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Rong Peng authored and cran-robot committed Feb 20, 2024
0 parents commit 24a457f
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Showing 11 changed files with 525 additions and 0 deletions.
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
Package: EncompassTest
Title: Direct Multi-Step Forecast Based Comparison of Nested Models via
an Encompassing Test
Version: 0.22
person("Rong", "Peng", , "", role = c("aut", "cre"))
Description: The encompassing test is developed based on multi-step-ahead predictions of two nested models as in Pitarakis, J. (2023) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2312.16099>. The statistics are standardised to a normal distribution, and the null hypothesis is that the larger model contains no additional useful information. P-values will be provided in the output.
Encoding: UTF-8
RoxygenNote: 7.3.1
License: GPL (>= 3)
Imports: pracma, stats
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-02-17 15:07:44 UTC; rp1e23
Author: Rong Peng [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Rong Peng <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-02-19 17:10:22 UTC
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions MD5
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
8acdb62d428c0dbd110a80270044f5e6 *DESCRIPTION
4a3ba44bb94093ad80866ed16888d033 *NAMESPACE
d33de4671a5b58049b34f65c34ea868d *R/NW_lrv.R
d7e1c40cbaa9d652db46b8d09db0bf27 *R/andrews_lrv.R
c5e7818ce16dc1fc2b2e5a8289b5ee7a *R/pred_encompass_dnorm.R
09cb77eacd66257a2f19dd5886029d30 *R/recursivehstep.R
31e014d265fbc70db0755bb700abf4a4 *man/NW_lrv.Rd
680fbaa1dbaf7ba622be42a351b738fb *man/andrews_lrv.Rd
3478b4b1933c053910d9b6851ece01d7 *man/pred_encompass_dnorm.Rd
053d1a482257a66ce546f027ecbedd5d *man/recursive_hstep_fast.Rd
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand

83 changes: 83 additions & 0 deletions R/NW_lrv.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
#' Long-run covariance estimation using Newey-West (Bartlett) weights
#' Given a vector of residuals, it generates the Heteroskedastic Long run variance.
#' @param u a vector of residual series, for which we recommend to use the recursive residuals from larger model.
#' @param nlag Non-negative integer containing the lag length to use. If empty or not included,
#' nleg = min(floor(1.2*T^(1/3)),T) will be used.
#' @param demean Logical true of false (0 or 1) indicating whether the mean should be subtracted when computing.
#' @return K by K vector of Long run variance using Newey-West (Bartlett) weights.
#' @examples
#' x<- rnorm(15);
#' #Newey-West covariance with automatic BW selection
#' lrcov = NW_lrv(x)
#' #Newey-West covariance with 10 lags
#' lrcov = NW_lrv(x, 10)
#' #Newey-West covariance with 10 lags and no demeaning
#' lrcov = NW_lrv(x, 10, 0)
#' @export

NW_lrv = function(u,nlag=NULL,demean=TRUE){

#Stopping criteria
stop("u must be a numeric series")
}else if(!is.numeric(u)){
stop("u must be a numeric series")

stop('u must be a P by K matrix of data.')

P = dim(as.matrix(u))[1]
K = dim(as.matrix(u))[2]

nlag = min(floor(1.2*P^(1/3)),P)

demean = TRUE

if(demean == 1){
demean = TRUE
else if(demean == 0){
demean = FALSE
}else if(is.logical(demean)==FALSE){
stop('DEMEAN must be either logical true or false')

if(nlag != floor(nlag) || nlag < 0){
stop('NLAG must be a non-negative integer')

u = as.matrix(u)

#Initialisation of parameters
u = u - kronecker(matrix(1,P,K),mean(u))

#NW weights
w = rep(NA,nlag+1)

#Calculate covariance

for (i in 1:nlag){


50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions R/andrews_lrv.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
#' Long-run covariance estimation using Andrews quadratic spectral kernel.
#' Given a vector of residuals, it generates the Heteroskedastic Long run variance.
#' @param e a vector of residual series, for which we recommend to use the recursive residuals from larger model.
#' @return a vector of Long run variance using Andrews quadratic spectral kernel HAC.
#' @references Andrews, D. W. (1991). Heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent covariance matrix estimation. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 817-858.
#' @import pracma
#' @examples
#' set.seed(2014)
#' x<- rnorm(15);
#' #Andrews kernel HAC
#' andrews_lrcov = andrews_lrv(x)
#' @export


a = pracma::mldivide(e[2:t],e[1:(t-1)])
k = 0.8
c_left = 1.1447*(((4*(a^2)*t)/(((1+a)^2)*((1-a)^2)))^(1/3))
c_right = 1.1447*(((4*(k^2)*t)/(((1+k)^2)*((1-k)^2)))^(1/3))
veco = c(c_left,c_right)
l = min(veco)
l = floor(l)
lrv = t(e)%*%e/t

