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version 1.0.4
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Ahmed Metwally authored and cran-robot committed Jul 28, 2017
0 parents commit 8eb9f3b
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Showing 26 changed files with 1,446 additions and 0 deletions.
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions DESCRIPTION
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@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
Package: MetaLonDA
Type: Package
Title: Metagenomics Longitudinal Differential Abundant Method
Version: 1.0.4
Date: 2017-07-26
Author: Ahmed Metwally, Patricia Finn, Yang Dai, David Perkins
Maintainer: Ahmed Metwally <>
Description: Identify the time intervals when the microbial features are
differentially abundant between two phenotypic groups using negative binomial
smoothing spline ANOVA (Ahmed Metwally, Patricia Finn, Yang Dai, David Perkins, ACM BCB’17).
License: GPL-2
Depends: R(>= 3.1.2)
Imports: ggplot2, gss, plyr, caTools, parallel, doParallel
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Repository: CRAN
NeedsCompilation: no
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 6.0.1
Packaged: 2017-07-28 16:22:36 UTC; ahmedmetwally
Date/Publication: 2017-07-28 17:27:33 UTC
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions MD5
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@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
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c30d41ecb4efdfb9bd187255b107972e *R/Visualization.R
69f35f3adb87ac4c2d8985fda6782dd4 *R/metalonda_test_data.R
3366039b41c4e42ab445451bf40e268b *build/vignette.rds
173a19ff73e64e4126b88c5c54164993 *data/metalonda_test_data.RData
fe2caa47e63e11d7ebb8fd5b4183da39 *inst/doc/metalonda.R
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c1a2599203b3c9cfa0367b47df4f1bc7 *inst/doc/metalonda.html
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1963cbf2a34a3f7ccc6e34ccfa3ebde0 *man/intervalArea.Rd
4acf96dcc9cd0d25065593463c94c1ba *man/metalonda.Rd
5e22eface25c90323d3162cde09d2560 *man/metalondaAll.Rd
aa7a4a3b7d71b40d7343ea864b2bf2c9 *man/metalonda_test_data.Rd
3c90794d061ea738a568ca0a477e1779 *man/permutation.Rd
7e8b8a82d6653b036798ce9796c7f9ae *man/visualizeARHistogram.Rd
14c32bb18bd4c931590947a5b428ad49 *man/visualizeArea.Rd
1777d079c31410477ecad1a030f873ec *man/visualizeFeature.Rd
7bead32b79bea5992f9ddc5281491da0 *man/visualizeFeatureSpline.Rd
52069ef7bcc0ab5af15e5d493ba2107d *vignettes/metalonda.Rmd
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand

274 changes: 274 additions & 0 deletions R/CurveFitting.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
#' Fit longitudinal data
#' Fits longitudinal samples from the same group using Negative Binomial or LOWESS
#' @param df dataframe has the Count, Group, ID, Time
#' @param log log transformation of the data
#' @param method The fitting method (negative binomial, LOWESS)
#' @param points The points at which the prediction should happen
#' @return Returns the fitted model
#' @import gss
#' @import stats
#' @references
#' Ahmed Metwally (
#' @examples
#' data(metalonda_test_data)
#' n.sample = 5 # sample size;
#' n.timepoints = 10 # time point;
#' 2 # number of group;
#' Group = factor(c(rep(0,n.sample*n.timepoints), rep(1,n.sample*n.timepoints)))
#' Time = rep(rep(1:n.timepoints, times = n.sample), 2)
#' ID = factor(rep(1:(2*n.sample), each = n.timepoints))
#' points = seq(1, 10, length.out = 10)
#' aggretage.df = data.frame(Count = metalonda_test_data[1,], Time = Time, Group = Group, ID = ID)
#' curveFitting(df = aggretage.df, log = FALSE, method= "nbinomial", points)
#' @export
curveFitting <- function(df, log = FALSE, method = "nbinomial", points){
if(log == TRUE){
df$Count = log2(df$Count+1)

# Seprate the two groups
group0 = df[df$Group==0, ]
group1 = df[df$Group==1, ]
groupNULL = df

## Fitting
if(method == "ss"){
# null model
modNULL = ssanova(Count ~ Time, data = groupNULL)
# full model
mod0 = ssanova(Count ~ Time, data=group0)
mod1 = ssanova(Count ~ Time, data=group1)
else if (method == "lowess"){
# null model
modNULL = loess(Count ~ Time, data = groupNULL)
# full model
mod0 = loess(Count ~ Time, data = group0)
mod1 = loess(Count ~ Time, data = group1)
else if(method == "nbinomial"){
# null model
modNULL = gssanova(Count ~ Time, data = groupNULL, family = "nbinomial", skip.iter=TRUE)
# full model
mod0 = gssanova(Count ~ Time, data=group0, family = "nbinomial", skip.iter=TRUE)
mod1 = gssanova(Count ~ Time, data=group1, family = "nbinomial", skip.iter=TRUE)
mod0_nbinomial_project = project(mod0, c("Time"))
mod1_nbinomial_project = project(mod1, c("Time"))
modNULL_nbinomial_project = project(modNULL, c("Time"))

