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version 1.1.0
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GuillaumeBiessy authored and cran-robot committed Sep 18, 2023
1 parent bf60f52 commit 251807d
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Showing 9 changed files with 462 additions and 214 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Package: WH
Type: Package
Title: Enhanced Implementation of Whittaker-Henderson Smoothing
Version: 1.0.3
Version: 1.1.0
Authors@R: person("Guillaume", "Biessy", email = "",
role = c("aut", "cre"), comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0003-3756-7345"))
Description: An enhanced implementation of Whittaker-Henderson smoothing for the gradation
Expand All @@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ Config/testthat/edition: 3
RoxygenNote: 7.2.3
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2023-06-13 17:40:05 UTC; Guillaume BIESSY
Packaged: 2023-09-16 11:47:09 UTC; Guillaume BIESSY
Author: Guillaume Biessy [aut, cre] (<>)
Maintainer: Guillaume Biessy <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2023-06-14 08:32:20 UTC
Date/Publication: 2023-09-18 08:20:02 UTC
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions MD5
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
1c97db9bcfd27417ffa8389999775663 *DESCRIPTION
2e1a1dc73c63f5072005124f7f6ee7ab *DESCRIPTION
cda3ab64b68876145fdd6d6032379c16 *NAMESPACE
e2693e137a7069f49ea543cb782ab69a *
f9088b37832cd871673066795553b92b *
6f005df720dee1e2788140dea3ac0d24 *R/WH-package.R
661cd6119c047cab925bf37bd9ca2e15 *R/main.R
cdbd6da5a263f78eef1b2b6e02912118 *R/main.R
4e3a90501d0387bdb1035ebaf7c5501c *R/tools.R
90cbe261c9ca614a2a18554cfc07b2b4 *
7c8bfb9d72b020e0c68f9873f61961de *build/vignette.rds
Expand All @@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ e2693e137a7069f49ea543cb782ab69a *
13e5b5217d0ca0ae468daab576cdd2db *inst/CITATION
d847721c40983fb15fdb62c0b9e141c8 *inst/doc/WH.R
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079c3f07a64175ceb26e3a4e3475977e *inst/doc/WH.html
efba59e111c312606d010e0bd61abbf6 *inst/doc/WH.html
2d7c65133d7934fd4a6f97fcdab7cc2e *man/WH-package.Rd
d442149a14024490020343be20420da0 *man/WH_1d.Rd
889d09be20652fdc6ffb4cc631ce0a5a *man/WH_1d_fixed_lambda.Rd
6cac4e003cf20fe118935116c371f8cb *man/WH_1d_outer.Rd
3ccec8ddf5f0423e803659ca4642ecef *man/WH_1d_perf.Rd
706093609571493a51dd2c9a4d95c12f *man/WH_2d.Rd
357d0d5c34cc66b4e095c0ca538f79d2 *man/WH_2d.Rd
4ab1a2780f9ae7126464586d7d6577e7 *man/WH_2d_fixed_lambda.Rd
59cbf4c1489a31144a94c1bac0297795 *man/WH_2d_outer.Rd
4ab6d6eadc694865216157d2cd4d539e *man/WH_2d_perf.Rd
Expand All @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ c9ba1845c022a3033eb0181914837eac *man/figures/README-plot-2.png
322acdd22207c3b58d5b964ada6026d3 *man/figures/README-plot-3.png
a97393938e4803c65f958748c3d3b49a *man/figures/README-plot-4.png
7e48b945d48d76c2c88dd6bedd6138d5 *man/figures/README-plot-5.png
0c196ca017663de0604926762c2e999a *man/figures/README-predict-1.png
464d10356c7b350846c2b1a04227ce90 *man/figures/README-predict-1.png
04fe2b0f7cfaa7d6f7d4d4a27a424c3f *man/figures/README-predict-2.png
4e6e1418d443718c7de38fce6036de54 *man/get_diagnosis.Rd
d5e82535ed8b3fceab4cc7509b156a4b *man/map.Rd
Expand All @@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ b82976558c28dc55d3cc2a4562b7faf9 *man/predict.WH_2d.Rd
9a98438678dfc5b9ee8d219f97e5515e *man/print.WH_1d.Rd
c4ed3089c4af14ec341cdcaa83e2841c *man/print.WH_2d.Rd
828d0a66030e7522cf399e9e2c90bca4 *tests/testthat.R
2e24e8df96029548c324f2efbbf747f2 *tests/testthat/test-1D.R
13e9caf046004d85a5806f34d3dc0e47 *tests/testthat/test-2D.R
98b0b2097af4a4ed1574e915654f2ed5 *tests/testthat/test-1D.R
e430db3a04daae6211dac97fd26ca510 *tests/testthat/test-2D.R
b2438c9365b57f8dc207cffc3b229c80 *vignettes/WH.Rmd
ecfe2ac0176df273cadfa9e69fdb6815 *vignettes/Whittaker_Henderson_plots.R
5f5187a8555f27efd51e5cfc43d0a846 *vignettes/biblio.bib
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,29 @@
# WH 1.1.0

