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version 1.0-12
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Charles C. Berry authored and cran-robot committed Sep 16, 2003
1 parent b7dcefd commit 259fc76
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Showing 18 changed files with 139 additions and 61 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions CHANGES
Expand Up @@ -91,3 +91,6 @@ Version: 1.0-11
add src/Makevars for BLAS usage


Version: 1.0-12
R_Ext/Mathlib.h is deprecated - change to Rmath.h
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions DESCRIPTION
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Package: bqtl
Version: 1.0-11
Date: 2003-25-03
Version: 1.0-12
Date: 2003-16-09
Title: Bayesian QTL mapping toolkit
Author: Charles C. Berry <>
Maintainer: Charles C. Berry <>
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/version.bqtl.R
@@ -1 +1 @@
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion TITLE

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion man/bqtl-internal.Rd
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
Internal bqtl functions and objects
"%equiv%"( x, y )
map.dx(lambda, theta, min.lambda)
rhs.bqtl(reg.terms, ana.obj, bqtl.specials, local.covar, scope,
expand.specials = NULL, method, ...)
Expand Down
61 changes: 49 additions & 12 deletions man/little.bc.markers.Rd
Expand Up @@ -21,18 +21,55 @@ a factor with levels
a factor with levels
a factor with levels
\item{m.3}{ ditto }
\item{m.4}{ ditto }
\item{m.5}{ ditto }
\item{m.6}{ ditto }
\item{m.7}{ ditto }
\item{m.8}{ ditto }
\item{m.9}{ ditto }
\item{m.10}{ ditto }
\item{m.11}{ ditto }
\item{m.12}{ ditto }
\item{m.13}{ ditto }
\item{m.14}{ ditto }
\item{m.15}{ ditto }
\item{m.16}{ ditto }
\item{m.17}{ ditto }
\item{m.18}{ ditto }
\item{m.19}{ ditto }
\item{m.20}{ ditto }
\item{m.21}{ ditto }
\item{m.22}{ ditto }
\item{m.23}{ ditto }
\item{m.24}{ ditto }
\item{m.25}{ ditto }
\item{m.26}{ ditto }
\item{m.27}{ ditto }
\item{m.28}{ ditto }
\item{m.29}{ ditto }
\item{m.30}{ ditto }
\item{m.31}{ ditto }
\item{m.32}{ ditto }
\item{m.33}{ ditto }
\item{m.34}{ ditto }
\item{m.35}{ ditto }
\item{m.36}{ ditto }
\item{m.37}{ ditto }
\item{m.38}{ ditto }
\item{m.39}{ ditto }
\item{m.40}{ ditto }
\item{m.41}{ ditto }
\item{m.42}{ ditto }
\item{m.43}{ ditto }
\item{m.44}{ ditto }
\item{m.45}{ ditto }
\item{m.46}{ ditto }
\item{m.47}{ ditto }
\item{m.48}{ ditto }
\item{m.49}{ ditto }
\item{m.50}{ ditto }
\item{row.names}{row names}}
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions man/little.dx.Rd
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
\title{ Marker Map Description for Simulated Data }
The \code{little.dx} data frame has 50 rows and 2 columns that specify
The \code{} data frame has 50 rows and 2 columns that specify
the map locations of a simulated set of markers }