### Calculate goodness of fit F-statistics for the non nbinomial models
if(method !="nbinomial")
rssNULL = summary(modNULL)$rss
rssFULL = summary(mod0)$rss+summary(mod1)$rss
F_stat = (rssNULL-rssFULL)/rssNULL

## Estimate values at the provided time points
estNULL = predict(modNULL,data.frame(Time = points), se=TRUE)
est0 = predict(mod0,data.frame(Time = points), se=TRUE)
est1 = predict(mod1, data.frame(Time = points), se=TRUE)

## prepare dataframe for plotting
if(method != "nbinomial")
### Curve dataframe
ddNULL = data.frame(Time = points, Count = estNULL$fit, Group = "NULL", ID = "NULL")
dd0 = data.frame(Time = points, Count = est0$fit, Group = "Fit_0", ID = "Fit_0")
dd1 = data.frame(Time = points, Count = est1$fit, Group = "Fit_1", ID = "Fit_1")

### Confidence interval dataframe
ddNULL_U95 = data.frame(Time = points, Count = (estNULL$fit +1.96*estNULL$se), Group = "NULL_U", ID = "NULL_U")
ddNULL_L95 = data.frame(Time = points, Count = (estNULL$fit -1.96*estNULL$se), Group = "NULL_L", ID = "NULL_L")
dd0_U95 = data.frame(Time = points, Count = (est0$fit +1.96*est0$se), Group = "Fit_0_U", ID = "Fit_0_U")
dd0_L95 = data.frame(Time = points, Count = (est0$fit -1.96*est0$se), Group = "Fit_0_L", ID = "Fit_0_L")
dd1_U95 = data.frame(Time = points, Count = (est1$fit +1.96*est1$se), Group = "Fit_1_U", ID = "Fit_1_U")
dd1_L95 = data.frame(Time = points, Count = (est1$fit -1.96*est1$se), Group = "Fit_1_L", ID = "Fit_1_L")
} else{
### Curve dataframe
ddNULL = data.frame(Time = points, Count = modNULL$nu/exp(estNULL$fit), Group = "NULL", ID = "NULL")
dd0 = data.frame(Time = points, Count = mod0$nu/exp(est0$fit), Group = "Fit_0", ID = "Fit_0")
dd1 = data.frame(Time = points, Count = mod1$nu/exp(est1$fit), Group = "Fit_1", ID = "Fit_1")

### Confidence interval dataframe
ddNULL_U95 = data.frame(Time = points, Count = modNULL$nu/exp(estNULL$fit +1.96*estNULL$se), Group = "NULL_U", ID = "NULL_U")
ddNULL_L95 = data.frame(Time = points, Count = modNULL$nu/exp(estNULL$fit -1.96*estNULL$se), Group = "NULL_L", ID = "NULL_L")
dd0_U95 = data.frame(Time = points, Count = mod0$nu/exp(est0$fit + 1.96*est0$se), Group = "Fit_0_U", ID = "Fit_0_U")
dd0_L95 = data.frame(Time = points, Count = mod0$nu/exp(est0$fit - 1.96*est0$se), Group = "Fit_0_L", ID = "Fit_0_L")
dd1_U95 = data.frame(Time = points, Count = mod1$nu/exp(est1$fit + 1.96*est1$se), Group = "Fit_1_U", ID = "Fit_1_U")
dd1_L95 = data.frame(Time = points, Count = mod1$nu/exp(est1$fit - 1.96*est1$se), Group = "Fit_1_L", ID = "Fit_1_L")


## Return the results
if(method != "nbinomial")
output = list(F_stat = F_stat, rssNULL = rssNULL, rssFULL = rssFULL,
ddNULL = ddNULL, dd0 = dd0, dd1 = dd1, modNULL = modNULL,
mod0 = mod0, mod1 = mod1, ddNULL_U95 = ddNULL_U95, ddNULL_L95= ddNULL_L95,
dd0_U95 = dd0_U95, dd0_L95= dd0_L95, dd1_U95 = dd1_U95, dd1_L95= dd1_L95)
output = list(ddNULL = ddNULL, dd0 = dd0, dd1 = dd1, modNULL = modNULL, mod0 = mod0,
mod1 = mod1, mod0_nbinomial_project = mod0_nbinomial_project,
mod1_nbinomial_project = mod1_nbinomial_project,
modNULL_nbinomial_project = modNULL_nbinomial_project,
ddNULL_U95 = ddNULL_U95, ddNULL_L95= ddNULL_L95,
dd0_U95 = dd0_U95, dd0_L95= dd0_L95, dd1_U95 = dd1_U95, dd1_L95= dd1_L95)