* Made significant changes to the extrapolation methods provided by be `predict.WH_1d` and `predict.WH_2d` functions. It turns out that the formula used for the extrapolation ignored the innovation error caused by the prior on the extrapolated region, resulting in smaller credibility intervals than they should have been. This now has been fixed.

# WH 1.0.7

* Removed tests of the form `expect_equal(f(x), f(x))` after confirmation they do not work with MKL BLAS

# WH 1.0.6

* Further improved test robustness

* Added tests of the form `expect_equal(f(x), f(x))` for testing purposes

# WH 1.0.5

* Further improved tests robustness

# WH 1.0.4

* Simplified computation of the matrix `tUWU` by using the `crossprod` function, which should reduce memory usage (by half) and computation time (slightly)

* Fixed an issue with the `WH_2d` plot and the what = "edf" argument

* Improved tests robustness

# WH 1.0.3

* Replaced backquotes by normal quotes in the description field of the DESCRIPTION file
Expand Down
110 changes: 54 additions & 56 deletions R/main.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ WH_1d <- function(d, ec, lambda, criterion, method, q = 2, framework, y, wt, qui

#' 2D Whittaker-Henderson Smoothing
#' #' Main package function to apply Whittaker-Henderson smoothing in a
#' Main package function to apply Whittaker-Henderson smoothing in a
#' bidimensional survival analysis framework. It takes as input a matrix of
#' observed events and a matrix of associated central exposure, both depending
#' on two covariates, and build a smooth version of the log-hazard rate.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -377,7 +377,8 @@ WH_2d <- function(d, ec, lambda, criterion, method, max_dim = 200, p,
if (missing(p)) {

max_ratio <- sqrt(max_dim / (n[[2]] * n[[1]]))
p <- floor(pmin(max_ratio, 1) * n)
p <- as.integer(pmin(max_ratio, 1) * n)
names(p) <- if (framework == "reg") names(dimnames(y)) else names(dimnames(d))
} else {
if (!is.numeric(q) || length(q) != 2 || any(q <= 0) ||
(max(abs(q - round(q))) > .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5)) stop(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -439,32 +440,20 @@ predict.WH_1d <- function(object, newdata = NULL, ...) {
full_data <- sort(union(data, newdata))

n <- length(data)
n_pred <- length(full_data)
n_new <- n_pred - n

ind_fit <- which(full_data %in% data)
ind_inf <- which(full_data < min(data))
ind_sup <- which(full_data > max(data))
ind_new <- c(ind_inf, ind_sup)

D_mat_pred <- build_D_mat(n_pred, object$q)
n_inf <- sum(full_data < min(data))
n_sup <- sum(full_data > max(data))
n_tot <- n + n_inf + n_sup

D1_inf <- D_mat_pred[ind_inf, ind_fit, drop = FALSE]
D1_sup <- D_mat_pred[ind_sup - object$q, ind_fit, drop = FALSE]
D1 <- rbind(D1_inf, D1_sup)
ind_fit <- c(rep(FALSE, n_inf), rep(TRUE, n), rep(FALSE, n_sup)) |> which()