#fix the empty element error
if (l >= t){
l = t

for (i in 1:(l-1)){
w = (1-(i/(1+l)))
lrv = lrv + 2*t(e[1:(t-i)])%*%e[(1+i):t]*w/t

}else if (l > 0){
for (i in 1:l){
w = (1-(i/(1+l)))
lrv = lrv + 2*t(e[1:(t-i)])%*%e[(1+i):t]*w/t

106 changes: 106 additions & 0 deletions R/pred_encompass_dnorm.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
#' Direct Multi-Step Forecast Based Comparison of Nested Models via an Encompassing Test
#' It calculates the dbar statistics for nested models with null hypothesis being the larger
#' model failing to add any useful information to the small model following Pitarakis (2023).
#' There are in total six versions of dbar, based on the assumptions of variance (homo or hete)
#' and residuals (original, adjusted based on NW, or adjusted based on Andrews).
#' All dbar statistics will be standarised to a standard N(0,1) normal distribution,
#' and corresponding P values would be provided.
#' @param e1hat a vector of out of sample forecast errors from model 1 (smaller model)
#' @param e2hat a vector of out of sample forecast errors from model 2 (larger model)
#' @param mu0 Fraction of the sample, which should be within 0 and 1 (0.5 should be avoid)
#' @return A list of normalised d statistics and corresponding P values will be produced.
#' @references Pitarakis, J. Y. (2023). Direct Multi-Step Forecast based Comparison of Nested Models via an Encompassing Test. arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.16099.
#' @examples
#' e1<- rnorm(15);
#' e2<- rnorm(15);
#' temp1 <- pred_encompass_dnorm(e1,e2,mu0=0.2)
#' temp1$T1_d_alrv #normalised d statistics with Andrews quadratic kernel long-run variance
#' temp1$Pval_T1_d_alrv #P value of it
#' @export


#Stopping criteria
stop("e1hat must be a numeric series")
}else if(!is.numeric(e1hat)){
stop("e1hat must be a numeric series")

stop("e2hat must be a numeric series")
}else if(!is.numeric(e2hat)){
stop("e2hat must be a numeric series")

e1hat <- as.matrix(e1hat)
e2hat <- as.matrix(e2hat)

if(dim(e1hat)[1] != dim(e2hat)[1]){
stop("e1hat and e2hat must have same length")
}else if(dim(e1hat)[2]>1 | dim(e2hat)[2]>1){
stop("e1hat and e2hat must be one dimension")

stop("mu0 must be between 0 and 1")
}else if(!is.numeric(mu0)){
stop("mu0 must be between 0 and 1")

if(mu0 == 0.5 ){
stop("mu0 cannot equal to 0.5")

#e1hat <- as.matrix(e1hat)

time_vec = c(1:n)
m0 = round(n*mu0)
w = (time_vec<=m0)

e1sq = e1hat^2
e2sq = e2hat^2
e12 = e1hat*e2hat
sigsq2 = mean(e2sq)
e2sq_demean = e2sq-sigsq2

fm = ((1-2*mu0)^2)/(4*mu0*(1-mu0))
nw_lags = min(floor(1.2*n^(1/3)),n)

#d= e1sq - 0.5*((1/mu0)*e12*w+(1/(1-mu0))*e12*(1-w))
d = (e1sq-sigsq2) - 0.5*((1/mu0)*(e12-sigsq2)*w+(1/(1-mu0))*(e12-sigsq2)*(1-w))

sigsq_d = t(d-mean(d))%*%(d-mean(d))/n
sigsq_d_nw = NW_lrv(d,nw_lags,1)
sigsq_d_alrv = andrews_lrv(d)

phihatsq = t(e2sq_demean)%*%(e2sq_demean)/n
phihatsq_nw = NW_lrv(e2sq_demean,nw_lags,1)
phihatsq_alrv = andrews_lrv(e2sq_demean)

T1 = sqrt(n)*mean(d)/sqrt(fm*phihatsq)
T1_nw = sqrt(n)*mean(d)/sqrt(fm*phihatsq_nw)
T1_alrv = sqrt(n)*mean(d)/sqrt(fm*phihatsq_alrv)

T1_d = sqrt(n)*mean(d)/sqrt(sigsq_d)
T1_d_nw = sqrt(n)*mean(d)/sqrt(sigsq_d_nw)
T1_d_alrv = sqrt(n)*mean(d)/sqrt(sigsq_d_alrv)