#' Calculate Area Ratio of time intervals
#' Fits longitudinal samples from the same group using nbinomial or LOWESS
#' @param curveFit.df gss data object of the fitted spline
#' @return returns the area ratio for all time intervals
#' @import caTools
#' @references
#' Ahmed Metwally (
#' @examples
#' data(metalonda_test_data)
#' n.sample = 5 # sample size;
#' n.timepoints = 10 # time point;
#' 2 # number of group;
#' Group = factor(c(rep(0,n.sample*n.timepoints), rep(1,n.sample*n.timepoints)))
#' Time = rep(rep(1:n.timepoints, times = n.sample), 2)
#' ID = factor(rep(1:(2*n.sample), each = n.timepoints))
#' points = seq(1, 10, length.out = 10)
#' aggretage.df = data.frame(Count = metalonda_test_data[1,], Time = Time, Group = Group, ID = ID)
#' model = curveFitting(df = aggretage.df, log = FALSE, method= "nbinomial", points)
#' intervalArea(model)
#' @export
intervalArea = function(curveFit.df){
size = length(curveFit.df$ddNULL$Time)
AR = numeric(size - 1)

## Calculate the absoulte and the sign of each interval area
AR_abs = numeric(size - 1)
AR_sign = numeric(size - 1)
for(i in 1:(size - 1)){
area0 = trapz(curveFit.df$dd0$Time[i:(i+1)], curveFit.df$dd0$Count[i:(i+1)])
area1 = trapz(curveFit.df$dd1$Time[i:(i+1)], curveFit.df$dd1$Count[i:(i+1)])
areaNULL = trapz(curveFit.df$ddNULL$Time[i:(i+1)], curveFit.df$ddNULL$Count[i:(i+1)])
AR[i] = (area0 - area1) / max(area0, area1)
AR_abs[i] = abs(AR[i])
AR_sign[i] = AR[i]/abs(AR[i])

return(list(AR = AR, AR_abs = AR_abs, AR_sign = AR_sign))

#' Find Significant Time Intervals
#' Identify the significant time intervals
#' @param adjusted_pvalue vector of adjested p-value
#' @param threshold p_value cut off
#' @return returns a list of the start and end points of all significant time intervals
#' @references
#' Ahmed Metwally (
#' @examples
#' p=c(0.04, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.2, 0.06, 0.04)
#' findSigInterval(p, threshold = 0.05)
#' @export
findSigInterval = function(adjusted_pvalue, threshold=0.05)
sig = which(adjusted_pvalue<threshold)

start = numeric()
end = numeric()

if(length(sig) == 0)
cat("No significant inteval found \n")
else if(length(sig) == 1)
start = sig[1]
end = sig [1]
start = sig[1]

if((sig[2] - sig[1]) != 1)
end = c(end, sig[1])

for(i in 2:length(sig))
if(i != length(sig))
if((sig[i]-sig[i-1]) >1)
start= c(start, sig[i])

if((sig[i+1] - sig[i]) != 1)
end = c(end, sig[i])
if((sig[i]-sig[i-1]) > 1)
start= c(start, sig[i])
end= c(end, sig[i])

return(list(start = start, end = end))

#' Calculate Area Ratio of time intervals for all permutations
#' Fits longitudinal samples from the same group using negative binomial or LOWESS for all permutations
#' @param perm list has all the permutated models
#' @return returns a list of all permutation area ratio
#' @references
#' Ahmed Metwally (
#' @examples
#' data(metalonda_test_data)
#' n.sample = 5 # sample size;
#' n.timepoints = 10 # time point;
#' n.perm = 3
#' 2 # number of group;
#' Group = factor(c(rep(0,n.sample*n.timepoints), rep(1,n.sample*n.timepoints)))
#' Time = rep(rep(1:n.timepoints, times = n.sample), 2)
#' ID = factor(rep(1:(2*n.sample), each = n.timepoints))
#' points = seq(1, 10, length.out = 10)
#' aggretage.df = data.frame(Count = metalonda_test_data[1,], Time = Time, Group = Group, ID = ID)
#' perm = permutation(aggretage.df, n.perm = 3, method = "nbinomial", points)
#' areaPermutation(perm)
#' @export
areaPermutation = function(perm)
AR_list = list()
list.len = length(perm)
for (j in 1:list.len)
AR_list[[j]] = intervalArea(perm[[j]])


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