D2_inf <- D_mat_pred[ind_inf, ind_inf, drop = FALSE]
D2_sup <- D_mat_pred[ind_sup - object$q, ind_sup, drop = FALSE]
D2 <- blockdiag(D2_inf, D2_sup)
D_mat_pred <- build_D_mat(n_tot, object$q)
P_pred <- object$lambda * crossprod(D_mat_pred)
diag(P_pred[ind_fit, ind_fit]) <- diag(P_pred[ind_fit, ind_fit]) + object$wt

D2_inv <- if (n_new == 0) matrix(0, 0, 0) else solve(D2)

A_pred <- matrix(0, n_pred, n)
A_pred[ind_fit,] <- object$U
A_pred[ind_new,] <- - D2_inv %*% D1 %*% object$U
Psi_pred <- P_pred |> chol() |> chol2inv() # unconstrained variance / covariance matrix

y_pred <- c(A_pred %*% object$beta_hat)
std_y_pred <- sqrt(rowSums(A_pred * (A_pred %*% object$Psi)))
y_pred <- c(Psi_pred[,ind_fit] %*% (object$wt * object$z))
std_y_pred <- sqrt(diag(Psi_pred))

names(y_pred) <- names(std_y_pred) <- full_data

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -509,33 +498,41 @@ predict.WH_2d <- function(object, newdata = NULL, ...) {

data <- dimnames(object$y) |> lapply(as.numeric)
full_data <- map2(data, newdata, \(x,y) sort(union(x, y)))
ind_fit <- map2(data, full_data, \(x,y) which(y %in% x))

n <- map(data, length, "integer")
n_inf <- map2(data, full_data, \(x,y) sum(y < min(x)), "integer")
n_sup <- map2(data, full_data, \(x,y) sum(y > max(x)), "integer")
n_pred <- n + n_inf + n_sup
n_tot <- n + n_inf + n_sup

wt_pred <- matrix(0, n_pred[[1]], n_pred[[2]])
wt_pred[ind_fit[[1]], ind_fit[[2]]] <- object$wt

# W_pred <- diag(wt_pred) # extended weight matrix
D_mat_pred <- map2(n_pred, object$q, build_D_mat) # extended difference matrices
P_pred <- object$lambda[[1]] * diag(n_pred[[2]]) %x% crossprod(D_mat_pred[[1]]) +
object$lambda[[2]] * crossprod(D_mat_pred[[2]]) %x% diag(n_pred[[1]]) # extended penalization matrix
diag(P_pred) <- diag(P_pred) + c(wt_pred)
Psi_pred <- P_pred |> chol() |> chol2inv() # unconstrained variance / covariance matrix
prod_n <- prod(n)
prod_n_tot <- prod(n_inf + n + n_sup)

ind_rows <- c(rep(FALSE, n_inf[[1]]), rep(TRUE, n[[1]]), rep(FALSE, n_sup[[1]]))
ind_coef_2d <- c(rep(FALSE, n_pred[[1]] * n_inf[[2]]), rep(ind_rows, n[[2]])) |> which()
ind_fit <- c(rep(FALSE, n_tot[[1]] * n_inf[[2]]), rep(ind_rows, n[[2]])) |> which()

D_mat_pred <- map2(n_tot, object$q, build_D_mat) # extended difference matrices
P_pred <- object$lambda[[1]] * diag(n_tot[[2]]) %x% crossprod(D_mat_pred[[1]]) +
object$lambda[[2]] * crossprod(D_mat_pred[[2]]) %x% diag(n_tot[[1]]) # extended penalization matrix
diag(P_pred[ind_fit, ind_fit]) <- diag(P_pred[ind_fit, ind_fit]) + c(object$wt)

Psi <- object$U %*% object$Psi %*% t(object$U)

P_12 <- P_pred[ind_fit, - ind_fit]
P_22_m <- P_pred[- ind_fit, - ind_fit] |> chol() |> chol2inv()

