chain::Backtrace>);

impl Error {
    pub fn kind(&self) -> &ErrorKind { ... }
    pub fn into_kind(self) -> ErrorKind { ... }
    pub fn iter(&self) -> error_chain::ErrorChainIter { ... }
    pub fn backtrace(&self) -> &error_chain::Backtrace { ... }

impl StdError for Error { ... }
impl Display for Error { ... }

pub enum ErrorKind {

This is the basic error structure. You can see that ErrorKind has been populated in a variety of ways. All ErrorKinds get a Msg variant for basic errors. When strings are converted to ErrorKinds they become ErrorKind::Msg. The "links" defined in the macro are expanded to Dist and Utils variants, and the "foreign links" to the Temp variant.

Both types come with a variety of From conversions as well: Error can be created from ErrorKind, from &str and String, and from the "link" and "foreign_link" error types. ErrorKind can be created from the corresponding ErrorKinds of the link types, as wall as from &str and String.

into() and From::from are used heavily to massage types into the right shape. Which one to use in any specific case depends on the influence of type inference, but there are some patterns that arise frequently.

Chaining errors

This is the focus of the crate's design. To extend the error chain:

use errors::ChainErr;
try!(do_something().chain_err(|| "something went wrong"));

chain_err can be called on any Result type where the contained error type implements std::error::Error + Send + 'static. If the Result is an Err then chain_err evaluates the closure, which returns some type that can be converted to ErrorKind, boxes the original error to store as the cause, then returns a new error containing the original error.

The above example turns a string into an error, but you could also write e.g.

try!(do_something().chain_err(|| ErrorKind::Foo));

Returning new errors

Introducing new error chains, with a string message:

fn foo() -> Result<()> {
    Err("foo error!".into())

Introducing new error chains, with an ErrorKind:

fn foo() -> Result<()> {

Note that the return type is is the typedef Result, which is defined by the macro as pub type Result<T> = ::std::result::Result<T, Error>. Note that in both cases .into() is called to convert a type into the Error type: both strings and ErrorKind have From conversions to turn them into Error.

When the error is emitted inside a try! macro or behind the ? operator, then the explicit conversion isn't needed, since the behavior of try! will automatically convert Err(ErrorKind) to Err(Error). So the below is equivalent to the previous:

fn foo() -> Result<()> {

fn bar() -> Result<()> {

Foreign links

Errors that do not conform to the same conventions as this library can still be included in the error chain. They are considered "foreign errors", and are declared using the foreign_links block of the error_chain! macro. Errors are automatically created from foreign errors by the try! macro.

Foreign links and regular links have one crucial difference: From conversions for regular links do not introduce a new error into the error chain, while conversions for foreign links always introduce a new error into the error chain. So for the example above all errors deriving from the temp::Error type will be presented to the user as a new ErrorKind::Temp variant, and the cause will be the original temp::Error error. In contrast, when rustup_utils::Error is converted to Error the two ErrorKinds are converted between each other to create a new Error but the old error is discarded; there is no "cause" created from the original error.


The earliest non-foreign error to be generated creates a single backtrace, which is passed through all From conversions and chain_err invocations of compatible types. To read the backtrace just call the backtrace() method.


The iter method returns an iterator over the chain of error boxes. See how rustup uses this during error reporting.




Error boilerplate for Rust






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