This data frame contains the following columns:
a factor with levels
\code{m.1} \dots \code{m.50}
a numeric vector of map locations in centimorgans
Expand Down
49 changes: 45 additions & 4 deletions man/little.f2.markers.Rd
Expand Up @@ -22,18 +22,59 @@ a factor with levels
\item{m.3}{ ditto }
\item{m.4}{ ditto }
\item{m.5}{ ditto }
\item{m.6}{ ditto }
\item{m.7}{ ditto }
\item{m.8}{ ditto }
\item{m.9}{ ditto }
\item{m.10}{ ditto }
\item{m.11}{ ditto }
\item{m.12}{ ditto }
\item{m.13}{ ditto }
\item{m.14}{ ditto }
\item{m.15}{ ditto }
\item{m.16}{ ditto }
\item{m.17}{ ditto }
\item{m.18}{ ditto }
\item{m.19}{ ditto }
\item{m.20}{ ditto }
\item{m.21}{ ditto }
\item{m.22}{ ditto }
\item{m.23}{ ditto }
\item{m.24}{ ditto }
a factor with levels
\item{m.26}{ ditto }
\item{m.27}{ ditto }
\item{m.28}{ ditto }
\item{m.29}{ ditto }
\item{m.30}{ ditto }
\item{m.31}{ ditto }
\item{m.32}{ ditto }
\item{m.33}{ ditto }
\item{m.34}{ ditto }
\item{m.35}{ ditto }
\item{m.36}{ ditto }
\item{m.37}{ ditto }
\item{m.38}{ ditto }
\item{m.39}{ ditto }
\item{m.40}{ ditto }
\item{m.41}{ ditto }
\item{m.42}{ ditto }
\item{m.43}{ ditto }
\item{m.44}{ ditto }
a factor with levels
\item{m.46}{ ditto }
\item{m.47}{ ditto }
\item{m.48}{ ditto }
a factor with levels
Expand All @@ -46,7 +87,7 @@ a factor with levels
\item{row.names}{row names}}

5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions man/
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
\title{ Package of Simulated Marker Map Information }
The \code{} data frame has 50 rows and 9 columns that
describe the marker map of \code{\link{little.dx}} in the format
describe the marker map of \code{\link{}} in the format
produced by \code{\link{}. \code{} has the
minimal data needed to construct this.}
Expand All @@ -19,7 +18,7 @@ a factor with levels
a vector of locations
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion man/
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ This data frame contains the following columns:
The marker names taken from \code{} and those created to
fill virtual markers in between actual markers.
a vector of locations
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions man/locus.Rd
Expand Up @@ -13,8 +13,7 @@ function. It is used on the right hand side of a formula in the
locus(x, ..., scope, method, chromo, cM, ana.obj)}
locus(x, ..., scope, method, chromo, cM, ana.obj)
Expand Down
11 changes: 5 additions & 6 deletions man/map.index.Rd
Expand Up @@ -10,20 +10,19 @@ its row (their rows). \code{map.index} performs a lookup in a specific
two) map distance(s).
map.index(x, ...)
map.index(x, ... )
%- maybe also `usage' for other objects documented here.
\item{x }{A \code{map.frame} or \code{analysis.object}}
\item{...}{ For methods that look up a location in a \code{map.frame}
the following named arguments may be used}
\item{chromo }{A chromosome number or 2 ordered numbers }
\item{cM }{(Optional) map distance or two. If the same chromosome
the following named arguments may be used:
\code{chromo }{A chromosome number or 2 ordered numbers }
\code{cM }{(Optional) map distance or two. If the same chromosome
number is used twice in \code{chromo}, \code{cM} must be
ordered. If \code{cM} is omitted, all loci on the chromosome will
be included.}
It is often convenient to refer to genetic loci or regions by the
numerical index(es) in a \code{map.frame}. \code{map.index} allows
Expand Down
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions man/map.location.Rd
Expand Up @@ -10,24 +10,24 @@
Report the chromosome number and location of loci in a genetic map.
map.location(x,\dots )
map.loc(x, \dots )

\item{x}{A object of class \code{map.frame},\code{analysis.object},
\code{bqtl}, or \code{bqtl.list}}
\item{\dots}{Other arguments usage depend on the class of \code{x} }
\item{y}{A vector of row numbers or \code{map.names} specifying which
\item{\dots}{Other arguments usage depend on the class of \code{x} :
\code{y}{A vector of row numbers or \code{map.names} specifying which
subset of the \code{map.frame} of \code{x} is to be returned}
\item{chromo}{A vector of chromosome numbers}
\item{cM }{(Optional) map distance vector. If the same chromosome
\code{chromo}{A vector of chromosome numbers}
\code{cM }{(Optional) map distance vector. If the same chromosome
number is used twice in \code{chromo}, \code{cM} must be
ordered. If \code{cM} is omitted, all loci on each chromosome listed
in \code{chromo} will be included.}