P_aux <- P_12 %*% P_22_m
P_aux_2 <- Psi %*% P_aux

Psi_inv <- Psi_pred[ind_coef_2d, ind_coef_2d] |> chol() |> chol2inv()
A_pred <- Psi_pred[,ind_coef_2d] %*% Psi_inv
Psi_pred <- matrix(0, prod_n_tot, prod_n_tot)
Psi_pred[ind_fit, ind_fit] <- Psi
Psi_pred[ind_fit, - ind_fit] <- - P_aux_2
Psi_pred[- ind_fit, ind_fit] <- t(Psi_pred[ind_fit, - ind_fit])
Psi_pred[- ind_fit, - ind_fit] <- t(P_aux) %*% P_aux_2 + P_22_m

y_pred <- c(A_pred %*% c(object$y_hat))
std_y_pred <- sqrt(rowSums(A_pred * (A_pred %*% (object$U %*% object$Psi %*% t(object$U)))))
y_pred <- c(Psi_pred[,ind_fit] %*% c(object$wt * object$z))
std_y_pred <- sqrt(diag(Psi_pred))

dim(y_pred) <- dim(std_y_pred) <- n_pred # set dimension for output matrices
dim(y_pred) <- dim(std_y_pred) <- n_tot # set dimension for output matrices
dimnames(y_pred) <- dimnames(std_y_pred) <- full_data # set names for output matrices

object$y_pred <- y_pred
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -808,7 +805,8 @@ plot.WH_2d <- function(x, what = "y_hat", trans, ...) {
x <- unique(df$x)
t <- unique(df$t)

data <- matrix(c(df[[what]]), length(t), length(x), byrow = TRUE)
data <- matrix(c(if (what == "edf") df[["edf_obs"]] else df[[what]]),
length(t), length(x), byrow = TRUE)

t, x, data,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -862,7 +860,7 @@ WH_1d_fixed_lambda <- function(d, ec, y, wt, lambda = 1e3, q = 2, p,
z <- y
wt_pos <- c(wt)[which_pos]
z_pos <- c(z)[which_pos]
tUWU <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * U_pos)
tUWU <- crossprod(sqrt(wt_pos) * U_pos)
tUWz <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * z_pos)

} else {
Expand All @@ -888,7 +886,7 @@ WH_1d_fixed_lambda <- function(d, ec, y, wt, lambda = 1e3, q = 2, p,
z <- y_hat + d / wt - 1
wt_pos <- c(wt)[which_pos]
z_pos <- c(z)[which_pos]
tUWU <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * U_pos)
tUWU <- crossprod(sqrt(wt_pos) * U_pos)
tUWz <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * z_pos)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -929,7 +927,7 @@ WH_1d_fixed_lambda <- function(d, ec, y, wt, lambda = 1e3, q = 2, p,
names(y_hat) <- names(std_y_hat) <- names(res) <- names(edf_obs) <-
names(wt) <- names(z) <- names(y) # set names for output vectors

out <- list(y = y, wt = wt, y_hat = y_hat, std_y_hat = std_y_hat, res = res, edf_obs = edf_obs,
out <- list(y = y, wt = wt, z = z, y_hat = y_hat, std_y_hat = std_y_hat, res = res, edf_obs = edf_obs,
beta_hat = beta_hat, edf_par = edf_par, diagnosis = diagnosis,
U = U, Psi = Psi, lambda = lambda, p = p, q = q)
class(out) <- "WH_1d"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -972,7 +970,7 @@ WH_1d_outer <- function(d, ec, y, wt, q = 2, p, criterion = "REML", lambda = 1e3
z <- y
wt_pos <- c(wt)[which_pos]
z_pos <- c(z)[which_pos]
tUWU <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * U_pos)
tUWU <- crossprod(sqrt(wt_pos) * U_pos)
tUWz <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * z_pos)

} else {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1008,7 +1006,7 @@ WH_1d_outer <- function(d, ec, y, wt, q = 2, p, criterion = "REML", lambda = 1e3
z <- y_hat + d / wt - 1
wt_pos <- c(wt)[which_pos]
z_pos <- c(z)[which_pos]
tUWU <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * U_pos)
tUWU <- crossprod(sqrt(wt_pos) * U_pos)
tUWz <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * z_pos)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1086,7 +1084,7 @@ WH_1d_perf <- function(d, ec, y, wt, q = 2, p, criterion = "REML", lambda = 1e3,
z <- y
wt_pos <- c(wt)[which_pos]
z_pos <- c(z)[which_pos]
tUWU <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * U_pos)
tUWU <- crossprod(sqrt(wt_pos) * U_pos)
tUWz <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * z_pos)