Pval_T1 = stats::pnorm(T1, lower.tail = FALSE)
Pval_T1_nw = stats::pnorm(T1_nw, lower.tail = FALSE)
Pval_T1_alrv = stats::pnorm(T1_alrv, lower.tail = FALSE)

Pval_T1_d = stats::pnorm(T1_d, lower.tail = FALSE)
Pval_T1_d_nw = stats::pnorm(T1_d_nw, lower.tail = FALSE)
Pval_T1_d_alrv = stats::pnorm(T1_d_alrv, lower.tail = FALSE)

Pval_T1_d=Pval_T1_d,Pval_T1_d_nw=Pval_T1_d_nw,Pval_T1_d_alrv=Pval_T1_d_alrv) )

119 changes: 119 additions & 0 deletions R/recursivehstep.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
#' Forecasting h-steps ahead using Recursive Least Squares Fast
#' Consider the following LS-fitted Model with intercept:
#' y_(t+h) = beta_0 + x_t * beta + u_(t+h)
#' which is used to generate out-of-sample forecasts of y, h-steps ahead (h=1,2,3,. . . ).
#' Notes: (1) first estimation window is (1,...,k0) and last window is
#' (1,....,n-h) for k0 = round(n*pi0). First forecast is yhat(k0+h|k0)
#' and last forecast is yhat(n|n-h). There are a total of (n-h-k0+1)
#' forecasts and corresponding forecast errors. (2) this fast version of the
#' recursive least squares algorithm uses the Sherman-Morrison matrix
#' formula to avoid matrix inversions at each recursion.
#' recursive_hstep_fast is the fast version that avoids the recursive calculation of inverse of the matrix using Sherman-Morrison formula.
#' recursive_hstep_slow is the slow version that calculates the standard OLS recursively.
#' @param y an outcome series, which should be numeric and one dimensional.
#' @param x a predictor matrix (intercept would be added automatically).
#' @param pi0 Fraction of the sample, which should be within 0 and 1.
#' @param h Number of steps ahead to predict, which should be a positive integer.
#' @return Series of residuals estimated
#' @examples
#' x<- rnorm(15);
#' y<- x+rnorm(15);
#' temp1 <- recursive_hstep_fast(y,x,pi0=0.5,h=1);
#' @export

#Stopping criteria
stop("y must be one dimension")

y <- as.matrix(y)

if(py > 1){
stop("y must be one dimension")

stop("y must not contain NA")

stop("x must be one dimension")

x <- as.matrix(x)
p=dim(x)[2] #[n,p] = size(X);

stop("x must not contain NA")

if(ny != n){
stop("y and x must have same length of rows")

stop("pi0 must be between 0 and 1")
}else if(!is.numeric(pi0)){
stop("pi0 must be between 0 and 1")

if(pi0 >= 1 || pi0 <= 0){
stop("pi0 must be between 0 and 1")

stop("h must be a positive integer")
}else if(!is.numeric(h)){
stop("h must be a positive integer")

h <- as.integer(h)

if(h <= 0 || h > (n-1)){
stop("h must be a positive integer")

#Initialisation of parameters
x= cbind(rep(1,n),x)
k0 = round(n * pi0)

M = array(NA, dim = c(nc,nc,n-k0+1))
beta = matrix(NA,nc,n-k0+1) #
ehat = matrix(NA,n-k0-h+1,1) #

#Calculate the first M and Beta at k0
iXmatk0 = solve(t(x[1:(k0-h),])%*%x[1:(k0-h),]) #M_k0
bhat_k0 = iXmatk0%*%(t(x[1:(k0-h),])%*%y[(1+h):(k0)]) #Beta_k0

M[,,1] = iXmatk0
beta[,1] = bhat_k0

#iteractively update M and Beta for (k0+h) to n
for (t in 1:(n-k0)){
M[,,t+1] = M[,,t]-((M[,,t]%*%x[t+k0-h,]%*%t(x[t+k0-h,])%*%M[,,t])/c(1+t(x[t+k0-h,])%*%M[,,t]%*%x[t+k0-h,]))
beta[,t+1] = beta[,t]+(M[,,t]%*%x[t+k0-h,]%*%(y[t+k0]-x[t+k0-h,]%*%beta[,t]))/c(1+t(x[t+k0-h,])%*%M[,,t]%*%x[t+k0-h,])

#update ehat from k0+h to n
for (s in (k0+h):n){
ehat[s-k0-h+1] = y[s]-x[s-h,]%*%beta[,s-k0-h+1]


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