\item{map.names}{A vector of \code{map.names}}
\code{map.names}{A vector of \code{map.names}}
\details{ It is often helpful to refer to genentic loci by their
locations. The methods of \code{map.location} (alias \code{map.loc})
will extract the row index, chromosome number and location, and the name
Expand Down
17 changes: 9 additions & 8 deletions man/
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
of the sort created by \code{\link{}}
\method{plot}{map.frame}(x, ...)
\method{plot}{map.frame}(x, y, ...)
\synopsis{, y, fun, type, include.rug, rug.lwd,
Expand All @@ -22,16 +22,17 @@, y, fun, type, include.rug, rug.lwd,
will be drawn in a single frame representing the chromosomes as
horizontal bars and giving tic marks to show the locations markers
and virtual markers (if any). }
\item{fun}{ A plotting function to be used \emph{after} the plot axes and
\item{\dots}{ more args:
\code{fun}{ A plotting function to be used \emph{after} the plot axes and
labels have been drawn. The current default \code{if (y.type ==
"matrix") matlines else lines} usually is good enough. But a
fancier function could be used for a fancier plot. }
\item{type}{ \code{"l"} for lines, "p" for points, et cetera. see \code{\link{par}} }
\item{include.rug}{ if \code{TRUE} place a tick on the x-axis at each marker location }
\item{title.string}{(optional) label to prepend to each title }
\item{ylab}{plot label for y-axis, see \code{\link{par}} }
\item{xlab}{plot label for x-axis, see \code{\link{par}} }
\item{\dots}{(optional args to pass to \code{fun} }
\code{type}{ \code{"l"} for lines, "p" for points, et cetera. see \code{\link{par}} }
\code{include.rug}{ if \code{TRUE} place a tick on the x-axis at each marker location }
\code{title.string}{(optional) label to prepend to each title }
\code{ylab}{plot label for y-axis, see \code{\link{par}} }
\code{xlab}{plot label for x-axis, see \code{\link{par}} }
This function enables drawing graphs that depend on chromosome and
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion man/predict.linear.bayes.Rd
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
the 'intercept' is lost; see `Details' below.
\method{residuals}{linear.bayes}(object, newdata, return.resids})
Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions man/twohk.Rd
Expand Up @@ -17,19 +17,19 @@ twohk(varcov, ana.obj, ...)
\item{ana.obj}{An \code{analysis.object} --- see \code{make.analysis.obj} }
\item{\dots}{Additional arguments override the default choices of
candidate loci (\code{locs}), prior for locus (\code{locs.prior}),
or method specified by \code{ana.obj}. See the next arguments.}
\item{locs}{A vector indexing the loci to use.}
or method specified by \code{ana.obj}:
\code{locs}{A vector indexing the loci to use.}
The prior mass to associate with each locus. Typically, these sum
to one, but sometimes they might each be set to one (as in computing
lod scores). }
\item{combo.prior}{Only valid for \code{ana.obj$method=="F2"}.
\code{combo.prior}{Only valid for \code{ana.obj$method=="F2"}.
The prior probability for each term or combination of terms for the
phenotypic effect at a locus. Typically, there will be three of
these - one for the 'additive' term (linear in number of alleles
from one parent strain), the 'dominance' term (quadratic in allele
number), or both terms. The default sets them all to 1/3.}
The marginal posterior (integrating over regression parameters and
dispersion) is calculated for each one and two gene model under the
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/condreg.c
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
#include "lapadj.h"
#ifdef USING_R
#include <R_ext/Applic.h>
#include <R_ext/Mathlib.h>
#include <Rmath.h>
int F77_SYMBOL(dqrsl1)();
int F77_SYMBOL(dqr)();
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/hkreg.c
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
#include "lapadj.h"
#ifdef USING_R
#include <R_ext/Applic.h>
#include <R_ext/Mathlib.h>
#include <Rmath.h>
#define lgamma(x) lgammafn(x)
int F77_SYMBOL(dqrsl1)();
Expand Down

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