} else {
Expand All @@ -1112,7 +1110,7 @@ WH_1d_perf <- function(d, ec, y, wt, q = 2, p, criterion = "REML", lambda = 1e3,
z <- y_hat + d / wt - 1
wt_pos <- c(wt)[which_pos]
z_pos <- c(z)[which_pos]
tUWU <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * U_pos)
tUWU <- crossprod(sqrt(wt_pos) * U_pos)
tUWz <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * z_pos)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1216,7 +1214,7 @@ WH_2d_fixed_lambda <- function(d, ec, y, wt, lambda = c(1e3, 1e3), q = c(2, 2),
z <- y
wt_pos <- c(wt)[which_pos]
z_pos <- c(z)[which_pos]
tUWU <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * U_pos)
tUWU <- crossprod(sqrt(wt_pos) * U_pos)
tUWz <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * z_pos)

} else {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1245,7 +1243,7 @@ WH_2d_fixed_lambda <- function(d, ec, y, wt, lambda = c(1e3, 1e3), q = c(2, 2),
z <- y_hat + d / wt - 1
wt_pos <- c(wt)[which_pos]
z_pos <- c(z)[which_pos]
tUWU <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * U_pos)
tUWU <- crossprod(sqrt(wt_pos) * U_pos)
tUWz <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * z_pos)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1289,7 +1287,7 @@ WH_2d_fixed_lambda <- function(d, ec, y, wt, lambda = c(1e3, 1e3), q = c(2, 2),
dimnames(y_hat) <- dimnames(std_y_hat) <- dimnames(res) <- dimnames(edf_obs) <-
dimnames(wt) <- dimnames(y) # set names for output matrices

out <- list(y = y, wt = wt, y_hat = y_hat, std_y_hat = std_y_hat, res = res, edf_obs = edf_obs,
out <- list(y = y, wt = wt, z = z, y_hat = y_hat, std_y_hat = std_y_hat, res = res, edf_obs = edf_obs,
beta_hat = beta_hat, edf_par = edf_par, diagnosis = diagnosis,
U = U, Psi = Psi, lambda = lambda, p = p, q = q)
class(out) <- "WH_2d"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1327,7 +1325,7 @@ WH_2d_outer <- function(d, ec, y, wt, q = c(2, 2), p, criterion = "REML", lambda
z <- y
wt_pos <- c(wt)[which_pos]
z_pos <- c(z)[which_pos]
tUWU <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * U_pos)
tUWU <- crossprod(sqrt(wt_pos) * U_pos)
tUWz <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * z_pos)

} else {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1365,7 +1363,7 @@ WH_2d_outer <- function(d, ec, y, wt, q = c(2, 2), p, criterion = "REML", lambda
z <- y_hat + d / wt - 1
wt_pos <- c(wt)[which_pos]
z_pos <- c(z)[which_pos]
tUWU <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * U_pos)
tUWU <- crossprod(sqrt(wt_pos) * U_pos)
tUWz <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * z_pos)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1446,7 +1444,7 @@ WH_2d_perf <- function(d, ec, y, wt, q = c(2, 2), p, criterion = "REML", lambda
z <- y
wt_pos <- c(wt)[which_pos]
z_pos <- c(z)[which_pos]
tUWU <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * U_pos)
tUWU <- crossprod(sqrt(wt_pos) * U_pos)
tUWz <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * z_pos)

} else {
Expand All @@ -1472,7 +1470,7 @@ WH_2d_perf <- function(d, ec, y, wt, q = c(2, 2), p, criterion = "REML", lambda
z <- y_hat + d / wt - 1
wt_pos <- c(wt)[which_pos]
z_pos <- c(z)[which_pos]
tUWU <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * U_pos)
tUWU <- crossprod(sqrt(wt_pos) * U_pos)
tUWz <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * z_pos)

Expand Down

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